Undergraduate Bulletin
Spring 2025
GRK: Greek
GRK 101: Intensive Elementary Modern Greek
An intensive introduction to spoken and written modern Greek, stressing pronunciation, speaking, comprehension, reading, and writing. This course is designed for students who have no prior knowledge of the language.
6 credits
GRK 111: Elementary Ancient Greek I
An introduction to the language and culture of ancient Greece. The course focuses on grammar, syntax, and techniques of translation. Development of reading skills is stressed.
Prerequisite: Permission of instructor
4 credits
GRK 112: Elementary Ancient Greek II
A continuation of GRK 111: the grammar and syntax of ancient Greek, with emphasis on reading comprehension.
Prerequisite: C or better in GRK 111
4 credits
GRK 121: Elementary Modern Greek I
An introduction to spoken and written Modern Greek, stressing pronunciation, speaking, comprehension, reading, and writing. Language Center supplements class work. The course is designed for students who have no prior knowledge of the language. Students who have had two or more years of Modern Greek in high school (or who has otherwise acquired an equivalent proficiency) may not take GRK 121 without written permission from the supervisor of the course. May not be taken for credit in addition to GRK 101.
3 credits
GRK 122: Elementary Modern Greek II
An introduction to spoken and written Modern Greek, stressing pronunciation, speaking, comprehension, reading, and writing. Language Center supplements class work. May not be taken for credit in addition to GRK 101.
Prerequisite: GRK 121
3 credits
GRK 211: Intermediate Modern Greek I
Build proficiency in speaking, listening, reading, writing and grammar of the Greek language. Develop interpersonal, interpretive and presentational modes of communication. Explore how Greek culture influenced other Mediterranean cultures past and present. Emphasis on comparison of languages and cultures.
Prerequisite: GRK 101 or GRK 122
3 credits
GRK 212: Intermediate Modern Greek II
Develop a functional competence in speaking, listening, reading and writing in interpersonal, interpretive and presentational modes of communication. Explore the Greek language and culture and how it integrates and compares with other languages and cultures. Focus on the use of the Greek language in both the university and global setting through different modes of media, including film, literature, music and print.
Prerequisite: GRK 211
3 credits
GRK 221: Conversation in Modern Greek Part I
A course emphasizing active oral language use in Greek. Modern Greek Conversation expands on listening comprehension and speaking skills in Greek through cultural and linguistic activities. Students will strengthen their Greek oral skills in different communicative situations while acquiring a more profound understanding of Greek culture. Students will familiarize themselves with the vocabulary and sayings that Greeks use to express themselves on social media and television, in cafés, universities, offices, and on the streets. They will learn how to express themselves in Greek in formal and informal settings through role-play. They will learn what to say to structure an oral presentation, and how to expand or self-correct themselves during a conversation. Use of Modern Greek podcasts (istorima.gr)
Prerequisite: GRK 212 or permission of instructor
3 credits
GRK 222: Conversation in Modern Greek Part II
This course is designed to give students experience in conversation in Greek. Modern Greek Conversation, emphasizes the expansion of listening comprehension and speaking skills in Greek through cultural and linguistic activities. Students will familiarize themselves with the vocabulary and expressions that Greeks use to express themselves on radio and television, in newspapers, cafés, universities, offices, and on the streets. They will discuss cinema and music, politics and sports. The course offers refinement in the areas of critical thinking by exposing students to cultural comparisons. Will help students with reviewing and expanding their vocabulary and grammatical competencies.
Prerequisite: GRK 212 or 221 or permission of instructor
3 credits
GRK 321: Advanced Modern Greek I
Students learn to read, understand and interpret advanced Modern Greek texts relating to a wide variety of themes and situations. Accelerated emphasis on grammar and interpersonal and presentational conversation and composition. Advanced knowledge of the characteristics of the Modern Greek culture in regard to interpersonal relations, social and folklore life, and related topics
Prerequisite: GRK 212 or permission of instructor
3 credits
GRK 322: Advanced Modern Greek II
Second course in a two-semester advanced course sequence in the reading and interpretation of a wide variety of selected Modern Greek texts. Conversation, grammar and composition writing. Reading, analyzing and translating of representative literary and other texts. Completion of grammatical and syntactic points not covered in Advanced Modern Greek I. Extensive practice in interpersonal and presentational conversation.
Prerequisite: GRK 321 or permission of instructor
3 credits