Undergraduate Bulletin
Spring 2025
EDP: Environmental Design, Policy, and Planning
EDP 301: Urban Systems
The functional determinants of an urban region's physical infrastructure, encompassing cities, suburbs, exurbs and satellite communities are presented. The course will cover metropolitan infrastructure components including systems of transportation, water supply, waste disposal and energy distribution and how they are shaped by the interaction of economics, politics and planning practice.
Prerequisite: SUS 200 (formerly SBC 200)
3 credits
EDP 302: Sustainable Planning and Development
The functional dynamics underlying the development and planning for structures and facilities in urban regions are presented including their cities, suburbs, exurbs and recreational satellite communities. The course will cover the interaction of real estate economics, politics and good planning practices as they affect residential, commercial, educational, cultural and industrial sites.
Prerequisite: SUS 111 (formerly SBC 111) or ENS 101; SUS 200 (formerly SBC 200)
3 credits
EDP 303: Spatial Economics
Economic theories and empirical data that explain the distribution of man-made activities in geographic regions are presented. The course emphasizes spatial patterns among and within urban regions of the United States. Classes will cover the economic and demographic factors governing the distribution, within natural regional conurbations, of residences, industries and all other activities whose location is economically determined.
Prerequisite: SUS 206 (formerly SBC 206)
3 credits
EDP 305: Risk Assessment and Sustainable Development
Course presents a comprehensive overview of risk analysis and its application to a broad range of human activities. The methodology of risk analysis enables those involved in environmental sustainability to evaluate the probability of an adverse effect of an agent, chemical, industrial process, or natural process.
Prerequisite: ENV 115
3 credits
EDP 307: Theories and Design of Urban Settlements
The course introduces students to the underlying economic, social and physical forces that shape the development of human settlements, with an emphasis on urban conurbations, and the typical United States metropolitan region.
Prerequisite: SUS 111 (formerly SBC 111) and SUS 200 (formerly SBC 200)
3 credits
EDP 309: Planning: Policies and Regulations
An introduction to the process of planning and development of regulations necessary for the implementation of planning objectives.
Prerequisite: SUS 200 (formerly SBC 200)
3 credits
EDP 404: Environmental Design Project
The Environmental Design Project is the culmination of the EDP Major. Each student should produce an individual work, that is a thoughtful analysis of a real-world problem addressing one of four central themes of the major's core: 1) historic and theoretical perspectives; 2) the physical and built environment; 3) policy, politics and regulation; or 4) societal and cultural change. Allowing that there may be some overlap among these four themes, each project must focus on a specific place, process or object. Students are expected to produce a final project portfolio-- which may include audio-visual materials, drawings, models, posters, artifacts, etc.-- and a written report. Each student is expected to make a presentation to faculty and students before the close of the semester.
Prerequisites: EDP 301 and EDP 302 and EDP 307
3 credits
EDP 444: Experiential Learning
This course is designed for students who engage in a substantial, structured experiential learning activity in conjunction with another class. Experiential learning occurs when knowledge acquired through formal learning and past experience are applied to a "real-world" setting or problem to create new knowledge through a process of reflection, critical analysis, feedback and synthesis. Beyond-the-classroom experiences that support experiential learning may include: service learning, mentored research, field work, or an internship.
Prerequisite: WRT 102 or equivalent; permission of the instructor and approval of the EXP+ contract (http://sb.cc.stonybrook.edu/bulletin/current/policiesandregulations/degree_requirements/EXPplus.php)
0 credit, S/U grading
EDP 487: Research in Environmental Design, Policy, & Planning
Qualified advanced undergraduates may carry out individual research projects under the direct supervision of a faculty member. May be repeated.
Prerequisite: Permission of instructor
0-6 credits
EDP 488: Internship in Environmental Design, Policy, & Planning
Participation in local, state, and national public and private agencies and organizations. May be repeated to a limit of 12 credits.
Prerequisites: U3/U4 status and permission of the SoMAS Undergraduate Program Director
0-12 credits, S/U grading