Undergraduate Bulletin

Spring 2025

Requirements for the Major in Electrical Engineering Online (EEO) 

Admission Criteria for the Upper-Division Electrical Engineering Online Program

Qualified transfer students not currently matriculated at Stony Brook University who have indicated their interest in the major on their application, and have completed the required prerequisite courses for the EEO program, may apply to this upper-division (final two years of the Bachelor's degree) program through the SUNY application

The following are minimum admission requirements:

1. A minimum 3.0 cumulative grade point average in the following courses, with no grade in any of them below C, from regionally accredited institutions or recognized by the Program on Noncollegiate Sponsored Instruction of the State of New York and recorded on official transcripts: 

2. A minimum grade of C in the following General Education Course from the  Stony Brook Curriculum  (SBC):

WRT Write Effectively in English: an English composition course judged to be equivalent to WRT 102 (U.S. equivalent writing course) 

Acceptance into the Major

Pre-majors are placed into the Area of Interest (AOI) program and to be eligible for the degree, they must be admitted to and declare the major. The requirements and application process for matriculation are detailed below. Students admitted to other programs follow the same admissions process as students in the AOI program.

**Note: Students pursuing a Bachelor of Engineering may not apply for a double major in the Electrical Engineering Online program. Students with a minor in Electrical Engineering may not pursue the Electrical Engineering Online program. 

Intellectual honesty and academic integrity are cornerstones of academic and scholarly work. The department may table any applications for major/minor admission until academic judiciary matters are resolved. An academic judiciary matter will be identified by a grade of “Q” in the instance of a first offense.

Applications for major admission are reviewed twice per year and must be received by January 5 for Spring admission and June 5 for Fall admission. Students who submit their application on time will be admitted if they meet the following requirements:

  • Completion of at least 9 credits of mathematics, physics, and electrical engineering online courses required for the major (excluding EEO 300 and EEO 302),
  • Earned a G.P.A. of 3.00 or higher in all mathematics, physics, and engineering courses (excluding EEO 300 and EEO 302) applicable to major requirements with no more than one grade less than C.

Students must complete these requirements no later than one year after they enroll in the first course that applies towards major entry. Students must apply for admission by the application deadline immediately following completion of the above requirements, but no later than the one year limit. Admission of AOI students and other CEAS students who apply late will follow the process of Non-CEAS Students and Double Major Applicants below.

Requirements for the Major

The major in Electrical Engineering Online leads to the Bachelor of Science degree.  Completion of the major requires approximately 66 credits. In addition to the following major requirements, students must also complete the Stony Brook Curriculum general degree requirements

1. Mathematics*

2. Natural Sciences*

  • PHY 131/133 Calculus-based Physics I with Lab
  • PHY 132/134 Calculus-based Physics II with Lab
  • CHE 131 Chemistry I or PHY 251 Modern Physics 

3. Required Courses:

  • EEO 124 C  or C++ Programming for Engineers *
  • EEO 218 Digital Logic Design*
  • EEO 219 Digital Logic Design Lab*
  • EEO 224 Object Oriented Programming for Electrical and Computer Engineers*
  • EEO 271 Electrical Circuit Analysis*
  • EEO 301 Signals and Systems 
  • EEO 306 Random Signals   
  • EEO 311 Electronics II   
  • EEO 315 Electronics I   
  • EEO 319 Electromagnetic Waves and Transmission Lines
  • EEO 331 Semiconductor Devices 
  • EEO 352 Electronics Lab I 
  • EEO 353 Electronics Lab II   

4. Technical Electives (12 credits; four courses selected from the following): 

  • EEO 303 Digital Signal Processing  
  • EEO 304 Electronic Instrumentation & Operational Amplifiers  
  • EEO 314 MOS Transistor Modeling  
  • EEO 316 Integrated Electronic Devices and Circuits  
  • EEO 346 Computer Communications
  • EEO 366 Design using Programmable Mixed-Signal Systems-on-Chip
  • EEO 388 Foundations of Machine Learning
  • EEO 414 Fundamentals of Low Noise Electronics for Sensors
  • EEO 425 Electric Machinery & Energy Conversion
  • EEO 470 Renewable Distributed Generation and Storage  
  • EEO 482 Power Systems Engineering  

5. Open Electives (6 credits; selected in consultation with the program advisor)

6. Design

Note: EEO 440  and  EEO 441  are engineering design project courses that must be carried out under the supervision of an Electrical and Computer Engineering faculty member.

7. Upper-Division Writing Requirement:

  • EEO 300 Technical Communications for Electrical Engineers 

8. Engineering Ethics

  • EEO 302 Engineering Ethics and Societal Impact 

*These courses are typically completed via transfer credit prior to matriculation.


All courses taken for the major must be taken for a letter grade. A grade of C or higher is required in all courses. 

EEO Residency Requirement

In addition to the University residence and upper division requirements, the following courses must be earned in Stony Brook EEO courses: 

  1. EEO 440 and EEO 441
  2. At least seven EEO required courses or technical electives (excluding EEO 300, EEO 302, EEO 440 and EEO 441).