Undergraduate Bulletin

Spring 2025

Manufacturing Engine­ering (MFE)

The Department of Materials Sci­ence and Engineering offers the minor in Manufacturing Engine­ering, suitable for Engineering Science students or for non-Engineering Science students who seek to obtain a more thorough understanding of the engineering sciences. The rapidly changing nature of technology in the manufacturing industries creates a need for graduates with a background in such areas as modern materials processing, design, thermodynamics, statistics, and analysis. The courses in the minor in Manu­facturing Engineering provide the student with a broad introduction to the engineering science principles and applications associated with manufacturing engineering and provide important skills for careers in manufacturing, process and systems engineering, and quality engineering.

Engineering science, computer engineering, electrical engineering, mechanical engineering, and applied mathematics and statistics students can assemble a sequence of courses with 18 to 24 credits to satisfy the minor. Courses used to satisfy requirements of another minor in engineering science may not be used to satisfy requirements of another minor in engineering science. The student's program must be approved by the undergraduate program director.