Undergraduate Bulletin
Spring 2025
Requirements for the Minor in Korean Studies (KOR)
Completion of the minor requires 18 credits. At least 9 credits must be taken in courses numbered 300 or higher. All courses must be completed with a letter grade of C or higher.
Requirements for the minor:
- Korea-focused courses chosen from the following (9 credits)
- KOR 331Social Sciences Topics in Korean Studies
- KOR 332Humanities Topics in Korean Studies
- KOR 426Structure of Korean
- AAS 217Introduction to Korean Culture
- AAS/HIS 247Modern Korean Through Visual Culture
- AAS 321Korean Literature
- AAS 323Language and Society in Korea
- AAS 324Language and Society in North Korea
- AAS/HIS 337History of Korea
- AAS 400Seminar in Korean Studies
- ARH 355 Modern and Contemporary Art of Korea
- Three courses chosen from 2A and/or 2B (9 credits)
2A Korean Language Courses:
- KOR 111Elementary Korean I
- KOR 112Elementary Korean II
- KOR 120Elementary Korean for Heritage Speakers
- KOR 211Intermediate Korean I
- KOR 212Intermediate Korean II
- KOR 220Intermediate Korean for Heritage Speakers
- KOR 311Advanced Korean I
- KOR 312Advanced Korean II
- KOR 411Advanced Korean III
- KOR 412Advanced Korean IV
2B Korea-related Courses:
- KOR 475 Undergraduate Teaching Practicum I
- KOR 476 Undergraduate Teaching Practicum II
- KOR 487 Supervised Research in Korean Studies
- KOR 488 Internship
- AAS 240Confucianism and Daoism
- AAS 300Intellectual History of East Asia
- AAS/HIS 340 Topics in Asian History (appropriate topic only)
- AAS 344Learning of Asian Languages (appropriate topic only)
- AAS 385Translation Studies of Asian Languages (appropriate topic only)
- AAS 391Humanities Topics in AAS (appropriate topic only)
- AAS 392Social Science Topics in AAS (appropriate topic only)
- AAS 401 Seminar in Asian Studies (appropriate topic only)
- AAS 440Inter-Asia Cultural Studies
- ARH 203 Arts of Asia
- Up to six credits taken in Korean Studies-related courses from other institutions and other programs may count for Korean courses with approval of the Director of the Program in Korean Studies.
- Only one course graded with the S/U credit option may be used toward the minor requirements.
- Students may be allowed to take more Category 1 courses than Category 2 courses if they wish. Consult with the program director about this option.