Undergraduate Bulletin
Spring 2025
SSE: Social Studies Education
SSE 100: Economics for Social Studies Teachers
An introduction to the principles of micro- and macroeconomics for students planning to become social studies teachers. The course will focus on economic concepts and reasoning with the goal of teaching prospective teachers how to apply these ideas to important public policy issues. Not for economics major credit. Formerly ECO 100. Not for credit in addition to ECO 100.
Prerequisite: Admission to the teacher preparation program in social studies
3 credits
SSE 350: Foundations of Education
An interdisciplinary study of the foundations of education focusing on the findings of the social and behavioral sciences as related to education and teaching. The course is designed to meet the needs of students enrolled in the secondary teacher preparation programs.
Prerequisite: Junior or Senior Standing
3 credits
SSE 397: Teaching Social Studies
Social studies as taught in the secondary schools: the nature of the social studies, curricula models, scope and sequence of topics offered, new programs of social studies instruction, etc. Designed for prospective teachers of social studies in secondary schools.
Prerequisites: Admission to a Social Studies Teacher Preparation program;
Corequisite: SSE 449 (formerly SSI 449)
3 credits
SSE 398: Social Studies Teaching Strategies
An examination of the instructional methods and materials for teaching social studies at the secondary school level. Designed for prospective teachers of social studies in secondary schools.
Prerequisite: Admission into a Social Studies Teacher Preparation program; C or higher in SSE 397 (formerly SSI 397)
Corequisite: SSE 450 (formerly SSI 450)
SBC: CER, EXP+, SPK3 credits
SSE 400: Experiential Learning, Speak Effectively, Practice Critical and Ethical Reasoning
A zero credit course that may be taken in conjunction with any SSE course that provides opportunity to achieve the learning outcomes of the Stony Brook Curriculum's CER, EXP+, and SPK learning objectives.
Pre- or corequisite: WRT 102 or equivalent; permission of the instructor
0 credit, S/U grading
SSE 447: Directed Readings in Social Studies Education
Individually supervised reading in selected topics of the social sciences. May be repeated, but total credit may not exceed more than six credits.
Prerequisite: Permission of instructor
1-3 credits
SSE 449: Field Experience, Grades 7-12
Observation, inquiry, and practice in social studies education at the secondary level including 50 hours of documented visitations and observation at documented sites. Field experience writing logs are the basis for group discussion. Satisfactory/Unsatisfactory grading.
Prerequisites: Admission to a Social Studies Teacher Preparation program;
Corequisite: SSE 397 (formerly SSI 397)
SBC: EXP+1 credit, S/U grading
SSE 450: Field Experience, Grades 7-12
Observation, inquiry, and practice in social studies education at the secondary level including 50 hours of documented visitations and observation at documented sites. Field experience writing logs are the basis for group discussion. Satisfactory/Unsatisfactory grading.
Prerequisite: Admission to a Social Studies Teacher Preparation program
Corequisite: SSE 398 (formerly SSI 398)
SBC: CER, EXP+, SPK1 credit, S/U grading
SSE 451: Supervised Student Teaching -- Middle Level Grades 7-9
Prospective secondary school social studies teachers receive supervised practice teaching by arrangements with selected Long Island secondary schools. The student teacher reports to the school to which he or she is assigned each full school day for the entire semester. Frequent consultation with the supervising teacher helps the student to interpret and evaluate the student teaching experience. Applications must be filed in the semester preceding that in which the student plans to student teach. The dates by which applications must be completed are announced in PEP Guide to Teacher Education.
Prerequisites: C or hgher in SSE 398 (formerly SSI 398); enrollment in the Social Studies Secondary Teacher Preparation Program; approval of social studies director
Corequisites: SSE 452 and 454 (formerly SSI 452 and 454)
SBC: CER, EXP+, SPK6 credits, S/U grading
SSE 452: Supervised Student Teaching-High School Grades 10-12
Prospective secondary school social studies teachers receive supervised practice teaching by arrangements with selected Long Island secondary schools. The student teacher reports to the school to which he or she is assigned each full school day for the entire semester. Frequent consultation with the supervising teacher helps the student to interpret and evaluate the student teaching experience. Applications must be filed in the semester preceding that in which the student plans to student teach. The dates by which applications must be completed are announced in PEP Guide to Teacher Education.
Prerequisites: C or hgher in SSE 398 (formerly SSI 398); enrollment in the Social Studies Secondary Teacher Preparation Program; approval of social studies director
Corequisites: SSE 451 and 454 (formerly SSI 451 and 454)
SBC: CER, EXP+, SPK6 credits, S/U grading
SSE 454: Student Teaching Seminar
Seminar on problems and issues of teaching social studies at the secondary school level. Analysis of actual problems and issues encountered by the student in his or her student teaching experience.
Prerequisite: C or higher in SSE 398 (formerly SSI 398)
Corequisites: SSE 451 and 452 (formerly SSI 451 and 452)
SBC: CER, EXP+, SPK3 credits
SSE 475: Undergrad Teachng Practicum I
Work with a faculty member as an assistant in one of the faculty member's regularly scheduled classes. The student is required to attend all the classes, do all the regularly assigned work, and meet with the faculty member at regularly scheduled times to discuss the intellectual and pedagogical matters relating to the course.
3 credits, S/U grading
SSE 476: Undergrad Teachng Practicum II
Work with a faculty member as an assistant in one of the faculty member's regularly scheduled classes. The student is required to attend all the classes, do all the regularly assigned work, and meet with the faculty member at regularly scheduled times to discuss the intellectual and pedagogical matters relating to the course. In SSE 476, students assume greater responsibility in such areas as leading discussions and analyzing results of tests that have already been graded. Students may not serve as teaching assistants in the same course twice.
3 credits, S/U grading
SSE 487: Independent Project in Social Sciences Education
Independent projects in social studies secondary school education designed for students enrolled in the social studies teacher preparation program. May be repeated.
Prerequisites: 18 credits in the social and behavioral sciences; permission of instructor
0-6 credits