Undergraduate Bulletin

Spring 2025

Spanish Language and Literature (SPN)

Spanish studies involve language, literature, cultural history, and linguistics as applied to Spain, Spa­nish America, and Latino communities in the United States. The field combines the humanities and the social sciences to give the student an understanding of the diverse aspects of Hispanic culture.

Because so many facets of North Ame­rican life-business, industry, commerce, communications media, the arts, science, and technology-have become truly in­ternational in scope, many career opportunities exist for persons with language skills and knowledge of other cultures. A student majoring in Spanish could begin preparation for a career in any of these fields as well as in teaching. A student minoring in Spanish could combine such studies with plans for governmental service, international business, the health professions, or a major in another language and literature.

The Department offers a major program leading to the Bachelor of Arts degree in Spanish language and literature and a minor in Spanish. Students wishing to major in Spanish should consult with a Departmental advisor to choose individual programs.


Entering students who wish to continue the study of Spanish started in high school should consult a departmental advisor to help them choose the appropriate course.