Undergraduate Bulletin

Spring 2025

Please see  Degrees & Requirements  for this program to obtain course information.

FLM: Film

FLM 101: Introduction to Filmmaking and Television: Visual Storytelling

A hands-on introduction to the art of film and television. Students will become familiar with the ideas, materials and technical skills needed for creative expression in these mediums. Participants will learn how to use images in conjunction with sound, text and narrative structure as a basis for communicating ideas on film and TV. Participants will craft ideas into short pieces using Smartphones or comparable devices.

DEC:     D

3 credits

FLM 102: Introduction to Film and Television Composition: How Films and TV Shows Say What They Mean

Introduction to the nuts and bolts of filmmaking and television as viewed through the lens of the working practitioner. By examining the creative aspects of films and television shows, the tools, the language and the choices of professionals, participants learn to interpret the creative elements of film and TV from a practitioner's perspective.

SBC:     HUM

3 credits

FLM 201: Visual Storytelling Across the DIsciplines

This course introduces visual storytelling as a basic competency, on par with expository writing, as an essential tool for conveying and understanding information across disciplines.We will investigate how the act of telling a story or communicating information with visual content serves as a powerful tool for helping make sense of the world. It will offer the opportunity to develop proficiency in the visual storytelling (visual analysis, narrative structure) and foundational technical skills (writing, camera use, lighting, editing, sound) beneficial to communicative and expressive work across, and as a means of fostering links between, the disciplines.


3 credits

FLM 203: Podcasting: Audio Storytelling Skills for Filmmakers

Podcasting is the next step in the technological liberation of storytelling via digital means. It is a companion and complement to video and filmmaking. In this introductory course, you will learn how to craft your own podcast--visualizing your stories with audio only--and present it to the world. You'll gain experience in writing for sound, interviewing styles and techniques, recording and editing basics, pitching ideas, marketing, branding, distribution, monetization and more. The focus is on learning and developing new storytelling and entrepreneurial skills, and strengthening oral communication and presenting skills by researching, writing and presenting proposals and pitches and participating in the evaluation of peer oral presentations of researched proposals and pitches.

SBC:     SPK

3 credits

FLM 215: Scriptwriting for Film and Television

Study and practice of scriptwriting for film and television through readings, screenings, discussions and regular submission of original work. Repeatable to a maximum of 6 credits as the topic changes.

Prerequisite: FLM 101

SBC:     HFA+

3 credits

FLM 220: Documentary Filmmaking

Study and practice of documentary filmmaking from concept to production and post-production, through readings, screenings, discussion and regular submissions of original documentary filmmaking projects. Topics include Creating the Documentary Short, Ethics and Documentary Film, Social Documentary, The Film Essay. Repeatable to a maximum of 6 credits as the topic changes.

Prerequisite: FLM 101

SBC:     HFA+

3 credits

FLM 221: Fiction Filmmaking

Study and practice of fiction filmmaking from story to production and post-production, through readings, screenings, discussion and regular submission of original fiction filmmaking projects. Topics include: Short Fiction, Film Animation, American Hollywood Film, Genre Filmmaking, Indie Filmmaking. Repeatable to a maximum of 6 credits as the topic changes.

Prerequisite: FLM 101

SBC:     HFA+

3 credits

FLM 301: The Filmmaker's Toolbox: Cinematography, Sound and Editing

Explores the connections between technology and storytelling, examining the tools and resources available to create compelling images and stories. Course explores the principals, tools and techniques of digital technologies: cinematography, art direction, sound design and editing in shaping a film, and how these choices interact with the art of visual storytelling.

Prerequisite: FLM 102


3 credits

FLM 302: Producing Practices for Film and Television: Producing and Directing

A hands-on course exploring the connections between production and storytelling, and exploring the real-world aspects of creating and directing projects for film and television. Topics include The Business of Television, Directing for Film, Pitching and Selling Ideas, Script Breakdown and Budgeting, Working in Television: Navigating the TV Workforce, Directing Actors for Film and TV. Repeatable to a maximum of 6 credits as the topic changes.

Prerequisite: FLM 101

SBC:     SPK

3 credits

FLM 310: Story Analysis for Filmmakers and Television Writers

A critical survey of the screenplay through the lens of the filmmaker and TV writer. Emphasis will be on exploring the construction of the story from a practitioner's perspective. Repeatable to a maximum of 6 credits as the topic changes.

Prerequisite: FLM 102; one 200-level or higher FLM course

SBC:     HFA+

3 credits

FLM 320: Topics in Film for Filmmakers and Television Writers

A critical survey of a particular period, genre or ideology in filmmaking and television. Emphasis will be on exploring the evolution of that period, genre or ideology from a practitioner's perspective. Repeatable to a maximum of 6 credits as the topic changes.

Prerequisite: FLM 102; one 200-level or higher FLM course

SBC:     HFA+

3 credits

FLM 402: Capstone Project

A weekly seminar in planning and executing an independent, interdisciplinary project, the culmination of the minor, to be taken while completing a short film or full-length project. The nature and genre of the film project is up to the individual, though the concept must be approved by the program director before the student can enroll in this course. Weekly class meetings give structure to the independent filmmaking process, helping minors to plan, research and locate the resources they need.

Prerequisite: permission of the Director

SBC:     EXP+

3 credits

FLM 488: Internship

Offers students a personalized experiential learning opportunity designed to build on classroom knowledge and skills by exploring filmmaking in real world settings. The work must involve skills related to the educational goals of the department.

Prerequisite: permission of the Director

SBC:     EXP+

3 credits, S/U grading

FLM 499: Independent Project

An independent project with faculty supervision. Permission to register requires a B average in all filmmaking and/or TV Writing courses and the agreement of a faculty member to supervise the project. May be repeated, but only three credits of FLM 499 may be counted toward the minor (will satisfy the 300 level film survey course requirement).

Prerequisite: permission of the Director

SBC:     EXP+

0-4 credits