Undergraduate Bulletin
Spring 2025
HUG: German Literature and Culture Courses in English
HUG 221: German Cinema Since 1945
The theory and history of German film as an art form, from filmmakers such as Alexander Kluge, Bernhard Wicki, and the "new filmmakers" Rainer Werner Fassbinder, Volker Schlondorff, Margarete von Trotta, Werner Herzog, and Wim Wenders. Topics include silent film; New German Cinema, 1962-1985; national cinema and national identity; film as literature and from literary models; problems of authors and their audiences; women's film, film in the former German Democratic Republic; and the influence of American filmmakers, subject matter, and settings.
3 credits
HUG 229: Germany Today
A survey of contemporary Germany and its political, social, and economic structure, as well as the study of cultural life and institutions, within the context of its historical development, with comparisons to American models and standards.
3 credits
HUG 321: Topics in the Literature of Germany
A course given in English on a major German author, genre, or literary movement, designed primarily to give students in other disciplines an opportunity to become acquainted with the German tradition. (German majors are admitted by special permission of their advisors, and do the reading and term papers in German.) Semester Supplements to this Bulletin contain description when course is offered. May be repeated as the topic changes.
Prerequisite: U3 or U4 standing
Advisory Prerequisites: Two literature courses
3 credits