Undergraduate Bulletin
Spring 2025
Requirements for the minor in Film and Screen Studies
All courses for the minor must be passed with a letter grade of C or higher.
Completion of the minor requires 18 credits, with at least three courses at the upper-division level.
A. One Core Course (3 credits):
- EGL 220 Critical Approaches to the Cinema
B. One of the following courses (3 credits):
C. Three of the following courses (9 credits):
- ARH 398 Topics in Film and Video Art
- ARS 326 Video Art: Narrative Forms
- ARS 329 Video Art: Experimental Forms
- ARS 425 Advanced New Media Art
- CCS 301 Cinema and Media Theory
- CCS 311 Gender and Genre in Film
- CCS 312 Cinema and the Ancient World
- CCS 313 Television Studies
- CCS 381 Topics in Cinema Studies
- CCS 382 Topics in Media and Popular Culture
- CCS 391 Topics in African Cinema and Cultural Studies
- CCS 392 Topics in American Cinema and Cultural Studies
- CCS 393 Topics in European Cinema and Cultural Studies
- CCS 394 Topics in Asian Cinema and Cultural Studies
- CCS 401 Senior Seminar in Cinema & Cultural Studies
- CLT 335 Interdisciplinary Study of Film
- EGL 303 Genre or Media (when topic is film- or screen media-related)
- EGL/THR 325 Screenwriting
- EGL 390/3 Topics in Literary and Cultural Studies (when topic is film- or screen media-related)
- EGL 394 Topics in Literary and Cultural Studies of Science and Technology (when topic is film- or screen media-related)
- HUI 338 Images of Italian Americans in Film
- HUS 290 Latin American Cinema (formerly offered as HUS 390)
- SPN 405 Issues in Hispanic Cultural Studies (when topic is film- or screen media-related)
- SPN 420 Topics in Spanish and Latin American Cinema
- SUS 328 Ecofeminism, Literature & Film
- THR 403 Media: Theory and Criticism
D. One elective course (3 credits) chosen from the following:
- EGL 121 Global Film Traditions or EGL 194 Film: Mastering the Movies
- A 200-level film course, such as ARH 210 Modern Art and the Moving Image, AAS 222 Indian Cinemas and Cultures, AAS 232 Introduction to Asian American Fiction and Film, HUF 211 French Cinema, or HUR 241 Russian Cinema. With approval of Undergraduate Studies Director.
- A 300- or 400-level course listed in section C, when not used to apply to the 9 required credits of section C.