Undergraduate Bulletin
Spring 2025
LHW: Living/Learning Center in Health and Wellness
LHW 102: Introductory Seminar to the Health Professions
An exploration of the scope of practice for selected health professions. The course includes seminars by invited speakers in the health professions. Students are required to actively investigate several similar professions in order to better understand similarities and differences. Professions explored include medicine, nursing, dentistry, physical therapy, occupational therapy, clinical laboratory sciences, respiratory care, and physician assistant. Not for credit in addition to HAS 190.
1 credit
LHW 301: Issues in Health and Wellness
An investigation of selected topics in health and wellness, chosen by the class as a whole. Students are required to actively investigate their chosen area and present their findings to the class. Topics are determined through class discussion, individual investigation, and mutual consent.
Prerequisite: U3 or U4 status
3 credits
LHW 488: Internship in Health and Wellness
An experience in health and/or wellness promotion, prevention, and/or education. Students learn about contemporary issues in health and wellness through hands-on work with faculty mentors and on- and off-campus health and wellness professionals. May be repeated up to a limit of 6 credits.
Prerequisites: LHW 301; permission of director of the minor
0-6 credits, S/U grading