Undergraduate Bulletin

Spring 2025

LAC: Latin American and Caribbean Studies

LAC 200: Introduction to Latin American and Caribbean Societies

Introduction to social science, historical, and cultural perspectives on Latin America and the Caribbean, as well as on Latino communities in the United States. The goal is to develop a critical and broad understanding of Latin America's social and historical problems and challenges and an appreciation of the region's economic and cultural contributions.

DEC:     J
SBC:     GLO

3 credits

LAC 487: Independent Research in Latin American and Caribbean Studies

Supervised research with faculty in the Latin American and Caribbean Studies program. Students develop their own research projects under the supervision of a faculty member or assist with a faculty member's own research. May be repeated to a limit of 6 credits.

Prerequisites: 15 credits toward the Latin American and Caribbean studies minor; permission of instructor

0-6 credits

LAC 488: Internship

Volunteer work in community, research organizations, or cultural centers relating to Latin American or Latino affairs, arranged in consultaton with the LACC director. Current list of intern opportunities available at the LACC, Social and Behavioral Sciences building, N-333.

Prerequisites: 15 credits in LAC studies; permission of instructor and director

SBC:     EXP+

0-6 credits, S/U grading