Undergraduate Bulletin

Spring 2025

Requirements for the Major in Multidisciplinary Studies (MTD)

Acceptance to the Major

Students seeking admission to the major should read the detailed instructions found on the program Web site. Each student must write a Curricular Plan which states the two or three areas of concentration that will satisfy the Course Distribution requirement, and explains how this selection serves his or her intellectual, professional, or personal goals. In addition, if any course to be credited toward one of the two or three areas of concentration does not bear the course designator of the corresponding department or program, the inclusion of that course must be justified in the Curricular Plan. Upon acceptance of the Plan by one of the Multidisciplinary Stu­dies advisors, the student will be admitted to the major. A student wishing to change areas of concentration or justify the inclusion of additional courses must submit a revised Curricular Plan for approval by one of the program advisors.

Requirements for the Major

The major in Multidisciplinary Studies leads to the Bachelor of Arts degree. All courses offered for the major must be passed with a letter grade of C or higher.

Completion of the major requires 45 credits.

A. Course Distribution
Courses from two or three departments or areas are distributed as follows:
1. 15 credits in department or area A;
2. 15 credits in department or area B;
3. 15 credits in department or area C (or 15 credits in additional courses from department or area A, B, or both).

B. Upper-Division Writing Requirement
All students majoring in Multi­disciplinary Studies must satisfy the upper-division writing requirement established in one of the two or three departments chosen for distribution of Multidisciplinary Studies major credit. The department in which the upper-division writing requirement is satisfied must be a department within the College of Arts and Sciences. Students must report the department in which they will meet the upper-division writing requirement to the director of the Multidisciplinary Studies major by the start of their final semester. Details of the writing requirement for each major are listed among the major requirements in each department. In cases where there is no clearly identified department, the student should consult with an advisor in the Multidisciplinary Studies major.

Students should consult with the department advisor to ensure that their plan for completing the Upper Division Writing Requirement is consistent with university graduation requirements for General Education.  Students completing the Stony Brook Curriculum (SBC) must complete a course that satisfies the "Write Effectively within One's Discipline" (WRTD) learning objective to graduate.  The Upper Division Writing Requirement is consistent in most cases with the SBC learning outcomes for WRTD.

Further Stipulations

1. At least 30 credits offered to fulfill major requirements must be in upper-division courses, that is, courses numbered 300 or higher. Of these, at least nine credits in concentration A and nine credits in concentration B must be in upper-division courses.
2. A maximum of 15 credits may be used in courses from departments outside the College of Arts and Sciences such as business, computer science, or health sciences courses.
3. The 45 credits must include at least 15 upper-division credits taken at Stony Brook.
4. No more than six credits of independent study (including directed readings, research, and projects), with no more than three credits in a single concentration, will be accepted toward the major.
5. No more than three credits of S/U graded courses, including teaching practica and internships, will be accepted toward the major.
6. No courses taken under the Pass/No Credit option will be accepted toward the major.
7. Students in the Multidisciplinary Studies major may not declare a second major.

Honors Program in Multidisciplinary Studies

The honors program is open to Multi­disciplinary Studies majors who have a cumulative g.p.a. of 3.00 and a g.p.a. of 3.50 in their MTD areas of concentration. A student wishing to enter the honors program should begin the process during the junior year by finding a faculty mentor from one of the student's areas of concentration to supervise the writing of an honors thesis in that area. The student must write a proposal indicating both the topic of the planned thesis and the remaining courses to be taken for completion of the major, which must include two research courses or seminars chosen with the advice and approval of the mentor. Preferably the thesis topic and the courses will be of an interdisciplinary nature. The proposal, along with a statement by the mentor supporting the student's proposal and indicating the merit of the plan, must be submitted to the Multidisciplinary Studies advisory committee by the beginning of the semester before the semester of graduation (September for May or August graduation, January for December graduation).

The honors thesis is examined by the student's mentor, a faculty member in a different department which corresponds to another of the student's MTD areas of concentration, and a Multidisciplinary Studies faculty advisor. Submission of an acceptable thesis will satisfy the upper-division writing requirement. If the thesis is judged by these readers to be of sufficient merit and the student has completed the other elements of the approved plan and maintained the g.p.a. levels specified above, honors are conferred.