Undergraduate Bulletin

Spring 2025

HUE: European Literature and Culture Courses in English

HUE 220: Modern Ukraine

An examination of major cultural, social and political developments in modern Ukraine viewed in their historic social and political context. An in-depth discussion of the current events that play a major global role. A survey of Ukrainian national identity and its place in Europe and the world explored through literature, the arts, and media.


3 credits

HUE 269: Topics in Contemporary Slavic Culture

Analysis and discussion of contemporary cultural topics dealing with Russia or Eastern and East Central Europe. Attention is paid to the historic political, social, aesthetic, and cultural forces out of which contemporary culture has evolved. Recent topics have included the apocalypse in literature; 20th-century Poland; Yugoslavia, past and present. Semester supplements to this Bulletin contain specific description when course is offered. May be repeated as the topic changes.

DEC:     I

3 credits

HUE 392: Topics in Slavic Studies

Recent topics have included consideration of cultural representations of women and war in film and in literary and biographical writings. May be repeated as the topic changes.

Prerequisite: U3 or U4 standing

Advisory Prerequisite: One literature course at the 200 level or higher

DEC:     I
SBC:     HFA+

3 credits

HUE 487: Independent Research

Intensive study of a special topic undertaken with close faculty supervision. Request for project approval of undergraduate studies director must be submitted no later than the last week of classes of the prior semester. May be repeated.

Prerequisites: U3 or U4 standing; permission of instructor and department

0-6 credits