Undergraduate Bulletin
Spring 2025
Requirements for the Minor in Latin American and Caribbean Studies (LAC)
All courses offered for the minor must be passed with a letter grade of C or higher.
Completion of the minor requires 18 credits.
1. HUS 254 Latin America Today or HUS 250 Caribbean Cultures or HIS/POL 214 Modern Latin America
2. One literature or culture course, to be chosen from those listed in Group A
3. One history or social science courses, to be chosen from those listed in Group B
4. Two additional upper-division courses to be chosen from Groups A and B
5. LAC 488 Internship (or LAC 487 Research with permission of director)
1. Relevant special topics given in any department are acceptable for the minor with the approval of the director.
2. An expanded list of acceptable courses for groups A and B is available in the program office.
Group A: Literature and Culture
- AFH 339/ARH 329 Arts of the African Diaspora
- AFH 368/EGL 368 Caribbean and American Connections in Literature
- AFH/HUF 385 French Caribbean Literature
- ARH 326 Arts of Ancient Mesoamerica
- ARH 329 Arts of the African Diaspora
- EGL 368 Caribbean and American Connections in Literature
- EGL 375 Literature in English in Relation to Other Disciplines
- EGL 376 The Literature of Imperialism
- HUS 254 Latin America Today
- HUS 261 Latin American Literature in a Global Context
- HUS 271 United States Latino Literature and Culture
- HUS 272 Science, Technology, and the Environment in Latin America
- HUS 290 Latin American Cinema
- JRN 390 Journalism and Truth
- LIN 240 Spanish in the USA
- SPN 392 The Culture and Civilization of Latin America
- SPN 410 Theory in Contexts
- SPN 415 Hispanic Cultures in Contact
- SPN 420 Topics in Latin American Cinema
- SPN 435 Topics in Latin American Literature, Colonial Period-Present
- The following topics courses may also be used when the topic is appropriate:
Group B: Social Sciences
- AFH 329, AFH 330 Pan-African Literature I, II
- AFS 239 Introduction to the Caribbean Experience
- AFS 240 Issues in Caribbean Society
- AFS 350/HIS 350 Black Women and Social Change: A Cross-Cultural Perspective
- AFS 380/ANT 380 Race and Ethnicity in Latin America and the Caribbean
- ANT 201 Peoples of South America
- ECO 335 Developing Economics
- SUS 316 Cuba & Sustainability
- HIS 213 Colonial Latin America
- HIS 214/POL 214 Modern Latin America
- HIS 216/POL 216 History of U.S.-Latin American Relations
- HIS 380 History of Cuba
- HIS 389 Modern Mexico
- POL 372 Politics in the Third World
- SOC 364 Sociology of Latin America
- WST 395 Topics in Global Feminism (when topic is appropriate)
- WST 398 Topics in Gender, Race, and Ethnicity (when topic is appropriate)