Undergraduate Bulletin

Spring 2025

LDR: LLC: Leadership Development

LDR 210: Principles of Leadership

Students will be introduced to the theory and practice of leadership. Classes will focus on the concepts of leadership and how students can incorporate these into their experiences as student leaders as well as in non-university programs.

3 credits

LDR 310: Case Studies in Leadership

This course will focus on concepts integral to effective leadership. Historical and contemporary case studies will be utilized to highlight examples of both ineffective and effective leadership. Students will gain an understanding of both positive and negative leadership as well as formal and informal leadership models.

Prerequisites: LDR 210

SBC:     SPK

3 credits

LDR 410: Leadership Exploration and Practicum

This course will synthesize the content of LDR 210 and LDR 310, and explore the relationship of related interdisciplinary concepts from elective courses and discuss the on-going learning taking place during the simultaneous practicum component.

Prerequisites: LDR 210 or SOC 268; LDR 310; U4 standing; declaration of LDR minor

SBC:     EXP+

3 credits

LDR 488: Internship in Leadership Development

This faculty-mentored internship offers students a personalized experiential learning opportunity designed to build on classroom knowledge and skills by exploring applications of leadership in real-world settings. Through participation in an internship at an on-campus or off-campus organization, students learn about and practice key concepts in the field of leadership, such as branding, ethics, motivation, team development, group dynamics, cultural competence, communication, social justice, and social change. Throughout the semester, students are required to submit written reflections on their internship experiences and meet regularly with their faculty mentor to assess progress. May be repeated up to a limit of 6 credits.

Prerequisite: permission of the director of the minor

SBC:     EXP+

1-6 credits, S/U grading