Undergraduate Bulletin

Spring 2025

RUS: Russian Language and Literature

RUS 101: Intensive Elementary Russian

An intensive course covering the elementary Russian program (RUS 111, 112) in one semester. RUS 101 is designed for students who have no prior knowledge of the language. A student who has had two or more years of Russian in high school (or who has otherwise acquired an equivalent proficiency) may not take this course without written permission from the supervisor of the course. May not be taken for credit after any other course in Russian.

DEC:     S3

6 credits

RUS 111: Elementary Russian I

An introduction to Russian. The course, together with its continuation RUS 112, is designed to develop functional competence in speaking, listening, reading, writing at the elementary level of Russian and to acquaint students with aspects of Russian culture. Course consists of 3 hours per week in group setting plus an online recitation hour. The course is designed for students who have no prior knowledge of the language.

Partially fulfills: LANG

4 credits

RUS 112: Elementary Russian II

An introduction to Russian. The course is a continuation of RUS 111, and is designed to develop functional competence in speaking, listening, reading, writing at the elementary level of Russian and to acquaint students with aspects of Russian culture. Course consists of 3 hours per week in group setting plus an online recitation hour.

Prerequisite: C or better in RUS 111

DEC:     S3

4 credits

RUS 211: Intermediate Russian I

Intermediate course in Russian stressing an active command of the language. The course continues RUS 111/112 and focuses on the development of functional competence in all four language skills: speaking, reading, listening and writing, while building a solid grammatical base. May not be taken for credit in addition to RUS 213.

Prerequisite: RUS 112

DEC:     S3

3 credits

RUS 212: Intermediate Russian II

Intermediate courses in Russian stressing an active command of the language that continues RUS 211 and focuses on further development of functional competence in all four language skills: speaking, reading, listening and writing, while building a solid grammatical base. May not be taken for credit in addition to RUS 213.

Prerequisite: RUS 211

DEC:     S3

3 credits

RUS 213: Intermediate Russian for Students of Russian-Speaking Background

A course intended for students who already speak Russian and who need training in writing, reading, and grammar. May not be taken for credit in addition to RUS 211 or 212. The course is not intended for students who have the equivalent of a Russian high school education.

Prerequisite: Native-speaking proficiency in Russian

DEC:     S3

3 credits

RUS 311: Russian Conversation and Composition

A course in the active use of spoken and written Russian. Particular emphasis is placed on contemporary idiom.

Prerequisites: RUS 212 or 213; permission of instructor required for students of Russian-speaking background

DEC:     S3

3 credits

RUS 312: Russian Conversation and Composition

A course in the active use of spoken and written Russian. Particular emphasis is placed on contemporary idiom.

Prerequisites: RUS 212 or 213; permission of instructor required for students of Russian-speaking background

DEC:     S3

3 credits

RUS 323: Russian Literary Texts

A survey of representative texts chosen from various periods of Russian literature. Intended to improve the students' command of the literary language; readings and discussions are in Russian.

Prerequisite: RUS 312 or equivalent proficiency in Russian

DEC:     G & 3
SBC:     HFA+

3 credits

RUS 331: Contemporary Russian Literacy

The study of Russian Language and culture past the intermediate level through the use of internet resources. Intended to develop contemporary cultural literacy through online research, readings in online media and texts, writing essays and blogs in Russian.

Prerequisites: RUS 212 and 213, or equivalent

SBC:     HFA+

3 credits

RUS 332: Professional Russian

This course is intended as an opportunity for students to use class time to research literature written in Russian pertaining to their majors. The course will be taught online but has several mandatory in-person meetings on campus and will make use of internet resources for research, reading and writing tasks. The primary goals will be the enrichment of professional vocabulary and development of advanced reading and writing proficiency in the student's major field of study.

Prerequisites: RUS 212 and 213, or equivalent

3 credits

RUS 411: Advanced Russian I (Fourth-year)

A proficiency-oriented course intended for fourth-year students of Russian who have completed six semesters of college-level instruction or the equivalent. The course focuses on advanced topics in grammar and syntax and sets as a goal an active vocabulary of 2,250 words. Particular attention will be devoted to oral and written skills through oral presentations and essays respectively. The expected outcome is language ability ranging from intermediate high to advanced low as determined by ACTFL Proficiency Guidelines.

Prerequisite: RUS 312 or equivalent


3 credits

RUS 412: Advanced Russian II (Fourth-year)

A proficiency-oriented course intended for fourth-year students of Russian who have completed seven semesters of college-level instruction or the equivalent. The course focuses on advanced topics in grammar, syntax, word formation and derivation and sets as a goal an active vocabulary of 2,500 words. Particular attention will be devoted to oral and written skills through oral presentations and essays respectively. The expected outcome is language ability ranging from advanced low to advanced mid as determined by ACTFL Proficiency Guidelines.

Prerequisite: RUS 411 or equivalent


3 credits

RUS 439: Structure of Russian

The study of Russian phonetics, phonology, and morphology, with a discussion of different theoretical approaches as well as practical application. This course is especially recommended for prospective teachers of Russian.

Prerequisite: RUS 212 or equivalent proficiency in Russian

DEC:     S3
SBC:     HFA+

3 credits

RUS 444: Experiential Learning

This course is designed for students who engage in a substantial, structured experiential learning activity in conjunction with another class. Experiential learning occurs when knowledge acquired through formal learning and past experience are applied to a "real-world" setting or problem to create new knowledge through a process of reflection, critical analysis, feedback and synthesis. Beyond-the-classroom experiences that support experiential learning may include: service learning, mentored research, field work, or an internship.

Prerequisite: WRT 102 or equivalent; permission of the instructor and approval of the EXP+ contract (http://sb.cc.stonybrook.edu/bulletin/current/policiesandregulations/degree_requirements/EXPplus.php)

SBC:     EXP+

0 credit, S/U grading

RUS 447: Directed Readings in Russian

A program of independent advanced study for qualified juniors and seniors under the supervision of a faculty member. Repeatable to a maximum of 12 credits.

Prerequisites: RUS 311, 312 or equivalent proficiency in Russian; a 300- or 400-level course in Russian literature; permission of instructor and department

DEC:     S3
SBC:     EXP+

1-3 credits

RUS 475: Undergraduate Teaching Practicum in Russian I

Each student conducts a regular problem or tutorial section that supplements a regular language course under the guidance of a master teacher. Responsibilities may include preparing material for discussion and helping students with problems. Not for major or minor credit.

Prerequisites: Fluency in Russian; permission of instructor and department

DEC:     S3
SBC:     EXP+

3 credits, S/U grading

RUS 476: Undergraduate Teaching Practicum in Russian II

Work with a faculty member as an assistant in one of the faculty member's regularly scheduled classes. Students assume greater responsibility in such areas as leading discussions and analyzing results of tests that have already been graded. The course in which the student is permitted to work as a teaching assistant must be different from the course in which he or she previously served.

Prerequisites: Fluency in Russian; permission of instructor and department

DEC:     S3
SBC:     EXP+

3 credits, S/U grading

RUS 491: Special Author

A detailed study of the works of a major 19th- or 20th-century author, such as Pushkin, Gogol, Turgenev, or Blok. Readings are in Russian, and classes are conducted largely in Russian. May be repeated as the topic changes.

Prerequisites: HUR 141, 142; RUS 312 or equivalent proficiency in Russian

DEC:     G & 3
SBC:     HFA+

3 credits

RUS 492: Special Genre or Period

A detailed study of a special genre such as the Russian novel or Russian drama, or period such as Soviet literature. Readings are in Russian, and classes are conducted largely in Russian. May be repeated as the topic changes.

Prerequisites: HUR 141, 142; RUS 312 or equivalent proficiency in Russian

DEC:     G & 3
SBC:     HFA+

3 credits

RUS 495: Senior Honors Project in Russian

A one-semester project for seniors. Arranged in consultation with the department, the project involves writing a paper, under the close supervision of an appropriate instructor, on a suitable topic. Students who are candidates for honors take this course.

Prerequisite: Permission of department

DEC:     S3
SBC:     EXP+

3 credits