Undergraduate Bulletin

Spring 2025

Sample Course Sequence for the Major in Electrical Engineering Online

For more information about SBC courses that fulfill major requirements, click here.


FALL Credits
EEO 302 (STAS, CER, ESI)  3
EEO 301 4
EEO 315  3
EEO 352  3
MAT 211 (Linear Algebra)**  3
 Total  16
SPRING Credits
EEO 300  3
EEO 306 3
EEO 311 3
EEO 353 3
EEO 224
 Total  15

FALL Credits
EEO 440*
EEO 319  3
Technical Elective***  3
Technical Elective*** 3
Open Elective****  3
 Total 15
SPRING Credits
EEO 441*  3 
EEO 331 3
Technical Elective***  3 
Technical Elective***  3
Open Elective****  3
  Total  15

* Note: This course partially satisfies the following: ESI, CER, SPK, WRTD, SBS+, STEM+, EXP+. For more information contact the CEAS Undergraduate Student Office.

** MAT 211 is not available online. Refer to the transfer database for the most current evaluations. 

*** Technical Electives from the following list: EEO 303, EEO 304, EEO 314, EEO 316, EEO 346, EEO 388, EEO 414, EEO 425, EEO 470 and EEO 482.

**** Open Electives should be selected in consultation with the program advisor.