Undergraduate Bulletin
Spring 2025
LAN: Uncommonly Taught Languages
LAN 111: Uncommonly Taught Language (Elementary) I
An introduction to a language not offered elsewhere in the University; speaking, comprehension, reading, and writing. Selected texts are read. Practice in the language laboratory supplements class work. May be repeated for different languages. This course is designed for students who have no prior knowledge of the language. A student who has had two or more years of the offered language in high school (or who has otherwise acquired an equivalent proficiency) may not take LAN 111 in that language without written permission from the supervisor of the course.
3 credits
LAN 112: Uncommonly Taught Language (Elementary) II
An introduction to a language not offered elsewhere in the University; speaking, comprehension, reading, and writing. Selected texts are read. Practice in the language laboratory supplements class work. May be repeated for different languages. No student who has had two or more years of the offered language in high school (or who has otherwise acquired an equivalent proficiency) may receive credit for LAN 112 in that language without written permission from the supervisor of the course.
Prerequisite: C or better in LAN 111
3 credits
LAN 211: Uncommonly Taught Language (Intermediate) I
Continued study of a language not offered elsewhere in the University; advanced speaking, comprehension, reading, writing, and grammar. Selected texts are read. Practice in the language laboratory supplements class work. May be repeated for different languages. A student who has had four years of the offered language in high school (or who has otherwise acquired an equivalent proficiency) may not take LAN in that language without written permission from the supervisor of the course.
Prerequisite: LAN 112
3 credits
LAN 212: Uncommonly Taught Language (Intermediate) II
Continued study of a language not offered elsewhere in the University; advanced speaking, comprehension, reading, writing, and grammar. Selected texts are read. Practice in the language laboratory supplements class work. May be repeated for different languages. A student who has had four years of the offered language in high school (or who has otherwise acquired an equivalent proficiency) may not take LAN in that language without written permission from the supervisor of the course.
Prerequisite: LAN 211
3 credits
LAN 447: Directed Readings in Uncommonly Taught Languages
Intensive study of an uncommonly taught language arranged in consultation with a faculty member.
Prerequisite: Permission of instructor
1-6 credits
LAN 475: Practicum in Language Teaching I
Proficient speakers of selected languages have an opportunity to learn techniques of language teaching or linguistic analysis by assisting a master teacher in small tutorial sections. Students meet at least weekly with their faculty supervisors to discuss teaching strategies and problems encountered.
Prerequisites: LIN 101; fluency in the language being taught; U3 or U4 standing; permission of instructor.
3 credits, S/U grading
LAN 476: Practicum in Language Teaching II
Proficient speakers of selected languages have an opportunity to learn techniques of language teaching or linguistic analysis by assisting a master teacher in small tutorial sections. Students meet at least weekly with their faculty supervisors to discuss teaching strategies and problems encountered.
Prerequisites: LAN 475; fluency in the language being taught; permission of instructor.
3 credits, S/U grading