Undergraduate Bulletin

Spring 2025

Requirements for the Major and Minor in English (EGL)

Requirements for the Major in English (EGL)

The major in English leads to the Bachelor of Arts degree. All courses used to fulfill the English major/minor requirements must be passed with a letter grade of C or higher.  

Completion of the major requires 42 credits.

A. Required Courses

  1. EGL 204 Literary Analysis and Argumentation 
  2. 3  Required Survey courses: Among the required survey courses, students must take at least one American and one British survey.
    1. One early literature survey course, either EGL 205 British Literature I or EGL 217 American Literature I.
    2. Two survey courses chosen from the following: EGL 205 (if not used above); EGL 206 British Literature II; EGL 207 History of the English Language; EGL 217 (if not used above); EGL 218 American Literature II; EGL 224 20th-Century Literature in English; EGL 226 20th-Century American Literature; EGL 243 Shakespeare: The Major Works; EGL 260 World Mythology; EGL 274 African-American Literature
  3. One EGL 100-, 200-, or 300-level elective not used to fulfill other requirements for the major.    
  4. Upper- Division Requirements (7 courses):  
    1. Intensive Writing in the Discipline: EGL 301
    2. Senior Seminar: EGL 380
    3. Five electives from EGL 300-399 and 488 (3 credits of 488 may count toward the major). At least 1 course should be pre-1800.

Courses must include at least one in each of four topic areas. With permission of the department, students may use one course to satisfy up to two topic areas. Alternate courses may be substituted with permission of the program director.

    1. Genre or Media: courses may include EGL 303, EGL 325, EGL 328, EGL 360EGL 361EGL 362, EGL 364, EGL 363, EGL 385, EGL 386, EGL 387, EGL 389
    2. Single-Author: courses may include EGL 308EGL 340EGL 342EGL 345EGL 346
    3. Interdisciplinary Study of Literature: courses may include EGL 305, EGL 309EGL 319 , EGL 333, EGL 368, EGL 369, EGL 370, EGL 371, EGL 372, EGL 376, EGL 379, EGL 381, EGL 382
    4. Literary or Critical History: courses may include EGL 311, EGL 320, EGL 367, EGL 373, EGL 378

          Notes on Section A:

  1. The following courses may not be used for the English major: EGL 440EGL 441EGL 449EGL 450EGL 451EGL 452EGL 454EGL 475EGL 476. Three credits of EGL 488 may be used to apply toward upper-division electives for the major.
  2. Students must earn a minimum of 9 upper division EGL credits at Stony Brook.
  3. Among the seven 300-level courses from the courses numbered EGL 300-399, only one of the following courses can be used to satisfy requirements: EGL 385, 386, or 387.

B. Required non-English Courses: Interdisciplinary Concentration

Six credits (two courses) in one other department of the student’s choosing (Foreign Language, History, Philosophy, Arts, etc.) above the 100 level.

C. Upper-Division Writing Requirement: Satisfactory completion of  EGL 301 with a grade of C or better.

The Honors Program in English

To be admitted into the Honors Program, students must have an overall GPA of at least 3.0 and a GPA in English courses of at least 3.5; they also must submit a sample paper evidencing an appropriate level of skill in literary analysis.  Honors students must maintain these grade point averages in order to remain in the program.  They will take three Honors Seminars, an Honors Practicum, and EGL 496.

Students should develop their plan for an Honors Thesis with an English faculty advisor, in consultation with the Honors Program Director.  Thesis topic must be approved by the Undergraduate Program Committee before the last week of the semester prior to the semester in which the student takes EGL 496.  The completed thesis will be evaluated by the thesis advisor, a member of the Undergraduate Program Committee, and a third reader.

Completion of the Honors program in English requires 45 credits.

A. Required Courses

  1. EGL 204 Literary Analysis and Argumentation
  2. 3 Required Survey courses: Among the required survey courses, students must take at least one American and one British survey.
    1. One early literature survey course, either EGL 205 British Literature I or EGL 217 American Literature I.
    2. Two survey courses chosen from the following: EGL 205 (if not used above); EGL 206 British Literature II; EGL 207 History of the English Language; EGL 217 (if not used above); EGL 218 American Literature II; EGL 224 20th-Century Literature in English; EGL 226 20th-Century American Literature; EGL 243 Shakespeare: The Major Works; EGL 260 World Mythology; EGL 274 African-American Literature
  3. Upper Division Requirements (8 courses):
    1. EGL 301 Intensive Writing in the Discipline
    2. EGL 491 Honors Seminar: British Literature
    3. EGL 492 Honors Seminar: American or Anglophone Literature
    4. EGL 494 Honors Practicum: Research
    5. EGL 496 Senior Honors Project (0-3cr)
    6. Three electives from EGL 300-399 and 488 (3 credits of 488 may count toward the major). Among the upper-division courses, students must take at least one pre-1800 course.

The upper-division courses must fulfill the following categories. With permission of the department, students may use one course to satisfy up to two topic areas. Alternate courses may be substituted with permission of the program director.

  1. Genre or Media: courses may include EGL 303, EGL 325, EGL 328, EGL 360EGL 361EGL 362, EGL 364, EGL 363, EGL 385, EGL 386, EGL 387, EGL 389
  2. Single-Author: courses may include EGL 308EGL 340EGL 342EGL 345EGL 346
  3. Interdisciplinary Study of Literature: courses may include EGL 305, EGL 309EGL 319 , EGL 333, EGL 368, EGL 369, EGL 370, EGL 371, EGL 372, EGL 376, EGL 379, EGL 381, EGL 382
  4. Literary or Critical History: courses may include EGL 311, EGL 320, EGL 367, EGL 373, EGL 378

B. Required non-English Courses: Interdisciplinary Concentration

Six credits (two courses) in one other department of the student’s choosing (Foreign Language, History, Philosophy, Arts, etc.) above the 100-level.

C. Upper-Division Writing Requirement: Satisfactory completion of EGL 301 with a grade of C or better.


  1. All courses used to fulfill the English major/minor requirements must be passed with a letter grade of C or higher.
  2. All 400-level English honors courses must be passed with a letter grade of B or higher for the student to graduate with Honors in English.
  3. Among the 300-level course, only one of the following courses can be used to satisfy requirements: EGL 385, 386, or 387.
  4. The following courses may not be used for the Honors Program in English: EGL 440, EGL 441, EGL 449, EGL 450, EGL 451, EGL 452, EGL 454, EGL 475, EGL 476, EGL 488.

Requirements for the Minor in English (EGL)

All courses offered for the minor must be passed with a letter grade of C or higher.

Completion of the minor requires 18 credits.

Courses required of all minors:

  1. EGL 204 Literary Analysis and Argumentation
  2. Two 200–level English courses
  3. Two 300–level English courses
  4. One English course at the 100-300 level

Note: At minimum, EGL 204, an EGL survey, and a 300-level EGL course must be taken at Stony Brook.