Undergraduate Bulletin
Spring 2025
ENV: Environmental Science
ENV 115: Chemistry, Life, and Environment
This survey course introduces chemical principles by emphasizing the role chemistry plays in everyday life, the natural environment, the built environment, energy production, and in processes leading to environmental degradation. In addition, the role of chemistry in the development of alternative energy sources, remediation technologies, and eco-friendly products is discussed. This course for non-science majors introduces chemical principles using mostly qualitative approaches rather than quantitative approaches. Interactive tools and interactive visualization tools are extensively used to illustrate concepts, reactions, and processes. May not be taken by students with credit for CHE 129, CHE 131, or CHE 152. This course is offered as both CHE 115 and ENV 115.
3 credits
ENV 301: Sustainability of the Long Island Pine Barrens
The ecologically diverse Long Island Pine Barrens region provides a habitat for a large number of rare and endangered species, but faces challenges associated with protection of a natural ecosystem that lies in close proximity to an economically vibrant urban area that exerts intense development pressure. In this course we will consider the interaction of the ecological, developmental and economic factors that impact the Pine Barrens and the effectiveness of decision support systems in promoting sustainability of the Pine Barrens.
Prerequisites: U3 or U4 status and one of the following: BIO 201, CHE 131, ECO 108, ESG 100, ESG 198, GEO 101, GEO 102, MAR 104, SUS 113 (formerly SBC 113)
3 credits
ENV 304: Global Environmental Change
An analysis of the physical, chemical, and biological processes in the atmosphere, hydrosphere, lithosphere, and biosphere that are susceptible to change either from natural or anthropogenic causes. In addition to focusing on the processes, this course will examine the spatial/temporal scales of environmental changes, their consequences to systems including our economic, political, and social systems, and will consider our responsibility and capability in managing systems in a sustainable way. This course is offered as both ENV 304 and GEO 307.
Prerequisite: one of the following courses: SUS 111 (formerly SBC 111), SUS 113 (formerly SBC 113), ENS 101, GEO 101, GEO 102, GEO 122, ENV 115, CHE 131
3 credits
ENV 310: Sustainability and Renewable Energy - Costa Rica
Hands on experience in Costa Rica to learn and see the countries efforts for environmental sustainability and renewable energy. Students will spend 12 days in Costa Rica to participate in site visits to five renewable energy facilities and four environmental sustainability efforts. This in-depth experience is supported with topic-specific lectures, online readings and assignments, and work on an interdisciplinary capstone project. Students will also collaborate with local engineers on a community service project to provide the local communities with accessible water or other sustainability initiatives.
Prerequisite: Permission of the instructor
4 credits
ENV 315: Principles and Applications of Groundwater Hydrology
Principles of groundwater hydrology. Aquifer geology, with an emphasis on coastal ground water systems and Long Island in particular. Introduction to quantitative numerical methods to simulate regional groundwater flow and contaminant transport in aquifers. Development and management of freshwater aquifers as drinking water resources.
Prerequisites: MAT 126 or MAT 131 or AMS 151; ENS 119 or GEO 102 or SUS 313 (formerly SBC 113)
3 credits
ENV 316: Coastal Zone Management
Coastal zones are dynamic environments shaped by natural forces as well as human intervention. Developing management strategies is critical and requires an understanding of the coastal zones environments, the threats to these environments, as well as the applicable laws and policies. This course examines past and present coastal zone management strategies at the national, regional, and local level. Coastal zone management on Long Island will be extensively reviewed and discussed.
Prerequisite: ENS 101 or SUS 111 (formerly SBC 111) or SUS 113 (formerly SBC 113) or GEO 102 or POL 102 or MAR 104; U3 or U4 status
3 credits
ENV 320: Chemistry for Environmental Scientists
Course designed to provide a firm understanding of the chemical principals and reactions of importance in environmental degradation of natural environments or built environments, remediation and abatement processes, energy production. In addition, the course reviews the chemical processes that control the transport, fate, and bioavailability of common organic pollutants, metals, and metalloids. The course expands on concepts from general chemistry, and introduces concepts from physical chemistry, analytical chemistry, organic chemistry, photochemistry, and geochemistry. Not for credit in addition to CHE 310.
Prerequisite: CHE 132 or CHE 152
3 credits
ENV 321: Chemistry for Environmental Scientists-Lab
Laboratory course is designed to illustrate principles, processes, and reactions presented in ENV 320. In addition, the laboratory will focus on the quantitative analysis and identification of common chemical pollutants, including common volatile and semi-volatile organics, metals and metalloids. Some of the laboratory meetings will be in the form of short field trips to practice sampling techniques as well as in situ and on site analysis techniques.
Prerequisite: CHE 133 or CHE 154
Pre- or corequisite: ENV 320 or CHE 310
1 credit
ENV 339: Economics of Coastal and Marine Ecosystems
This course will view human interactions with coastal and marine ecosystems through the lens of economics. Consideration of the socioeconomic implications of policy decisions involving environmental and natural resources has become increasingly important for ecosystem management. Topics will include the basics of welfare analysis, the concept of ecosystem services, the challenges associated with public goods, methods for economic valuation of non-market goods and services, strategies for sustainable use of coastal and marine resources, and case studies of the application of fundamental principles of environmental economics to national and international policy. This course is offered as both ENS 339 and ENV 339.
Prerequisite: U3/U4 status; ENS 101 or SUS 111 (formerly SBC 111) or MAR 104
3 credits
ENV 340: Contemporary Topics in Environmental Science
Course explores one or more contemporary environmental science topics in depth. Topic(s) vary by semester. Examples of topics include: formation and fate of Asian Brown Cloud; Arsenic in Drinking water; Acid Rain; Environmental issues related to mining; Environmental impact of burning and mining coal; Pesticides and Herbicides in the Environment. Course may be repeated once.
Prerequisite: U3/U4; ENV 115 or CHE 131
3 credits
ENV 444: Experiential Learning
This course is designed for students who engage in a substantial, structured experiential learning activity in conjunction with another class. Experiential learning occurs when knowledge acquired through formal learning and past experience are applied to a "real-world" setting or problem to create new knowledge through a process of reflection, critical analysis, feedback and synthesis. Beyond-the-classroom experiences that support experiential learning may include: service learning, mentored research, field work, or an internship.
Prerequisite: WRT 102 or equivalent; permission of the instructor and approval of the EXP+ contract (http://sb.cc.stonybrook.edu/bulletin/current/policiesandregulations/degree_requirements/EXPplus.php)
0 credit, S/U grading
ENV 487: Research in Environmental Sciences
Qualified advanced undergraduates may carry out individual research projects under the direct supervision of a faculty member. May be repeated.
Prerequisite: Permission of instructor
0-6 credits
ENV 488: Internship in Coastal Environmental Studies
Participation in local, state, and national public and private agencies and organizations. May be repeated to a limit of 12 credits.
Prerequisites: U3/U4 status and permission of the SoMAS Undergraduate Program Director
0-12 credits, S/U grading