Undergraduate Bulletin

Spring 2025

Degree Requirements - Media/Art/Culture

The Major in Media/Art/Culture leads to the Bachelor of Arts degree. Completion of the major requires 12 courses, or 36 credits in total. All courses for the major in Media/Art/Culture must be passed with a letter grade of C or higher, or a grade of S. Please note that enrollment in any course is contingent on requirements stated in the undergraduate course catalog, and some upper-division courses require lower-level prerequisites.

Introductory courses provide students with the opportunity to gain exposure to media arts history, theory and practice, providing foundational knowledge and proficiencies, enabling realization of critical and creative thinking into outcomes. Intermediate courses critically engage with contexts, methods, processes (analysis and application) of the languages of media. Students also have the opportunity to select special topics courses, or electives outside of the department, expanding the learning experience.

The following completed requirements lead to a Bachelor of Arts degree with a major in Major in Media/Art/Culture:

  1. Core Foundations Courses:
    At least three courses (9 credits) from amongst the following, with a minimum of one course from Art Practice and one course from Art History and Criticism:

Art Practice Courses: 

  • ARS 225: Introduction to Digital Art
  • ARS 281: Introductory Photography

Art History and Criticism Courses:

  • ARH 207: Digital Media: History/Theory
  • ARH 208: History of Photography
  • ARH 210: Modern Art and the Moving Image
  1. Elective Intermediate Courses - Eight upper division courses (300/400 level) total in either ARS or ARH (24 credits), with at least one course (3 credits) from each of the two divisions:

Art Practice Courses: 

  • ARS 317: Interactive Media, Performance, and Installation
  • ARS 324: Digital Arts: Design
  • ARS 325: Digital Arts: Print
  • ARS 326: Video Art: Narrative Forms
  • ARS 327: Digital Arts: Web Design and Culture
  • ARS 328: Digital Arts: Animation
  • ARS 329: Video Art: Experimental Forms
  • ARS 381: Color and Light Photography
  • ARS 382: Analog Black and White Photography
  • ARS 384: Art, Media and Technology
  • ARS 390: Topics in Studio Art*
  • ARS 401: Critical Issues Seminar*
  • ARS 402: Documentary Media Art
  • ARS 425: Advanced New Media Art
  • ARS 475: Undergraduate Teaching Practicum I*
  • ARS 476: Undergraduate Teaching Practicum II*
  • ARS 481: Advanced Photography
  • ARS 487: Advanced Directed Projects in Studio Theory and Practice*
  • ARS 488: Internship*
  • ARS 491: Special Topics in Studio Theory and Practice*
  • ARS 492: Special Topics in Studio Theory and Practice*
  • ARS 495: Senior Honors Project in Studio Art*

Art History and Criticism Courses:

  • ARH 336: The Computer and the Arts
  • ARH 348: Contemporary Art
  • ARH 391: Topics in Global Art*
  • ARH 395: Topics in Visual Culture
  • ARH 397: Topics in Photography
  • ARH 398: Topics in Film and Video Art
  • ARH 400: Seminar in Art History & Criticism*
  • ARH 475: Undergraduate Teaching Practicum I*
  • ARH 476: Undergraduate Teaching Practicum II*
  • ARH 487: Independent Reading & Research in Art*
  • ARH 488: Internship*
  • ARH 495: Senior Honors Project in ARH*
  1. Advanced Capstone Class- One course (3 credits)
  • ARH 407: Seminar in Media, Art, and Culture**

* Pre-approval by Director of Undergraduate Studies and Faculty Advisor required.

Additional ARS and ARH Topics courses (300 and 400-level) can be used with the permission of the Undergraduate Director by petition if the topic is deemed pertinent to the MAC major.

Additional courses outside the Art Department can be used with the permission of the Undergraduate Director by petition if the topic is deemed pertinent to the MAC major.

Additional Notes:

  1. No more than three credits from any internship (488) may be applied to the major.
  2. No more than three credits from any teaching practicum or independent research (ARS 475/476 or ARH 487/488) may be applied to the major. Teaching practicums are supervised undergraduate TA experiences.
  3. No more than three credits from ARH/ARS 487 may be applied to the major.