Undergraduate Bulletin

Spring 2025

Minor in Writing and Rhetoric (WRT)

Advanced knowledge of written communication helps learners in all disciplines to become better students, employees, citizens, and human beings. This minor complements nearly any choice of major concentration since writing competency is necessary in many upper-level courses and in most professions, regardless of subject area. The writing and rhetoric minor allows students a high degree of flexibility in choosing coursework that suits their interests and schedules.

Requirements for the Minor in Writing and Rhetoric

Completion of the writing and rhetoric minor requires 18 credits. At least 12 of the 18 credits must be taken at Stony Brook University. Transfer credits are awarded solely by permission of the Program in Writing and Rhetoric Director. Courses taken for the minor must be passed with a letter grade of C or higher. Only a selection of elective courses are offered each semester.

Required course for all writing and rhetoric minors:

  • WRT 102 Intermediate Writing Workshop

Elective courses for the minor (choose any five):

  • WRT 200 Grammar and Style for Writers
  • WRT 201 Principles of Professional Writing
  • WRT 205 Writing about Global Literature
  • WRT 206 Writing about African-American Literature
  • WRT 301 Writing in the Disciplines: Special Topics
  • WRT 302 Critical Writing Seminar: Special Topics (with the following topics: Fiction Writing, Women Writing, Writing About Film, Environmental Writing, Writing for the New Media, Life Writing & Story Telling, Faith, Literature, and Writing)
  • WRT 303 The Personal Essay
  • WRT 304 Writing for your Profession
  • WRT 305 Writing for the Health Professions
  • WRT 306 Tutor Training
  • WRT 375 Technical Communication
  • WRT 380 Advanced Research Writing
  • WRT 381 Advanced Analytic and Argumentative Writing
  • WRT 382 Grant Writing
  • WRT 392 Theories and Methods of Mentoring Writers
  • WRT 487 Independent Project
  • WRT 488 Internship
  • A Writing Intensive course from any other discipline on campus with the permission of the Undergraduate Program Director for the Program in Writing and Rhetoric