Undergraduate Bulletin
Spring 2025
LHD: Living/Learning:Human Sexual & Gender Development
LHD 305: HIV Reduction in the Campus Context
First course of a two-semester sequence addressing issues of HIV transmission and risk reduction, including identifying opportunities to discuss risk and promote risk reduction, and supporting the process of behavior change. Examination of the history of the AIDS epidemic in the U.S. and around the world.
Prerequisite: Permission of instructor
Corequisite: LHD 307
2 credits
LHD 306: HIV Reduction in the Campus Context
Second course of a two-semester sequence addressing issues of HIV transmission and risk reduction, including identifying opportunities to discuss risk and promote risk reduction, and supporting the process of behavior change. Examination of the history of the AIDS epidemic in the U.S. and around the world.
Prerequisites: LHD 305 and 307; permission of instructor
Corequisite: LHD 308
2 credits
LHD 307: Laboratory in HIV Reduction in the Campus Context
A forum for discussion of the application of material learned in LHD 305 and 306. The course focuses on the development of skills necessary to accomplish education and behavior changes among the peers of course participants, and monitors individual progress toward that end.
Prerequisite: Permission of instructor
Corequisite: LHD 305
1 credit, S/U grading
LHD 308: Laboratory in HIV Reduction in the Campus Context
A forum for discussion of the application of material learned in LHD 305 and 306. The course focuses on the development of skills necessary to accomplish education and behavior changes among the peers of course participants, and monitors individual progress toward that end.
Prerequisites: LHD 305 and 307; permission of instructor;
Corequisite: LHD 306
1 credit, S/U grading
LHD 487: Independent Study in Human Sexual and Gender Development
The completion of an individual project by one student or a group of students on human sexual and gender development and the life course. Projects must include both library and field research, or a literary or artistic endeavor. May be repeated once.
Prerequisites: LHD 101 or 301; LHD 302; permission of director of the minor
0-3 credits