Undergraduate Bulletin

Spring 2025

Sample Course Sequence for the Major in Electrical Engineering

For more information about SBC courses that fulfill major requirements, click here.


FALL Credits
 First Year Seminar 101 1
 WRT 102 (WRT) 3
 AMS 151 1  (QPS) 3
 PHY 131/1332 (SNW) 4
 ESE 123 (TECH) 4
Total 15
SPRING Credits
First Year Seminar 102 1
AMS 161 1 (QPS) 3
PHY 132/1342 (SNW)
ESE 118
AMS 210 3
Total 15

FALL Credits
 AMS 361 (or  MAT 303 )
ESE 280 4
ESE 271 3
 ESE 124 4
  ESE 305
 Total  18
SPRING Credits
AMS 261 (or MAT 203)
ESE 273  3
ESE 272 4
ESE 224 4
ESE 306 3
 Total 18


FALL Credits
ESE 331
ESE 323
ESE 319  3
ESE 342  3
ESE Elective  3
 Total 15
SPRING Credits
ESE Specialization Course 3
ESE 324 3
ESE 300   2
ESE 301  (STAS) 2
ESE Elective 3
ESE 315 3
 Total  16

FALL Credits
ESE 440*
CHE 1313  4
ESE Specialization Course  3
SBC  3
SBC  3
 Total 16
SPRING Credits
ESE 441*  3 
ESE Elective 3
SBC  3 
SBC  3
SBC  3
 Total  15

All courses in bold must be passed with a minimum grade of C.

  1. AMS 151  and  AMS 161  can be replaced by ( MAT 131  and  MAT 132 ) or ( MAT 131  and 171), or ( MAT 125 MAT 126 , and  MAT 127 ) or ( MAT 141  and  MAT 142 ), or ( MAT 141  and  MAT 171 ).
  2. PHY 131  and  PHY 132  can be replaced by ( PHY 125 PHY 126 , and  PHY 127 ), or ( PHY 141  and  PHY 142 ). Students taking the three semester sequence should take  PHY 125 PHY 127  and  PHY 126  in that order.
  3. Students can also take one of the following courses: CHE 152 , BIO 202 BIO 203 , ESG 198 PHY 251, AMS 301 or ESE 122

* Note: This course partially satisfies the following: ESI, CER, SPK, WRTD, SBS+, STEM+, EXP+. For more information contact the CEAS Undergraduate Student Office.