Undergraduate Bulletin
Spring 2025
Requirements for the minor in Hellenic Studies
The Minor in Hellenic Studies is an interdisciplinary program for students interested obtaining an understanding of Modern Greek language, culture, and society in relation to ancient Greek and Byzantine civilizations.
The minor is organized around areas relevant to Hellenic Studies (of the student’s choice). Courses offered for the minor must be taken for a letter grade. All courses offered for the minor must be passed with a grade of C or higher. Completion of the minor requires 21 credits. At least nine of the 21 credits must be taken at Stony Brook, with three of the courses at the upper-division level. Students wishing to pursue a minor in Hellenic Studies must develop a specific plan for its completion in consultation with the designated advisor. An example of an acceptable distribution would be the following:
A. Two 100-level courses
B. Two 200-level courses
C. Three 300-level courses, with option of substituting one 400-level course for one of the three 300- level courses
If students do not have competency in Modern Greek language, they are required to successfully
complete the Modern Greek language courses at the Intermediate level.
Students are strongly encouraged to participate in the Summer study abroad program in Greece.
Course Offerings
- ANT 296 Anthropology of the European Mediterranean
Art History
- ARH 202 Arts of the Ancient World
- ARH 300 Greek Art and Architecture
- ARH 301 Roman Art and Architecture
- ARH 370 Masterpieces of Western Art
Cinema and Cultural Studies
- CCS 312 Cinema and the Ancient World
Classics of Literature
- CLS 113 Greek and Latin Literature in Translation
- CLS 225 The Classical Tradition
- CLS 447 Directed Readings in Classics
- EGL 260 Mythology in Literature
European Studies
- EUR 101 Foundations of European Culture
- GRK 101 Intensive Elementary Modern Greek
- GRK 111 Elementary Ancient Greek I
- GRK 112 Elementary Ancient Greek II
- GRK 121 Elementary Modern Greek I
- GRK 122 Elementary Modern Greek II
- GRK 211 Intermediate Modern Greek I
- GRK 212 Intermediate Modern Greek II
- GRK 321 Advanced Modern Greek I
- GRK 322 Advanced Modern Greek II
- HIS 101 European History: from Antiquity to Revolution
- HIS 105 The Ancient World
- HIS 201 The Ancient Near East
- HIS 202 Ancient Greece
- HIS 203 Ancient Rome
- HIS 225 The Formation of the Judaic Heritage
- HIS 319 Assyrians, Babylonians, and Hittites
- HIS 324 Lost Languages, Ancient Civilizations, and Decipherments
- LIN 110 The Anatomy of English Words
- MAT 336 History of Mathematics
Medieval Studies
- MVL 241 Heroes and Warriors
- PHI 101 Historical Introduction to Western Philosophy (I)
- PHI 104 Moral Reasoning (II)
- PHI 105 Politics and Society (II)
- PHI 110 Arts and Ideas (III)
- PHI 200 Introduction to Ancient Philosophy (I)
- PHI 300 Ancient Philosophy (I)
- PHI 367 Philosophy of War and Peace (III)
- PHI 372 Ethical Inquiry (II)
Political Science
Religious Studies
Theatre Arts
Women's Studies
- WST 315 Gender and Sexuality in Ancient Greek Literature