Undergraduate Bulletin
Spring 2025
IAP: International Academic Programs
IAP 249: Placeholder Course
Placeholder course for students completing courses through other SUNY campuses.
0-15 credits
IAP 302: Placeholder course
Placeholder course for students completing courses through other SUNY campuses.
0-15 credits, S/U grading
IAP 390: Rethinking America: Traditions and Trends
Overview of contemporary American society and events important to American history. Readings and discussions consider how society and culture shape contemporary life in America. Present-day issues and perspectives will be examined through readings, multimedia, and communicative activities. International students who participate in their university's Junior Year abroad program hosted and administered by IAP may take this course.
Prerequisite: Participation in the Junior Year Abroad program
3 credits
IAP 391: American Society and Culture
The interplay between social structure and culture that produces and reproduces American society is the main focus of this course. Students will consider selected social institutions such the as family, immigration, media, markets and social movements in American society. Reflections on these institutions, will employ a sociological analyses derived from documentary films/ movies as well as journal articles and book chapters.
Prerequisite: Participation in the Junior Year Abroad program
3 credits
IAP 444: Global Service Learning
Offers the opportunity to review, analyze and discuss current issues facing a specific region/geographical area, while developing personal leadership identity and exploring the process of social change. The course is constructed around three major themes: explore local government response and strategies to solve crisis or social need, review external organizations' influence in managing crisis response, and examine the inter-institutional cooperation between non-profit institutions in country in handling current crisis.
0-6 credits
IAP 488: Internship
May be repeated to a limit of 6 credits.
Prerequisites: Permission of instructor and department
0-6 credits, S/U grading