Undergraduate Bulletin

Spring 2025

HBW: Hebrew

HBW 101: Intensive Elementary Hebrew

An intensive course covering the elementary Hebrew program in one semester, satisfying the language requirement. This course is designed for students who have no prior knowledge of the language.

DEC:     S3

6 credits

HBW 111: Elementary Hebrew I

An introduction to modern Hebrew as currently spoken and written in Israel, stressing pronunciation, speaking, listening comprehension, reading, and writing. The course is designed for students who have no prior knowledge of the language. A student who has had two or more years of Hebrew in high school (or who has otherwise acquired an equivalent proficiency) may not take HBW 111 without written permission from the supervisor of the course.

Partially fulfills: LANG

3 credits

HBW 112: Elementary Hebrew II

An introduction to modern Hebrew as currently spoken and written in Israel, stressing pronunciation, speaking, listening comprehension, reading, and writing.

Prerequisite: HBW 111

DEC:     S3

3 credits

HBW 211: Intermediate Hebrew I

Intermediate courses in conversation, composition, and the reading of texts in modern Hebrew.

Prerequisite: HBW 112

DEC:     S3

3 credits

HBW 212: Intermediate Hebrew II

Intermediate courses in conversation, composition, and the reading of texts in modern Hebrew.

Prerequisite: HBW 211

DEC:     S3

3 credits

HBW 311: Advanced Hebrew I

A course in the active use of spoken and written Hebrew. Readings of classics in the Hebrew language. Discussion is conducted mainly in Hebrew.

Prerequisite: HBW 212

DEC:     S3

3 credits

HBW 312: Advanced Hebrew II

Readings in modern Hebrew authors. Oral and written reports. Discussion is conducted mainly in Hebrew.

Prerequisite: HBW 311

DEC:     S3

3 credits

HBW 405: Studies in Hebrew Literature

May be repeated as the topic changes.

Prerequisite: HBW 311 or 312

DEC:     S3
SBC:     HFA+

3 credits

HBW 415: The History of the Hebrew Language

Readings and discussion (in Hebrew) of selections from Biblical, post-Biblical, and modern literature; lectures and discussion (in English) on the changes of sentence structure, meaning, sound, and style from one period to another. Particular attention is given to classicism, innovation, and restructuring in the rise of modern Hebrew.

Prerequisite: HBW 311

DEC:     S3
SBC:     HFA+

3 credits

HBW 447: Directed Readings in Hebrew

Intensive study of a particular author, period, or genre of Hebrew literature in the original under close faculty supervision. May be repeated.

Prerequisite: Permission of director

DEC:     S3
SBC:     EXP+

1-4 credits

HBW 475: Undergraduate Teaching Practicum I

Work with a faculty member as an assistant in one of the faculty member's regularly scheduled classes. The student is required to attend all the classes, do all the regularly assigned work, and meet with the faculty member at regularly scheduled times to discuss the intellectual and pedagogical matters relating to the course. Students may not serve as teaching assistants in the same course twice.

Prerequisites: U3 or U4 standing; permission of instructor

SBC:     EXP+

3 credits, S/U grading

HBW 476: Undergraduate Teaching Practicum II

Work with a faculty member as an assistant in one of the faculty member's regularly scheduled classes. The student is required to attend all the classes, do all the regularly assigned work, and meet with the faculty member at regularly scheduled times to discuss the intellectual and pedagogical matters relating to the course. In HBW 476, students assume greater responsibility in such areas as leading discussions and analyzing results of tests that have already been graded. Students may not serve as teaching assistants in the same course twice.

Prerequisites: HBW 475; permission of instructor

SBC:     EXP+

3 credits, S/U grading