Undergraduate Bulletin

Spring 2025

HUS: Spanish Literature and Culture Courses in English

HUS 150: Indigenous Cultures of Latin America

An introduction to the Indigenous Peoples of Latin America in the past and present times, focusing on culture, arts, social movements and politics.


3 credits

HUS 201: The Hispanic World through Visual Cultures

This class will study visual cultural artifacts in close connection to their historical contexts and to the literary traditions of Latin America, Spain and Hispanic/Latino USA. The class will survey 500 years of cultural traditions through the analysis of maps, textiles, pottery, city designs, monumental sculpture, painting, muralism, graffiti, comic books, visual poetry and other Hispanic visual cultural products.


3 credits

HUS 221: Disabled Bodies, National Politics

A study of the disabled body in nineteenth century Iberian cultural production. An inquiry into who was considered disabled and what were the consequences of being discriminated as such. We will focus on physical, social and economic differences in order to understand them. We will study human and cultural differences and will discuss issues of gender, race, varying abilities and disabilities, socioeconomic level, sexual orientation. We will also focus on medicine and science, as medicine discourse and treatises have established what a disability is and turned disability into a social construct.


3 credits

HUS 250: Caribbean Cultures

An examination of modern Caribbean literature and culture focusing on Cuba, Puerto Rico and the Dominican Republic in dialogue with Anglophone and Francophone Caribbean texts.


3 credits

HUS 254: Latin America Today

An introduction to a global perspective on contemporary Latin American culture. Latin America's political, historical, and cultural developments of this century are studied.

DEC:     J

3 credits

HUS 255: Modern Spain

An examination of major cultural and social developments in contemporary Spain in global context.

DEC:     I

3 credits

HUS 261: Latin American Literature in a Global Context

A topics course given in English on a major Latin American author or literary movement in relation to European or American literature. May be repeated as the topic changes. May be used to satisfy comparative literature major requirements with permission of major department.

DEC:     G

3 credits

HUS 271: United States Latino Literature and Culture

A topics course in English on the literature, cultures and histories of Latinos in the United States. May be repeated as the topic changes. May be used to satisfy comparative literature major requirements with permission of major department.

DEC:     G

3 credits

HUS 272: Science, Technology, and the Environment in Latin America

Studies the dialogues between scientific and literary discourses in Latin America, discussing the ethics and responsibility of dealing with our current environmental emergency. Special focus will be on cultural and literary interventions in the debates about sustainability, infrastructure, climate change, and global warming, and on the place that the discourses of science and technology have played in them.


3 credits

HUS 290: Latin American Cinema

A contextual introductory approach to the national cinemas of Latin America and their local politics in a global context. Students develop skills in film analysis and examine performance techniques and visual languages, while studying cinema in relation to national identity, the self, and the function of culture in society. Formerly offered as HUS 390; not for credit in addition to HUS 390.

DEC:     J

3 credits

HUS 475: Undergraduate Teaching Practicum in Hispanic Cultures

Students will work with a faculty as an assistant in one of the regularly scheduled undergraduate HUS classes (taught in English). The student is required to attend all classes and meet with the faculty member at regularly scheduled times to coordinate and discuss the intellectual and pedagogical matters relating to the class. Students will be facilitating discussions with students and analyzing the structure of the course and the mechanics of testing and participation during the whole semester. Students may not serve as assistants in the same course twice. Not for major or minor credit.

Prerequisite: U3 or U4 status and permission of the instructor

SBC:     EXP+

3 credits, S/U grading

SPN: Hispanic Languages and Literature

SPN 111: Elementary Spanish I

An introduction to spoken and written Spanish, stressing pronunciation, speaking, comprehension, reading, and writing. Language laboratory supplements class work. Intended for students without any prior knowledge of the language. All entering students should take a placement exam to evaluate their proficiency. Please see https://www.stonybrook.edu/commcms/llrc/placement_challenge_exams/Placement_Exam for more information.

Partially fulfills: LANG

4 credits

SPN 112: Elementary Spanish II

An introduction to spoken and written Spanish, stressing pronunciation, speaking, comprehension, reading, and writing. Language laboratory supplements class work. All entering students should take a placement exam to evaluate their proficiency. Please see https://www.stonybrook.edu/commcms/llrc/placement_challenge_exams/Placement_Exam for more information.

Prerequisite: C or better in SPN 111 or placement into 112 (LVL2). See https://www.stonybrook.edu/commcms/llrc/placement_challenge_exams/ for more information.

DEC:     S3

4 credits

SPN 211: Intermediate Spanish I

A comprehensive review of the Spanish language in its global context. The course is intended to develop competence in reading, writing, and speaking Spanish through the study of grammar and interpretation of selected literary texts. All entering students should take a placement exam to evaluate their proficiency. Please see https://www.stonybrook.edu/commcms/llrc/placement_challenge_exams/Placement_Exam for more information. Not intended for students of Spanish-speaking background.

Prerequisite: SPN 112 or placement into 211 (LVL3). See https://www.stonybrook.edu/commcms/llrc/placement_challenge_exams/ for more information.

DEC:     S3

3 credits

SPN 212: Intermediate Spanish II

A comprehensive study of the Spanish language in its global context. The course is intended to develop greater competence in reading, writing, and speaking Spanish through continued study of grammar and interpretation of more advanced literary texts. Not intended for students of Spanish-speaking background.

Prerequisite: SPN 211 or placement into 212 (LVL4). See https://www.stonybrook.edu/commcms/llrc/placement_challenge_exams/ for more information.

DEC:     S3

3 credits

SPN 213: Intermediate Spanish for Speakers of Spanish

A course intended for students of Spanish-speaking background whose formal training in the language has been limited to a year or less. It is designed to improve competence in Spanish as it is spoken and written in the Americas. May not be taken for credit in addition to SPN 210, 211, or 212.

Prerequisite: Native speaking proficiency in Spanish

DEC:     S3

3 credits

SPN 214: Intermediate Medical Spanish I

Intended for students studying or planning a career in medicine. It combines an overview of Intermediate-level Spanish grammar with vocabulary and cultural elements relevant to the healthcare field.

Prerequisite: SPN 112 or placement into 211. See https://www.stonybrook.edu/commcms/llrc/placement_challenge_exams/ for more information.


3 credits

SPN 215: Intermediate Medical Spanish II

A medical Spanish course for students studying or planning to study a career in the health sciences. The second in a series of intermediate-level courses aimed at developing students' speaking, reading, listening and writing skills in Spanish through the use of complex grammatical structures in a variety of communicative activities, with emphasis on medical vocabulary and cultural awareness regarding the Latino population in the US.

Prerequisite: SPN 211 or SPN 213 or SPN 214 or Placement Test. See https://www.stonybrook.edu/commcms/llrc/placement_challenge_exams/ for more information.


3 credits

SPN 310: Spanish Grammar and Composition for Students of Hispanic-American Background

A course designed to improve writing through the study of Hispanic-American literature and culture. May not be taken for credit in addition to SPN 311.

Prerequisite: fluency in Spanish equivalent to SPN 212

DEC:     S3

3 credits

SPN 311: Spanish Conversation and Composition

A thorough review of Spanish grammar and of the active use of spoken and written forms. May not be taken for credit in addition to SPN 310.

Prerequisite: SPN 212 or placement into 311 (LVL5). See https://www.stonybrook.edu/commcms/llrc/placement_challenge_exams/ for more information.

DEC:     S3

3 credits

SPN 312: Introduction to Literary Studies

Reading of selected passages of prose and poetry in class, with special concentration on improving students' written and oral skills, and introducing them to the basic elements of literary analysis of Spanish and Latin American works.

Pre- or corequisite: SPN 310 or SPN 311

DEC:     G & 3
SBC:     HFA+, SPK

3 credits

SPN 321: Advanced Spanish Grammar and Composition

A review of advanced Spanish grammar with emphasis on improving writing skills and increasing mastery of Spanish syntax. Extensive practice in composition and in translation.

Prerequisite: SPN 310 or SPN 311

DEC:     S3

3 credits

SPN 322: Practical Spanish

A course for students who wish to become more proficient in reading, writing, and translating Spanish, to be used in job applications, business, administration, health professions and in other fields. Emphasis is placed on the idiomatic peculiarities of the Spanish language and the relation of Spanish to the structure of English. Not valid for Spanish major credit. Valid for Spanish minor credit.

Prerequisite: SPN 310 or SPN 311

DEC:     S3
SBC:     HFA+

3 credits

SPN 323: Advanced Spanish Conversation

A course designed to develop and maintain complete fluency in the language. Not open to native-background speakers or students who have been in a Spanish-speaking country for a considerable length of time.

Prerequisite: SPN 310 or SPN 311

DEC:     S3

3 credits

SPN 384: Introduction to Latin American Literature and Culture I

The study of culture, society, art and literature of Latin America in global context from its native origins through colonial rule. Formerly offered as SPN 395; not for credit in addition to SPN 395.

Prerequisites: SPN 312

DEC:     J & 3

3 credits

SPN 385: Introduction to Latin American Literature and Culture II

The study of culture, society, art, and literature of Latin America in global context from the late colonial period to the nineteenth century. Formerly offered as SPN 396; not for credit in addition to SPN 396.

Prerequisites: SPN 312

DEC:     J & 3

3 credits

SPN 386: Introduction to Latin American Literature and Culture III

The study of culture, society, art and literature of Latin America in global context in the twentieth and twenty-first centuries.

Prerequisites: SPN 312

DEC:     J & 3

3 credits

SPN 387: Introduction to Spanish Literature and Culture I

The study of culture, society, art, and literature of the Iberian Peninsula in European and global context through the seventeenth century. Formerly offered as SPN 397; not for credit in addition to SPN 397.

Prerequisites: SPN 312

DEC:     I & 3
SBC:     GLO, HFA+

3 credits

SPN 388: Introduction to Spanish Literature and Culture II

The study of culture, society, art and literature of the Iberian Peninsula in European and global context in the eighteenth and nineteenth centuries. Formerly offered as SPN 398; not for credit in addition to SPN 398.

Prerequisites: SPN 312

DEC:     I & 3
SBC:     GLO, HFA+

3 credits

SPN 389: Introduction to Spanish Literature and Culture III

The study of culture, society, art and literature of Spain in European and global context in the twentieth and twenty-first centuries.

Prerequisites: SPN 312

DEC:     I & 3

3 credits

SPN 390: Communication, Media and Journalism in Spanish

Reading, analyzing, writing, producing and publishing news and media material in Spanish. Emphasis will be on the new digital media culture of globalized Latin America, Latino USA and Spain in relation to specific historical and social contexts, power relations, gender and ethnic politics and ethical issues. The intersection of Latin American journalism and literature (the crónica), the new testimonial documentaries and the tensions between storytelling and information will be central in our multimedia work. The final group project will involve a multimedia digital publication in Spanish related to current events in Spanish speaking communities. Taught in Spanish. Formerly offered as SPN 399; not for credit in addition to SPN 399.

Prerequisite: SPN 312 or permission of the instructor

SBC:     GLO, HFA+

3 credits

SPN 391: The Culture and Civilization of Spain

The evolution of the culture and civilization of Spain as seen through its history, art, and literature in global context.

Prerequisites: SPN 312

DEC:     I & 3
SBC:     GLO, HFA+

3 credits

SPN 392: The Culture and Civilization of Latin America

The evolution of the culture and civilization of Latin America as seen through its history, art, and literature in global context.

Prerequisites: SPN 312

DEC:     G & 3
SBC:     GLO, HFA+

3 credits

SPN 393: Introduction to Hispanic Linguistics

The study of Spanish linguistics, including an analysis of the Spanish sound system and the structure of words and sentences. Topics include the origin and evolution of the Spanish language and the variations of Latin American and Peninsular Spanish

Prerequisite: SPN 321

SBC:     SBS

3 credits

SPN 405: Issues in Hispanic Cultural Studies

Readings, viewings, and theoretical discussion of Spanish or Latin American culture with special focus on one or more issues (colonialism, imperialism, national identity, indigenism, subjectivity) as manifested in a specific cultural form or forms (testimonial literature, popular culture, cinema, novel, short story, poetry, television). May be repeated as the topic changes.

Prerequisite: SPN 384 or SPN 385 or SPN 386 or SPN 387 or SPN 388 or SPN 389

DEC:     S3
SBC:     ESI, HFA+

3 credits

SPN 410: Theory in Contexts

Text analysis as they relate to Spanish or Latin American political, social, and gender relations and institutions. Sample topics include gender and representation, the body, popular and media cultures, the picaresque, visual and performance studies. May be repeated as the topic changes.

Prerequisite: SPN 384 or SPN 385 or SPN 386 or SPN 387 or SPN 388 or SPN 389

DEC:     S3
SBC:     ESI, HFA+

3 credits

SPN 415: Hispanic Cultures in Contact

Contemporary perspectives on Hispanic cultures in contact with each other and with non-Hispanic cultures. Sample topics include the literature of exile, migrations, border literature, ethnicity, indigenous cultures, Latino/Latina literature, Spanish and Latin American cultural contacts. May be repeated as the topic changes.

Prerequisite: SPN 384 or SPN 385 or SPN 386 or SPN 387 or SPN 388 or SPN 389

DEC:     S3
SBC:     ESI, HFA+

3 credits

SPN 420: Topics in Spanish and Latin American Cinema

May be repeated as the topic changes.

Prerequisite: SPN 384 or SPN 385 or SPN 386 or SPN 387 or SPN 388 or SPN 389


3 credits

SPN 435: Topics in Latin American Literature from the Colonial Period to the Present

May be repeated as the topic changes.

Prerequisite: SPN 384 or SPN 385 or SPN 386 or SPN 387 or SPN 388 or SPN 389

DEC:     S3
SBC:     ESI, HFA+

3 credits

SPN 443: Medical Spanish Experiential Learning

The course will offer credit for experiential learning through a collaboration with Stony Brook Hospital or other organizations across Long Island that work with immigrant communities, assisting Spanish-speaking patients in a variety of non-clinical tasks or providing translation or interpreting services.

Prerequisite: SPN 214 or permission of instructor and director of undergraduate studies

SBC:     EXP+

0-3 credits, S/U grading

SPN 444: Experiential Learning

This course is designed for students who engage in a substantial, structured experiential learning activity in conjunction with another class. Experiential learning occurs when knowledge acquired through formal learning and past experience are applied to a "real-world" setting or problem to create new knowledge through a process of reflection, critical analysis, feedback and synthesis. Beyond-the-classroom experiences that support experiential learning may include: service learning, mentored research, field work, or an internship.

Prerequisite: WRT 102 or equivalent; permission of the instructor and approval of the EXP+ contract (http://sb.cc.stonybrook.edu/bulletin/current/policiesandregulations/degree_requirements/EXPplus.php)

SBC:     EXP+

0 credit, S/U grading

SPN 445: Topics in Spanish Literature from the Middle Ages to the Present

May be repeated as the topic changes.

Prerequisite: SPN 384 or SPN 385 or SPN 386 or SPN 387 or SPN 388 or SPN 389

DEC:     S3
SBC:     ESI, HFA+

3 credits

SPN 447: Directed Readings

Individually supervised studies in selected topics of Hispanic language, literature, and culture. May be repeated. Normally no more than three credits are allowed toward the major requirements; other credits are considered as electives.

Prerequisites: Permission of instructor and department

DEC:     S3
SBC:     EXP+

1-6 credits

SPN 458: Speak Effectively Before an Audience

A zero credit course that may be taken in conjunction with any SPN course that provides opportunity to achieve the learning outcomes of the Stony Brook Curriculum's SPK learning objective.

Pre- or corequisite: WRT 102 or equivalent; permission of the instructor

SBC:     SPK

0 credit, S/U grading

SPN 459: Write Effectively in Spanish

A zero credit course that may be taken in conjunction with any 300- or 400-level SPN course, with permission of the instructor. The course provides opportunity to practice the skills and techniques of effective academic writing and satisfies the learning outcomes of the Stony Brook Curriculum's WRTD learning objective.

Prerequisite: WRT 102; permission of the instructor


0 credit, S/U grading

SPN 463: Contrastive Spanish-English Grammar

In-depth investigation of particular areas of Spanish and English grammar for purposes of language teaching.

Prerequisite: SPN 393 or LIN 101 or HUL 324

DEC:     S3

3 credits

SPN 465: Topics in Hispanic Linguistics

May be repeated as the topic changes.

Prerequisite: SPN 393 or LIN 101 or HUL 324

DEC:     S3
SBC:     HFA+

3 credits

SPN 475: Undergraduate Teaching Practicum I in Spanish

An opportunity for selected upper-division students to collaborate with the faculty in teaching a Hispanic language, literature or culture class. Responsibilities include attending all classes, preparing material for practice sessions, meeting with the faculty to discuss matters relating to the course and collaborating in the teaching process.

Prerequisites: U3 or U4 Spanish major; preferably U4 standing; permission of director of undergraduate studies

DEC:     S3
SBC:     EXP+

3 credits, S/U grading

SPN 476: Undergraduate Teaching Practicum in Spanish II

An opportunity for selected upper-division students to collaborate with the faculty in teaching a Hispanic language, literature or culture class. Responsibilities include attending all classes, preparing material for practice sessions, meeting with the faculty to discuss matters relating to the course and collaborating in the teaching process.

Prerequisite: SPN 475; U3 or U4 Spanish major; permission of director of undergraduate studies

SBC:     EXP+

3 credits, S/U grading

SPN 488: Internship

Participation in local, state, and national public and private organizations. The work must involve skills related to the educational goals of the department. Request for approval of the undergraduate studies committee for internships must be submitted no later than the last week of classes of the prior semester.

Prerequisite: 12 credits of Spanish; 2.50 g.p.a.; permission of instructor and department

SBC:     EXP+

0-6 credits, S/U grading

SPN 495: Spanish Senior Honors

A one-semester project for seniors. Arranged in consultation with the department, the project involves writing a paper, under the close supervision of an appropriate instructor, on a suitable topic. Students who are candidates for honors take this course.

Prerequisites: 3.50 g.p.a. in major; Spanish courses in major; 3.00 overall g.p.a.; U4 standing; permission of department

DEC:     S3
SBC:     EXP+

3 credits