Undergraduate Bulletin

Spring 2025

Music and Technology (MTX)

The minor in Music and Technology is designed to provide students interested in music, media, and digital technology and the arts, with a foundation specific to the latest developments in music and technology along with a basic background in the history and theory of music. Students in other majors who have interdisciplinary interests will find this minor valuable as preparation for further studies dealing with the arts and culture. Less rigorous than the music major, the minor is not intended to prepare students for advanced study or professional work in music. This track requires a minimum of 20 credits.

1. Basics: 

  • MUS 119 Elements of Music, or MUS 130 Sound Structures
  • MUS 208 Introduction to Music Technology (formerly offered as CDT 208; pre-requisite for all courses in Section 3)

Note: Students well-versed in music notation and basic theory (demonstrated by the MUS 119 challenge examination) should take MUS 130 Sound Structures.

2. General:

3. Specific:

4. Performance: two semesters of one or more of the following:

(all of the above are by audition only – please note that most instrumental lessons require a co-requisite of an ensemble – please see course descriptions)

5. In lieu of two semesters (2 credits) of performance ensemble, a student may take an additional course from #2 or #3 above or MUS 315.

6. If a Music major wants to also do a minor in Music and Technology he/she must undertake a relevant independent project under faculty supervision, taken as a 3 credit CDT 487 Independent Project.