Undergraduate Bulletin

Spring 2025

FLA: Foreign Language Teacher Preparation

FLA 307: Critical Pedagogy

An introduction to the theories and practices of critical pedagogy. Critical pedagogy assembles numerous forms of academic approaches to teaching and curriculum that are informed by critical social theory. As the educational arm of critical social theory, critical pedagogy engages educators in understanding the relationships among knowledge, ideology, and power. We will read works from several critical pedagogy theorists to explore and analyze some of the key themes within critical pedagogy (education & power; difference & pluralism; transformative education; the social construction of knowledge; dialogic relations in the classroom; teaching for social justice). Learning through collaborative inquiry, we will translate the theories in these readings into practice and will test concepts of teaching and learning "critical (second/foreign) language and literacy" in a school setting.

Prerequisite: Admission to the Foreign Language Teacher Preparation Program

3 credits

FLA 320: Pedagogy in Practice

An exploration into the application and implementation of numerous pedagogical techniques for the World Language classroom. Supported by educational theory, this course will serve as a guide for students in their training of classroom management strategies, curation of authentic resources for various proficiency levels, use of Comprehensible Input (CI), creation of integrated performance assessments (IPAs) and other formative assessments across grade levels (K-12). This course will highlight World Language Literacy Skills and Literacy for Heritage Language Learners. The course will culminate with the creation of a unit plan to be added into their final portfolio.

Pre- or Corequisites: FLA 339 or FLA 340 or Permission of the Instructor

SBC:     ESI

3 credits

FLA 339: Methods and Materials in the Teaching of Foreign Languages

A review of methods and materials for the teaching of foreign languages and literatures in the secondary schools (grades 7-12). Special attention is given to the problems and purposes of the teaching of foreign languages at the high school level.

Prerequisites: Admission to a Foreign Language Teacher Preparation program; C or higher in one 300-level foreign language course; C or higher in one 300-level literature course; minimum GPA of 2.75

Corequisite: FLA 449

3 credits

FLA 340: Curriculum Development and Micro-Teaching

A course designed to train future language teachers in the development of well-articulated programs in secondary schools (grades 7-12). Students have the opportunity to enjoy clinical experiences in school settings. Special attention is given to lesson planning, classroom management, and portfolio development.

Prerequisites: C or higher in FLA 339; minimum g.p.a. of 2.75

Corequisite: FLA 450


3 credits

FLA 400: Experiential Learning, Speak Effectively, Practice Critical and Ethical Reasoning

A zero credit course that may be taken in conjunction with any FLA education course that provides opportunity to achieve the learning outcomes of the Stony Brook Curriculum's CER, EXP+, and SPK learning objectives.

Pre- or corequisite: WRT 102 or equivalent; permission of the instructor


0 credit, S/U grading

FLA 439: Technology Literacy for Foreign Language Teachers

Technology as a transformative drive of new literacies is no longer an option but a requirement in every aspect of education today. FLA 439 is designed as a course to help teacher candidates explore in a very hands-on, practical and applied manner all of the technologies used by teachers of languages. The emphasis will be on learning about the technologies, creating with the technologies, and making informed decisions using them. The class will also discuss how the technologies relate to current language pedagogies, both for individualized and classroom learning.

Prerequisite: FLA 339


3 credits

FLA 440: Foreign Language Acquisition Research

A study of recent trends in foreign language acquisition research. The focus is on classroom-based research: qualitative and quantitative research methodologies, variables in classroom-based learning research, analysis of research results. Students conduct classroom research studies, present their findings, and address applications of their findings to classroom teachers and learners of foreign languages.

Prerequisites: FLA 339; acceptance into a foreign language secondary teacher preparation program

3 credits

FLA 449: Field Experience, Grades 7-12

Observation, inquiry, and practice in foreign language education at the secondary level including 50 hours of documented visitations and observation at documented sites. Field experience writing logs are the basis for group discussion. Satisfactory/Unsatisfactory grading.

Prerequisites: Admission to a Foreign Language Teacher Preparation program; minimum GPA 2.75

Corequisite: FLA 339

1 credit, S/U grading

FLA 450: Field Experience, Grades 7-12

Observation, inquiry, and practice in foreign language education at the secondary level including 50 hours of documented visitations and observation at documented sites. Field experience writing logs are the basis for group discussion. Satisfactory/Unsatisfactory grading.


1 credit, S/U grading

FLA 451: Supervised Student Teaching: Middle School Level Grades 7-9

Prerequisite: Enrollment in the Foreign Language Teacher Preparation Program; permission of instructor

Corequisites: FLA 452 and 454


6 credits, S/U grading

FLA 452: Supervised Student Teaching: High School Grades 10-12

Prerequisites: Enrollment in the Foreign Language Teacher Preparation Program; permission of instructor

Corequisite: FLA 451 and 454


6 credits, S/U grading

FLA 454: Student Teaching Seminar

Seminar on problems encountered by student teachers and public school teachers at the secondary level in foreign language teaching. Study and analysis of the many aspects of the foreign language teaching profession, such as individualized teaching, testing, and professional organizations.

Prerequisite: permission of the instructor; C or higher in FLA 340

Corequisites: FLA 451 and 452


3 credits