Undergraduate Bulletin

Spring 2025

CHI: Chinese Language

CHI 101: Intensive Elementary Chinese

An intensive, 6-credit, elementary-level Chinese language course that provides foundational knowledge and skills including pronunciation, basic everyday conversational proficiency, principles of character formation, basic grammatical rules, and basic cultural norms and preferences that govern language use. Drawing upon a communicative approach, this course situates oral and written language in real-life contexts and promotes learner-centered, interactive classroom activities. This course is designed for students who have no prior knowledge of the language. A student who has had two or more years of Chinese in high school (or who has otherwise acquired an equivalent proficiency) may not take CHI 101 without written permission from the instructor of the course. May not be taken for credit after any other course in Chinese.

DEC:     S3

6 credits

CHI 111: Elementary Chinese I

The first half of a one-year introductory course to spoken and written Mandarin Chinese, with equal attention to speaking, reading, and writing. Laboratory practice supplements class work. This course is designed for students who have no prior knowledge of the language. No student who has had one or more years of Chinese in high school or who has otherwise acquired an equivalent proficiency will be permitted to enroll in CHI 111 without written permission from the instructor of the course.

Partially fulfills: LANG

4 credits

CHI 112: Elementary Chinese II

The second half of a one-year introductory course to spoken and written Mandarin Chinese, with equal attention to speaking, reading, and writing. Laboratory practice supplements class work. A student who has had two or more years of Chinese in high school or who has otherwise acquired an equivalent proficiency may not take CHI 112 without written permission from the instructor of the course.

Prerequisite: C or better in CHI 111 or equivalent or placement into 112. See https://www.stonybrook.edu/commcms/llrc/placement_challenge_exams/ for more information.

DEC:     S3

4 credits

CHI 120: Elementary Chinese for Heritage Speakers

An elementary level Chinese language course for students who have had some exposure to the Mandarin Chinese cultural norms and conventions and who already can communicate in Chinese orally on topics of daily routines, although with grammatical mistakes and non-standard pronunciation, but cannot read or write. The course focuses on reading and writing skills and expands the depth and scope of exposure to the Chinese culture. A student who has had two or more years of Chinese in high school or who has otherwise acquired an equivalent proficiency may not take CHI 120 without written permission from the instructor of the course.

DEC:     S3

4 credits

CHI 201: Intensive Intermediate Chinese

An intensive, 6-credit, intermediate-level course on spoken and written Mandarin Chinese. Drawing upon a communicative approach, this course situates oral and written language in real-life contexts and promotes learner-centered, interactive classroom activities. May not be taken for credit in addition to CHI 211 or CHI 212.

Prerequisite: CHI 112 or CHI 120 or equivalent or proficiency in Chinese or placement into 201 or 211. See https://www.stonybrook.edu/commcms/llrc/placement_challenge_exams/ for more information.

DEC:     S3

6 credits

CHI 211: Intermediate Chinese I

The first part of an intermediate one-year course to spoken and written Mandarin Chinese. This course is designed to consolidate basic grammar knowledge and develop functional competence in speaking, listening, reading and writing in interpersonal, interpretive and presentational modes of communication. This course is not intended for students who already speak Chinese natively. A student who has had three or more years of Chinese in high school or who has otherwise acquired an equivalent proficiency may not take CHI 211 without written permission from the instructor of the course.

Prerequisite: C or better in CHI 101 or CHI 112 or CHI 120 or equivalent or proficiency in Chinese or placement into 201 or 211. See https://www.stonybrook.edu/commcms/llrc/placement_challenge_exams/ for more information.

DEC:     S3

3 credits

CHI 212: Intermediate Chinese II

The second part of an intermediate one-year course to spoken and written Mandarin Chinese. This course focuses on language skills including listening, speaking, reading, and writing. It also expands the students' exposure to some aspects of Chinese culture. This course is not intended for students who already speak Chinese natively. A student who has had four or more years of Chinese in high school or who has otherwise acquired an equivalent proficiency may not take CHI 212 without written permission from the instructor of the course.

Prerequisite: C or better in CHI 211 or equivalent or placement into 212. See https://www.stonybrook.edu/commcms/llrc/placement_challenge_exams/ for more information.

DEC:     S3

3 credits

CHI 220: Intermediate Chinese for Heritage Speakers

An intermediate level Chinese language course for Chinese heritage students who can communicate in Chinese orally on topics of daily routines and can read and write short passages in Chinese with a command of 800-1000 Chinese characters. The course continues to focus on reading and writing skills and expand the depth and scope of exposure to Chinese culture beyond the elementary level. The course is conducted in Mandarin Chinese. This course is not intended for students who already speak Chinese natively. A student who has had three or more years of Chinese in high school or who has otherwise acquired an equivalent proficiency may not take CHI 220 without written permission from the instructor of the course.

Prerequisite: CHI 120 or equivalent

DEC:     S3

3 credits

CHI 311: Advanced Chinese I

The first part of an advanced course designed for the third-year students of Chinese as a foreign or heritage language to strengthen their ability to understand, speak, read, and write Chinese beyond the intermediate level. Students learn to read and comprehend a variety of texts from Chinese newspaper/magazine articles, TV/films, and literary works and to write creatively and professionally in Chinese using sophisticated vocabulary and advanced Chinese characters. Students will also be trained to comprehend authentic spoken Mandarin Chinese, using a variety of audio-visual materials and to communicate in Mandarin Chinese, applying appropriate socio-cultural norms. This course is not intended for students who already speak, read and write Chinese natively.

Prerequisite: C or better in CHI 212 or CHI 201 or CHI 220 or equivalent or placement into CHI 311. See https://www.stonybrook.edu/commcms/llrc/placement_challenge_exams/ for more information.

DEC:     S3

3 credits

CHI 312: Advanced Chinese II

The second part of an advanced course designed for the third-year students of Chinese as a foreign or heritage language to strengthen their ability to understand, speak, read, and write Chinese beyond the intermediate level. Students learn to read and comprehend a variety of texts from Chinese newspaper/magazine articles, TV/films, and literary works and to write creatively and professionally in Chinese using sophisticated vocabulary and advanced Chinese characters. Students will also be trained to comprehend authentic spoken Mandarin Chinese, using a variety of audio-visual materials and to communicate in Mandarin Chinese, applying appropriate socio-cultural norms. This course is not intended for students who already speak, read and write Chinese natively.

Prerequisite: C or better in CHI 311 or equivalent or placement into CHI 312. See

https://llrc.stonybrook.edu/placement-exams for more information.

DEC:     S3

3 credits

CHI 320: Advanced Chinese for Heritage Speakers

An advanced level Chinese language course for Chinese heritage students who can communicate in Chinese orally on topics of general interest and can read and write mid-length passages in Chinese with a command of 1500-2000 Chinese characters. The course continues to focus on reading and writing skills and expand the depth and scope of exposure to Chinese culture beyond the intermediate level. Students learn to read and comprehend a variety of texts from Chinese newspapers/magazines, TV/films, and literary works and to write creatively and professionally in Chinese using sophisticated vocabulary and advanced Chinese characters.

Prerequisite: CHI 220 or equivalent

DEC:     S3

3 credits

CHI 410: Business Chinese

A course designed for students who wish to expand their Chinese communication skills in a business context and understand socio-economic situations as well as socio-cultural values in China. Upon completing this course, students will be able to hold conversations with correct business vocabulary and with culturally appropriate manners, speak effectively in front of the intended audience in Chinese, read authentic materials related to business and economics in China, and write business correspondence in proper styles and formats.

Advisory Prerequisite: CHI 312

DEC:     S3
SBC:     SBS+, SPK

3 credits

CHI 411: Readings in Journalistic Chinese

Narrative readings in Chinese selected from Chinese newspapers and magazines, including news reports and narrations on life styles, people, and landscapes. Students are expected to improve their skills in the analysis and writing of narrative readings. This course is designed for students who already have advanced level proficiency in Chinese, who can read and write everyday vernacular Chinese, but who have not been exposed to more formal language and literary forms.

Advisory Prerequisite: CHI 312

DEC:     J & 3
SBC:     HFA+

3 credits

CHI 412: Readings in Classical Chinese

Introduction to writings in Chinese that appeared before the May 4th Movement (circa 1920), which marked the beginning of modern Chinese. The course introduces students to readings in classical Chinese and to acquaint students with cultures and customs of traditional China. This course is designed for students who already have advanced level proficiency in Chinese, who can read and write everyday vernacular Chinese, but who have not been exposed to more formal language and literary forms.

Advisory Prerequisite: CHI 312

DEC:     J & 3
SBC:     HFA+

3 credits

CHI 421: Chinese Poetry and Short Stories

Selected masterpieces of poetry and short stories written during the first half of the 20th century. Students are expected to improve their skills in literature appreciation and to model their own writings after works read in class. This course is designed for students who already have advanced level proficiency in the Chinese language in all its forms including reading and writing.

Prerequisite: Advanced level proficiency in Chinese

DEC:     J & 3
SBC:     HFA+

3 credits

CHI 422: Chinese Lyric Prose and Plays

Selected masterpieces of lyric prose and drama written during the first half of the 20th century. Students are expected to improve their skills in literature appreciation and to model their own writings after works read in class. This course is designed for students who already have advanced level proficiency in the Chinese language in all its forms including reading and writing.

Prerequisite: Advanced level proficiency in Chinese

DEC:     J & 3
SBC:     HFA+

3 credits

CHI 426: Structure of Mandarin Chinese

Mandarin Chinese is only one of a very few contemporary languages whose history is documented in an unbroken tradition extending back to the second millennium BC. At the same time, it has more speakers than any other language spoken in the modern world. This course, which is taught in English, provides an introduction to the phonology, morphology, syntax, semantics, and writing system of the Mandarin Chinese language. It is designed to familiarize students with some fundamental knowledge of the structure of spoken and written Mandarin Chinese. Specifically, it aims to enable the students to acquire an understanding of basic methods used by linguists to observe and gather Mandarin Chinese data, to delineate structural properties with regard to the sound, tone, word, grammar, and discourse of the language, and to develop a basic typological comparison between Mandarin Chinese and English.

Advisory Prerequisite: CHI 312

DEC:     S3
SBC:     ESI, SBS+

3 credits

CHI 444: Experiential Learning

This course is designed for students who engage in a substantial, structured experiential learning activity in conjunction with another class. Experiential learning occurs when knowledge acquired through formal learning and past experience are applied to a "real-world" setting or problem to create new knowledge through a process of reflection, critical analysis, feedback and synthesis. Beyond-the-classroom experiences that support experiential learning may include: service learning, mentored research, field work, or an internship.

Prerequisite: WRT 102 or equivalent; permission of the instructor and approval of the EXP+ contract (http://sb.cc.stonybrook.edu/bulletin/current/policiesandregulations/degree_requirements/EXPplus.php)

SBC:     EXP+

0 credit, S/U grading

CHI 447: Directed Readings in Chinese

Individually supervised readings in selected topics in Chinese language and literature or, alternatively, for the purpose of developing Chinese vocabulary in a secondary field, in selected topics in the humanities, social sciences, or natural sciences. May be repeated.

Prerequisite: Permission of department

DEC:     S3
SBC:     EXP+

1-6 credits

CHI 475: Undergraduate Teaching Practicum I

Each student conducts a weekly recitation section that supplements a lecture course. The student receives regularly scheduled supervision from the instructor. Responsibilities may include preparing material for discussion and helping students with practice sessions.

Prerequisites: Interview; permission of instructor

SBC:     EXP+

3 credits, S/U grading

CHI 476: Undergraduate Teaching Practicum II

Each student conducts a weekly recitation section that supplements a lecture course. The student receives regularly scheduled supervision from the instructor. Responsibilities may include preparing material for discussion and helping students with practice sessions.

SBC:     EXP+

3 credits, S/U grading

CHI 487: Supervised Research in Chinese

An individual research project in Chinese, such as translation, analysis of documents or literature, etc., in consultation with the instructor. Students are expected to meet at regular intervals and to present the completed project at the end of the semester. May be repeated.

Prerequisites: Interview; permission of instructor

0-3 credits