Undergraduate Bulletin

Spring 2025

Requirements for the Minor in Health, Medicine, and Society (MHS)

Students may be Sociology Majors as well as choose to “Minor” in Health, Medicine, and Society; however, no more than three  classes from the major course list may apply to the 21 credit requirement for the minor.

All courses for the minor must be passed with a letter grade of C or higher. Completion of the minor requires 21 credits. At least nine of the 21 credits must be taken at Stony Brook. At least three of the courses must be at the upper-division level.

1. Three Core Courses (9 credits):

 2. Students are required to choose two of the following Sociology electives (6 credits):

  • SOC 247/WST 247  Sociology of Gender
  • SOC 248 Social Problems in a Global Perspective 
  • SOC 310 Racism and Ethnic Relations
  • SOC 339 Sociology of Drugs and Alcoholism
  • SOC 340 The Sociology of Human Reproduction
  • SOC 344 Environmental Sociology
  • SOC 337 Sociology of Deviance
  • SOC 393 Special Topics in Health, Medicine, and Society*

3. Students are required to choose two courses from the following list (6 credits):**

  • AFS 306 Gender and Public Health in Africa
  • AFS 368/HIS 368 Health and Disease in African History
  • AFS 374/SUS 374 Environment and Development in African History
  • AFS 381/WST 381 AIDS, Race, and Gender in the Black Community
  • ANT 260 How We Eat
  • ANT 359 The Archaeology of Food
  • BIO 350 Darwinian Medicine
  • BIO 358 Biology and Human Social and Sexual Behavior
  • ECO 327 Health Economics
  • ENS 312 Population, Technology, and the Environment
  • HIS 237 Science, Technology, and Medicine in Western Civilization I
  • HIS 238 Science, Technology, and Medicine in Western Civilization II
  • HIS 293 Disease in American History
  • HIS 398 Topics in the History of Science, Medicine and Technology
  • MEC 280 Pollution and Human Health
  • PSY 333 Mood Disorders
  • PSY 334 Autism Spectrum Disorders
  • PSY 342 Psychology of Women’s Health
  • PSY 346 Health Psychology 
  • SUS 340 Ecological and Social Dimensions of Disease
  • WST 394 Special Topics in Medicine, Reproduction and Gender 

*Up to 6 credits of SOC 393 may be applied to the minor.
**Sub­stitutions may be permitted for other courses with medical components with permission of the Director of the minor.