Undergraduate Bulletin

Spring 2025

ITL: Italian

ITL 101: Intensive Elementary Italian

An intensive course covering the elementary Italian program (ITL 111, 112) in one semester. ITL 101 is designed for students who have no prior knowledge of the language. A student who has had two or more years of Italian in high school (or who has otherwise acquired an equivalent proficiency) may not take this course without written permission from the supervisor of the course. May not be taken for credit after any other course in Italian.

DEC:     S3

6 credits

ITL 111: Elementary Italian I

An introduction to spoken and written Italian, stressing pronunciation, speaking, comprehension, reading, and writing. Selected texts are read. Practice in language laboratory supplements class work. ITL 111 is designed for students who have no prior knowledge of the language. A student who has had two or more years of Italian in high school (or who has otherwise acquired an equivalent proficiency) may not take ITL 111 without written permission from the supervisor of the course. May not be taken for credit in addition to ITL 101.

Partially fulfills: LANG

4 credits

ITL 112: Elementary Italian II

An introduction to spoken and written Italian, stressing pronunciation, speaking, comprehension, reading, and writing. Selected texts are read. Practice in language laboratory supplements class work. May not be taken for credit in addition to ITL 101.

Prerequisite: C or better in ITL 111 or placement into 112. See https://www.stonybrook.edu/commcms/llrc/placement_challenge_exams/ for more information.

DEC:     S3

4 credits

ITL 201: Intensive Intermediate Italian

An intensive course covering the intermediate Italian program (ITL 211, 212) in one semester. May not be taken for credit in addition to ITL 211, 212.

Prerequisite: ITL 101 or 112 or placement into 201 or 211. See https://www.stonybrook.edu/commcms/llrc/placement_challenge_exams/ for more information.

DEC:     S3

6 credits

ITL 211: Intermediate Italian 1

Development of functional competence in speaking, listening, reading, writing, and culture in interpersonal, interpretive and presentational modes of communication. Expansion of insight into the nature of languages and the integration of languages and cultures, with connections to other disciplines. Cultural and linguistic comparisons. May not be taken for credit in addition to ITL 201.

Prerequisite: ITL 101 or 112 or placement into 201 or 211. See https://www.stonybrook.edu/commcms/llrc/placement_challenge_exams/ for more information.

DEC:     S3

3 credits

ITL 212: Intermediate Italian 2

Development of functional competence in speaking, listening, reading, writing, and culture in interpersonal, interpretive and presentational modes of communication. Emphasis on comparison of languages and cultures and on the use of the Italian language in communities both within and beyond the university setting. Study and discussion of cultures in the Italian speaking world through film, literature, music, newspapers. May not be taken for credit in addition to ITL 201.

Prerequisite: ITL 211 or placement into 212. See https://www.stonybrook.edu/commcms/llrc/placement_challenge_exams/ for more information.

DEC:     S3

3 credits

ITL 311: Italian Conversation and Composition 1

A course in spoken and written Italian, with emphasis on precision and fluency in the spoken form.

Prerequisite: ITL 201 or 212

DEC:     S3

3 credits

ITL 312: Italian Conversation and Composition 2

Reading of selected short passages of prose and poetry in class, with emphasis on improved writing skills, oral expression, and increased mastery of Italian syntax and techniques of literary analysis.

Prerequisite: ITL 201 or 212

DEC:     S3

3 credits

ITL 313: Italian Vocabulary

A course designed to increase the vocabulary and oral comprehension of students of Italian through media such as television commercials, popular music, folk songs, etc. The particular theme changes each semester. May be repeated twice for credit as the topic changes.

Prerequisite: ITL 201 or 212

DEC:     S3
SBC:     HFA+

3 credits

ITL 395: Italian Literature and Culture

Through selected readings, textual analysis, and class discussion, the course illuminates the history of Italian literature and cultures and their enduring relevance in today's world.

Prerequisite: ITL 201 or ITL 212 or Permission of Instructor

DEC:     G & 3
SBC:     HFA+

3 credits

ITL 396: Literature and Visual Cultures in Italy

An interdisciplinary exploration of the dynamic relationship between literature and visual cultures in Italy.

Prerequisite: ITL 201 or ITL 212 or Permission of Instructor

DEC:     G & 3
SBC:     HFA+

3 credits

ITL 410: Business Italian

A course designed for students who wish to become more proficient in reading, writing, and translating Italian. Students are also trained in the use of Italian in business, in administration, and in everyday professional life. Emphasis is placed on the idiomatic peculiarities of the Italian language and the relation of Italian to the structure of English.

Prerequisites: ITL 311 and 312

DEC:     S3
SBC:     HFA+

3 credits

ITL 411: Advanced Conversation and Composition

A course designed to develop fluency and accuracy in the use of the spoken language through intensive practice, exposition, class discussion, and the use of the language laboratory.

Prerequisites: ITL 311 and 312

DEC:     S3

3 credits

ITL 412: Advanced Conversation and Syntax

A course designed to acquaint students with the subtleties of Italian grammar and style. Extensive practice in composition and in translation from English to Italian.

Prerequisites: ITL 311 and 312

DEC:     S3

3 credits

ITL 424: History of the Italian Language

A study of the history of the Italian language from Latin to its present form.

Prerequisites: ITL 311 and 312

DEC:     S3
SBC:     HFA+

3 credits

ITL 425: Italian and Its Dialects

An examination of the Italian dialects within the larger framework of Romance language development, particularly through primary texts (medieval to modern) in various Italian dialects.

Prerequisite: ITl 311; ITL 312; HUL 324; or permission of instructor

DEC:     S3
SBC:     HFA+

3 credits

ITL 426: Italian Linguistics

An examination of the linguistic evolution and the synchronic structures (phonology, morphology, and syntax) of standard Italian and some Italo-Romance dialects.

Prerequisite: ITl 311; ITL 312; HUL 324; or permission of instructor

DEC:     S3
SBC:     HFA+

3 credits

ITL 431: Studies in 13th- and 14th-Century Literature

May be repeated as the topic changes.

Prerequisites: ITL 311, 312, 395, and 396

DEC:     S3
SBC:     HFA+

3 credits

ITL 432: Studies in 15th- and 16th-Century Literature

May be repeated as the topic changes.

Prerequisites: ITL 311, 312, 395, and 396

DEC:     S3
SBC:     HFA+

3 credits

ITL 434: Studies in 19th-Century Literature

May be repeated as the topic changes.

Prerequisites: ITL 311, 312, 395, and 396

DEC:     S3
SBC:     HFA+

3 credits

ITL 435: Studies in Contemporary Literature

May be repeated as the topic changes.

Prerequisites: ITL 311, 312, 395, and 396

DEC:     S3
SBC:     HFA+

3 credits

ITL 436: Special Topics in Italian Cinema

A topics course given in Italian on Italian cinema. Topics may include films of a particular actor or director, genre, theme, or historical period. May be repeated as the topic changes.

Pre- or Corequisites: ITL 311 and 312

Advisory Prerequisite: HUI 231

3 credits

ITL 440: The Italian Scene

The reality of Italy and the Italian people through a study of the evolution of the historical, cultural, political, and social character of the nation.

Prerequisites: ITL 311 and 312

DEC:     I & 3
SBC:     HFA+

3 credits

ITL 441: Topic Seminar

A seminar built around a theme such as "Cities in Italian Literature," "Women in Italian Literature," "Death and Resurrection in Contemporary Italian Literature," or "Sin and Sensuality in the Italian Short Story." A detailed description of the seminar may be obtained from the department for each semester it is offered. May be repeated as the topic changes.

Prerequisites: ITL 311 and 312

DEC:     S3
SBC:     HFA+

3 credits

ITL 444: Experiential Learning

This course is designed for students who engage in a substantial, structured experiential learning activity in conjunction with another class. Experiential learning occurs when knowledge acquired through formal learning and past experience are applied to a "real-world" setting or problem to create new knowledge through a process of reflection, critical analysis, feedback and synthesis. Beyond-the-classroom experiences that support experiential learning may include: service learning, mentored research, field work, or an internship.

Prerequisite: WRT 102 or equivalent; permission of the instructor and approval of the EXP+ contract (http://sb.cc.stonybrook.edu/bulletin/current/policiesandregulations/degree_requirements/EXPplus.php)

SBC:     EXP+

0 credit, S/U grading

ITL 447: Directed Readings in Italian

Individually supervised readings in selected topics in Italian language and literature or, alternatively, for the purpose of developing Italian vocabulary in a secondary field, in selected topics in the humanities, social sciences, or natural sciences. May be repeated.

Prerequisite: Permission of instructor

DEC:     S3
SBC:     EXP+

1-6 credits

ITL 459: Write Effectively in Italian

A zero credit course that may be taken in conjunction with any 300- or 400-level ITL course, with permission of the instructor. The course provides opportunity to practice the skills and techniques of effective academic writing and satisfies the learning outcomes of the Stony Brook Curriculum's WRTD learning objective.

Prerequisite: WRT 102; permission of the instructor


0 credit, S/U grading

ITL 475: Undergraduate Teaching Practicum I (in Italian)

Each student conducts a regular problem or tutorial section that supplements a regular language course under the guidance of a master teacher. Responsibilities may include preparing materials for discussion and helping students with problems. Not for major or minor credit.

Prerequisites: Fluency in Italian; permission of instructor and department

DEC:     S3
SBC:     EXP+

3 credits, S/U grading

ITL 476: Undergraduate Teaching Practicum in Italian II

Work with a faculty member as an assistant in one of the faculty member's regularly scheduled classes. Students assume greater responsibility in such areas as leading discussions and analyzing results of tests that have already been graded. The course in which the student is permitted to work as a teaching assistant must be different from the course in which he or she previously served.

Prerequisites: Fluency in Italian; permission of instructor and department

DEC:     S3
SBC:     EXP+

3 credits, S/U grading

ITL 488: Internship

Participation in local, state, national, and international public and private agencies and organizations to apply and reinforce language skills and knowledge of social and cultural institutions.

Prerequisites: ITL 410; permission of instructor and department

DEC:     S3
SBC:     EXP+

0-6 credits, S/U grading

ITL 495: Senior Honors Project in Italian

A one-semester project for seniors. Arranged in consultation with the department, the project involves writing a paper, under the close supervision of an appropriate instructor, on a suitable topic. Students who are candidates for honors take this course.

Prerequisite: Permission of department

DEC:     S3
SBC:     EXP+

3 credits