Undergraduate Bulletin

Spring 2025

CAR: Career Development

CAR 151: Career & Life Design I: Introduction

This course employs a design thinking approach to help students develop a point of view about their life and career. Students will consider their values, talents, and personality attributes, and the integration of work views with life views. They will investigate the relationship between academic majors and career options, and consider Stony Brook Curriculum courses (SBCs) as a venue for career exploration. By the end of the course, students will have developed a plan to manage habits and routines that support personal growth and long-term career development.

2 credits

CAR 251: Career & Life Design II - Employability Skills

This course is for students who have declared a major and want to simultaneously explore career options and obtain experiences for skill development. This active learning course focuses on the development of skills employers want, known as career readiness competencies and introduces financial literacy concepts. You will be expected to actively apply to on-campus jobs/internships/research as part of the course, and you will be guided through that process. By the end of this course, you will develop an action plan for experiential learning and career development throughout college.

2 credits

CAR 351: Career & Life Design III: Special Topics

This course is for students with a career concept who need deep industry sector exploration: Career Pathways in Engineering, Career Pathways in Healthcare, etc. You will use a design-thinking approach to prototype three different career paths within an industry sector, then conduct in-depth research about these pathways, including a networking assignment. You will compare your unique experiences and strengths to market intelligence, and develop a plan to present your qualifications via e-Portfolio, resume, personal branding statement, and LinkedIn profile. Students will acquire marketable industry skills through better alignment of education, training and employment.

2 credits

CAR 444: Experiential Learning

This course is designed for students who engage in a substantial, structured experiential learning activity in conjunction with another class. Experiential learning occurs when knowledge acquired through formal learning and past experience are applied to a "real-world" setting or problem to create new knowledge through a process of reflection, critical analysis, feedback and synthesis. Beyond-the-classroom experiences that support experiential learning may include: service learning, mentored research, field work, or an internship.

Prerequisite: WRT 102 or equivalent; permission of the instructor and approval of the EXP+ contract (http://sb.cc.stonybrook.edu/bulletin/current/policiesandregulations/degree_requirements/EXPplus.php)

SBC:     EXP+

0 credit, S/U grading

CAR 451: Career & Life Design IV - After College Transitions

This course provides enhanced practice for the post-college destination, such as elevated ability to articulate career readiness competencies and qualifications in context of a specific role, industry sector, or graduate program. Students will review their workview/lifeview and consider meaningful work as an essential component for life-long wellbeing. Advanced level strategies for job search and career entry will be covered. A significant portion of the course is dedicated to financial literacy and financial wellness topics with a focus on salary negotiation, credit, debt and repayment, and savings/investing.

2 credits

CAR 475: Undergraduate Teaching Practicum I

Undergraduate teaching assistants support the student learner and the instructor. TAs develop knowledge of course content, as well as skills in teaching, explaining content to a novice audience, classroom management, and peer mentoring. TAs in this course will support either CAR 151, CAR 251, or EXT 288 and lead in-class activities, prepare and deliver supplemental modules, facilitate feedback sessions, and assist with class management, attendance, and discussions. TAs will monitor student experience in the course and share feedback and bring concerns to the instructor.

Prerequisite: Permission of instructor

SBC:     EXP+

0-3 credits, S/U grading

CAR 476: Undergraduate Teaching Practicum II

Undergraduate teaching assistants support the student learner and the instructor. TAs develop knowledge of course content, as well as skills in teaching, explaining content to a novice audience, classroom management, and peer mentoring. TAs in this course will support either CAR 351, CAR 451, EXT 288, or EXT 488 and lead in-class activities, prepare and deliver supplemental modules, facilitate feedback sessions, and assist with class management, attendance, and discussions. TAs will monitor student experience in the course and share feedback and bring concerns to the instructor.

Prerequisite: Permission of instructor

SBC:     EXP+

0-3 credits, S/U grading