Undergraduate Bulletin

Spring 2025

Russian Studies (RUS)

The minor in Russian Studies is flexible and gives students the opportunity to select a particular area of emphasis. A student who successfully completes a minor in Russian attains a broadly based background in Russian culture; depending on which electives are chosen, the student also acquires a more specialized knowledge of language, literature, or cultural studies. The Department offers courses in Russian as well as in translation, and the Russian minor may be combined with work in other disciplines.

Russian minors have found employment in teaching, government service, foreign trade and banking, communications, translating, and interpreting. The expansion of East-West trade and the new business ventures in Russia seeking cooperation with Europe, Asia, and Africa offer creative career opportunities. Some Russian students have continued on to do graduate work in Russian or Slavic Studies at Yale, Harvard, North­western, Berkeley, and American Uni­versity. Others have become certified as secondary school teachers. Science, social science, and pre-med minors have found the study of Russian to be particularly useful in their careers.