Undergraduate Bulletin

Spring 2025


Pathways to Certification

Initial Licensure requires course work as indicated in the charts below.  Students must apply for admission and be formally accepted into each program

Professional Licensure requires 3 Yrs. of Teaching at Level (1st year – mentored) and a functionally relevant Master’s Degree containing a minimum of 12 Cr. content course work in area of initial certification.

License Maintenance requires 175 Hrs. of In-service Course work within 5 years




Foreign Languages

Foreign Languages



Initial Licensure







Intro to Human Development  (UG); Human Development  (Grad)  

PSY 327 @@

PSY 595 ^

PSY 327 @@

PSY 595 ^

PSY 327 @@

PSY 595 ^

Foundations of Educ. (U.G.)/; Educ. Theory & Pract. (Grad)  

SSE 350

CEE 505

SSE  350

CEE 505

SSE 350

CEE 505

 Intro to Spec. Ed. (U.G.)/Principles and Practices of Spec. Ed. (Grad)

 CEF 347

 CEF 547

 CEF 347

 CEF 547

 CEF 347

 CEF 547

Methods Courses

EGL 440

EGL 441


CEE 588

CEE 593


FLA 339

FLA 340


FLA 505

FLA 506


MAE 311

MAE 302

MAE 447

MAE 510

MAE 520


Field Experience

EGL 449

EGL 450

CEF 551

CEF 552

FLA 449

FLA 450

FLA 549

FLA 550

MAE 312

MAE 540

Literacy Course (for new certifications)

LIN 344

LIN 544

LIN 344 or FLA 440

FLA 540

LIN 344

LIN 544

Student Teaching

EGL 451

EGL 452

CEQ 591

CEQ 592

FLA 451

FLA 452

FLA 507 or
FLA 540

MAE 451

MAE 452

MAE 551

MAE 552

Student Teaching Seminar

EGL 454

CEE 590

FLA 454

FLA 554

MAE 454

MAE 554

36 Credits in Content (U.G.);  15 Cr. Additional Content in MAT Degree Programs (Except Mathematics which requires only 12 Cr. Additional Content)

English ●

English ●



Mathematics & Applied Math and Statistics



1 Yr. of Language







Seminars in Child Abuse, Substance Abuse, Violence Prevention, & Harassment, Bullying and Discrimination (DASA)







NYSTCE — Standardized Exams












Social Studies

Social Studies



Initial Licensure







Intro to Human Development  (UG); Human Development  (Grad)

PSY 327 @@

PSY 595 ^

PSY 327 @@

PSY 595 ^

PSY 327 @@

PSY 595 ^

Foundations of Educ. (U.G.)/; Educ: Theory & Pract. (Grad)

SSE 350

CEE 505

SSE 350

CEE 505

SSE 350

CEE 505

Intro to Spec. Ed. (U.G.)/Principles and Practices of Spec. Ed. (Grad)

 CEF 347

 CEF 547

 CEF 347

 CEF 547

 CEF 347

 CEF 547

Methods Courses

SCI 410

SCI 420

SCI 510

SCI 520

SSE 397

SSE 398

CEE 577

CEE 578

LIN 375

LIN 378

LIN 524

LIN 529

Field Experience

SCI 449

SCI 450

SCI 549

SCI 550

SSE 449

SSE 450

CEF 548

CEF 549

LIN 449 @

LIN 450 @

LIN 579 @

Literacy Course (for new certifications)

LIN 344

LIN 544

LIN 344

LIN 544

LIN 344

LIN 532

LIN 541

Student Teaching

SCI 451

SCI 452

SCI 551

SCI 552

SSE 451

SSE 452

CEQ 581

CEQ 582

LIN 451

LIN 452

LIN 581

LIN 582

Student Teaching Seminar

SCI 454

SCI 554

SSE 454

CEE 580

LIN 454

LIN 574

36 Credits in Content (U.G.);  15 Cr. Additional Content in MAT Degree Programs



AFS, ANT, ECO, HIS, POL, SOC  (S.S. 48 cred)





1 Yr. of Language





2 Yrs. of Language**

2 Yrs. of


Seminars in Child Abuse, Substance Abuse, Violence Prevention, & Harassment, Bullying and Discrimination (DASA)







NYSTCE — Standardized Exams





English Language Proficiency

English Language Proficiency




Please note that segments dealing with: Integration of Technology in the Curriculum, Inclusion of the Special Child, Multi-Culturalism and Diversity in the Classroom, and Literacy (the teaching of reading and writing English in each content field) must be included in the two foundations courses and in the methods courses as well as in a specially designed course that will be taught across the curricula.

* One year of a language other than English is required of all teachers in the State of New York, and may include American Sign Language (ASL).  A minimum grade of “C” is required in each course to be considered valid for meeting certification program requirements.

** Two years of a language other than English is required for TESOL and may include ASL.  A minimum grade of “C” is required in each course to be considered valid for meeting certification program requirements.  

# All teachers are required to submit evidence of completion of Child and Substance Abuse, and Violence Prevention Seminars. A six hour seminar in Harassment, Bullying and Discrimination Prevention and Intervention (DASA-Dignity for All Students Act) is also required, in addition to Fingerprint certification. 

+ All teachers must submit evidence of having passed the NYSTCE standardized tests required by the New York State Education Department. The following website provides information about these requirements (http://www.nystce.nesinc.com).

@ Field is a co-requisite of each methods course.   

@@ Formerly SSE 327. 

^ Formerly CEE 565.  Effective fall 2008, CEE 565 will no longer be accepted towards completion of Stony Brook’s registered and approved graduate level teacher education programs.

● English credits must include specific content areas. Contact Program Director for specifics.

●● Applicants must have an undergraduate degree in history or one of the other social sciences, excluding psychology (plus a minimum 18 credits in history).

Undergraduate majors in Chinese, Japanese, and Korean require 30 credits in the content field.

€€ Graduate Students in the Foreign Language programs are also required to take FLA 571, Technology and Education.

New Special Education course requirements CEF 347 (U.G.) and CEF 547 (Grad) effective September 1, 2011.

Initial Certification: All students who have been formally admitted to and successfully complete an initial certification program at Stony Brook University, are eligible for an initial certification with institutional recommendation.

International Students:  All international students who graduate from a “registered and approved” program at Stony Brook and obtain an initial certification may work in New York State with an appropriate visa. These individuals who hold an initial license must become naturalized citizens or obtain a permanent-resident green card within five years of receiving their initial certification or their license will expire.

Professional Certification: All teachers in New York State must earn a functionally relevant master’s degree containing a minimum of twelve credits in the content area of initial license and teach at level (grade level range encompassed within initial certification) for a minimum of three years, the first of which must be mentored.  All teachers in New York State must be U.S. citizens or non-U.S. citizens who have obtained lawful permanent resident status.  Otherwise they will not be licensed. 

For information about our five-year accelerated bachelor's/master's programs, please contact the program director for the certification program of your interest in order to obtain advisement on course requirements, and also visit the following link: http://sb.cc.stonybrook.edu/bulletin/current/policiesandregulations/special_academic_op/accelerated.php