Undergraduate Bulletin
Spring 2025
Environmental Studies (ENS)
The Environmental Studies major, leading to a Bachelor of Arts degree, is designed to provide students with the analytical and communication skills and the broad background necessary to understand and address complex environmental issues. The major also offers the opportunity for students to carry out focused study within a specific area of interest. Environmental issues are not resolved in the scientific, technological, social, or political arenas alone. The curriculum is, therefore, interdisciplinary and integrates principles and methodologies from the social sciences, engineering, the natural sciences, and humanities. The goal is to address the complex scientific, legal, political, socioeconomic and ethical issues that define and surround environmental issues.
The major in Environmental Studies prepares the student for further education and entry-level employment in areas such as public interest science and advocacy, environmental conservation, law, journalism, management, television documentary production, ecotourism, population studies, and public service including public health.
To demonstrate depth of learning, an area of concentration is required of all students in the major. Additionally, a research course, an internship, or field study is an essential part of the curriculum to provide real-world experience in an appropriate subject area.
Students should contact the director of undergraduate studies to design and approve an acceptable course of study before declaring the major.
Students may learn more about the School of Marine and Atmospheric Sciences by visiting http://www.somas.stonybrook.edu.