Undergraduate Bulletin

Spring 2025

MVL: Medieval Studies

MVL 141: The Legend of King Arthur

A study of the development of the legend of King Arthur from the earliest references in medieval English chronicles through the flowering and fixing of the tradition in French and German literary works of the High and Late Middle Ages. Among the texts considered are works by Bede, Giraldus Cambrensis, Geoffrey of Monmouth, Chretien de Troyes, Wolfram von Eschenbach, and Hartmann von Aue.

DEC:     B

3 credits

MVL 241: Heroes and Warriors

A study of the warrior-hero in Western literature from the Greeks through the Middle Ages. Works include Homer's Iliad, the Poetic Edda, The Lay of Hildebrand, Beowulf, The Lay of the Nibelungen, and the Song of Roland.

Advisory Prerequisite: One course in medieval history or literature

DEC:     G

3 credits

MVL 447: Independent Readings and Research

Independently supervised readings in selected topics in medieval studies. May be repeated.

Prerequisites: Permission of instructor and department

1-3 credits

MVL 475: Undergraduate Teaching Practicum I

Work with a faculty member as an assistant in one of the faculty mamber's regularly scheduled classes. The student is required to attend all the classes, do all the regularly assigned work and meet with the faculty member at regularly scheduled times to discuss the intellectual and pedagogical matters relating to the course.

Prerequisites: U3 or U4 standing; permission of instructor and department

SBC:     EXP+

3 credits, S/U grading

MVL 476: Undergraduate Teaching Practicum II

Work with a faculty member as an assistant in one of the faculty member's regularly scheduled classes. The student is required to attend all the classes, do all the regularly assigned work and meet with the faculty member at regularly scheduled times to discuss the intellectual and pedagogical matters relating to the course. Students assume greater responsibility in such areas as leading discussions and analyzing results of tests that have alreadly been graded. Students may not serve as teaching assistants in the same course twice.

Prerequisite: MVL 475; permission of instructor and department

SBC:     EXP+

3 credits, S/U grading