Undergraduate Bulletin
Spring 2025
Major SBC Courses for the BS in Computer Science
This table illustrates major courses that can also be used to fulfill SBC requirements (See Note 1 & Note 2)
SBC Category |
Required Major Courses |
Optional Major Courses (See Note 3) |
ARTS | ||
GLO | ||
HUM | ||
LANG (see Note 4) | ||
QPS | AMS 151, AMS 161 | |
SBS | ||
SNW | BIO 201, CHE 131, CHE 132, CHE 152, GEO 102, GEO 103, GEO 122, PHY 125, PHY 126, PHY 127, PHY 131, PHY 132, PHY 141, PHY 142 | |
TECH | CSE 114 | CSE 160 |
USA | ||
WRT | ||
STAS | CSE 312 | |
EXP+ | CSE 316 (partial fulfillment), CSE 416 (partial fulfillment) | CSE 306 (partial fulfillment) |
HFA+ | ||
SBS+ | CSE 316 (partial fulfillment), CSE 416 (partial fulfillment) | CSE 306 (partial fulfillment) |
STEM+ | AMS 301, AMS 310, CSE 316 (partial fulfillment), CSE 416 (partial fulfillment) | AMS 210, AST 203, AST 205, BIO 202, BIO 203, CHE 321, CHE 331, CSE 306 (partial fulfillment), MAT 211, PHY 251, PSY 260 |
CER | CSE 312 | |
DIV (see Note 5) | ||
ESI | CSE 312, CSE 316 (partial fulfillment), CSE 416 (partial fulfillment) | CSE 306 (partial fulfillment) |
SPK | CSE 300 | |
WRTD | CSE 300 |
Note 1: Some course information may be subject to change. Please contact your major advisor for additional consultation.
Note 2: For majors that require study in a related area or completion of a minor, visit the respective program's "Major SBC Courses" page to view expanded SBC options.
Note 3: Denotes any course in which students can choose from more than one option. These may include, but are not limited to, major electives, concentration/track/specialization courses, or calculus/physics/chemistry sequences.
Note 4: CEAS majors, the Athletic Training major, the Respiratory Care major, and the Clinical Laboratory Sciences major are exempt from the LANG learning objective. Students enrolled in the major in Social Work are exempt from the LANG learning objective, but are required to enroll in and pass with a letter grade of C or higher the first semester of an elementary foreign language course numbered 111, or satisfy through alternate methods (see Communicate in a Human Language Other than English--LANG).
Note 5: Students are responsible for completing the general education requirements published in the Bulletin that was current as of the first semester of matriculation (or rematriculation). The following student groups must satisfy the DIV learning objective as part of their degree requirements:
- Freshmen who matriculate in the Fall of 2019 or later
- Transfer students who matriculate in the Spring of 2020 or later
- Students who rematriculate in the Fall of 2019 or later