Undergraduate Bulletin

Spring 2025

Requirements for the Minor in Judaic Studies (JDS)

No more than one course offered for the minor may be taken under the Pass/No Credit option. All other courses for the minor must be taken for a letter grade. Students interested in enrolling in the minor must consult with the coordinator of the minor in Judaic Studies and select an advisor from the Judaic Studies program faculty.

Completion of the minor requires at least 21 credits.

1. One year of Hebrew at a level appropriate to the student's previous background

2. Two of the following:

3. Three courses numbered 300 or higher approved in advance by the minor advisor.
Requirement 3 may be satisfied by courses in the Judaic Studies program itself or by related courses in other programs, if the subject is judged appropriate for the student's field of concentration. The following list of courses from other departments is meant to be representative and does not exclude the possibility of substituting others with the approval of the student's advisor.

  • ANT 402 Problems in Archaeology
  • RLS 301 Sources and Methods

Appropriate topics from any directed readings course and from the following:

  • ANT 310 Ethnography
  • EGL 375 Literature in English in Relation to Other Disciplines
  • RLS 390 Special Topics