Undergraduate Bulletin
Spring 2025
Energy Science, Technology and Policy (NRG)
The Minor in Energy Science, Technology and Policy provides students with coursework intended to enhance their understanding of basic scientific concepts related to energy production, distribution and use, introduce them to basic engineering concepts in sustainable energy and a systems-based approach to energy technology, and enhance understanding of how to analyze energy policy decisions (including the impact of technical, economic and regulatory factors). Courses introduce students to emergent energy technologies (including the smart grid and future infrastructure systems), probabilistic risk assessment, and the dynamics of various energy markets, including understanding changing energy needs on a local to global scale. The Minor requires use of electronic portfolio to demonstrate attainment of learning objectives through course-based activities.
Admission to the minor: requires a minimum grade point average of 3.0 in the three introductory courses. Courses must be planned with in consultation with the Minor program advisor or director. Any course substitution must be approved in advance by the director of the Minor.