Undergraduate Bulletin

Spring 2025

ADV: Advising

ADV 101: Advising 101: Transfer Seminar

A seminar intended to integrate transfer students into the University community by sharing information about Stony Brook and creating a forum to develop intellectual, social, writing, and communication skills. The course emphasizes institutional expectations to promote student success. Recommended for first semester transfer students entering with less than 57 earned credits. Required for all first semester international transfer students. Not for credit in addition to ACH 101, GLS 101, HDV 101, ITS 101, LDS 101, LSE 101, SBU 101, SCH 101, or SSO 101.

Prerequisite: New transfer student

1 credit, S/U grading

ADV 201: Preparing for Medical School

This course provides a broad survey of pre-medical studies, preparation for medical school admission, and the medical profession. The course will review medical school admission requirements and procedures, the academic coursework at both the undergraduate and professional school levels, the residency training of the physician, the typical routines of a medical practice, and other issues affecting the training of a medical doctor in the United States. In addition, the class will provide students opportunities for continual self-evaluation of personal motivations to enter the health profession. The course follows the chronological sequence taken by the traditional student to become a licensed medical doctor, and examines how this sequence of events plays an integral role in the development of a capable physician.

Prerequisites: U2 or higher standing. Completion of at least one pre-medical science sequence and permission of the instructor.

1 credit, S/U grading

ADV 202: Academic Success Seminar

Designed to help students develop essential skills needed to become lifelong, self-regulated and self-motivated learners. Through guided journals and assignments, students will use self-reflection to identify possible self sabotaging thoughts and behaviors and discover what may be getting in the way of their academic and personal success. Students will discover how they learn and develop and strengthen their study skills. Topics to be covered include motivation, how memory works, metacognition, critical thinking, decision making, attention and concentration, goal setting, time management and other study skills strategies.

Prerequisite: Permission of instructor

2 credits, ABC/U grading

ADV 475: Undergraduate Teaching Practicum I

Work as an assistant with an instructor of an ADV 101 regularly scheduled class or with the coordinator/instructor of ADV 488. The student is required to attend all classes, keep current with the regularly assigned work, and meet with the instructor at regularly scheduled times to discuss the intellectual and pedagogical matters relating to the course.

Prerequisite: U3 or U4 standing; permission of ADV 101 or ADV 488 coordinator and director of the Academic & Transfer Advising Services Center; completion of ADV 101 or ADV 488 or equivalent experience

SBC:     EXP+

0-3 credits, S/U grading

ADV 476: Undergraduate Teaching Practicum II

Work as an assistant with an instructor of an ADV 101 regularly scheduled class or with the coordinator/instructor of ADV 488. The student is required to attend all classes, keep current with the regularly assigned work, and meet with the instructor at regularly scheduled times to discuss the intellectual and pedagogical matters relating to the course. The student assumes greater responsibility in such areas as leading discussions and researching class-appropriate topics.

Prerequisite: ADV 475; permission of ADV 101 or ADV 488 coordinator and director of the Academic & Transfer Advising Services Center

SBC:     EXP+

0-3 credits, S/U grading

ADV 488: Academic and Transfer Advising Services Internship

This two semester internship offers outstanding juniors and seniors an opportunity to gain advising experience, improve personal and professional skills, and explore career aspirations while providing assistance to others. Responsibilities include a teaching assistantship for a first semester transfer student seminar, provide support to undergraduates on making the academic and personal transition to Stony Brook, conducting oral presentations with other Academic Peer Advisors to students, and serving as a role model and mentor for other Stony Brook undergraduates. Interns are required to attend a weekly Academic Peer Advisor seminar, complete a set number of outreach hours, assist with events across campus and work in the Advising and Transfer Advising Services Center. Repeatable to a maximum of 12 credits.

Prerequisite: Students are selected for the course based on an application which may be obtained from the advising office. Students must have earned 45 credits and a 3.0 cumulative GPA by the application date.

SBC:     EXP+

3 credits, S/U grading