Undergraduate Bulletin
Spring 2025
CLL: Classics of Literature
CLL 215: Classical Mythology
An introduction to ancient Greek religion, literature, and art. Special emphasis will be given to the presentation of myth in Classical Greek literature as well as to the influence of classical mythology on later literature, art, and philosophy. Not for credit in addition to CLS 215.
Advisory Prerequisite: One course in literature
3 credits
CLL 315: Gender, Sexuality, Race & Ethnicity in Ancient Greek and Roman Literature
This course offers a comparative overview of the ways in which the roles of men and women were depicted in the literature and thought of ancient Greece and Rome. Major issues will include: the role of women in the Greek and Roman society, gender and sexual identities and practices in Greece and Rome, the role of race and ethnicity in the treatment and status of men and women in Greece and Rome, and the disjunction between ancient and modern understandings of sex, gender, race and ethnicity, among others. This course is offered as both CLL 315 and WST 315.
Prerequisite: one D.E.C. G or HUM course; U3 or U4 standing
3 credits
CLL 444: Experiential Learning
This course is designed for students who engage in a substantial, structured experiential learning activity in conjunction with another class. Experiential learning occurs when knowledge acquired through formal learning and past experience are applied to a "real-world" setting or problem to create new knowledge through a process of reflection, critical analysis, feedback and synthesis. Beyond-the-classroom experiences that support experiential learning may include: service learning, mentored research, field work, or an internship.
Prerequisite: WRT 102 or equivalent; permission of the instructor and approval of the EXP+ contract (http://sb.cc.stonybrook.edu/bulletin/current/policiesandregulations/degree_requirements/EXPplus.php)
0 credit, S/U grading