Undergraduate Bulletin
Spring 2025
Requirements for the Minor in China Studies (CNS)
At least 9 credits must be taken in courses numbered 300 or higher. All courses must be completed with a letter grade of C or higher.
Completion of the minor requires 18 credits.
- One foundation course from the following (3 credits):
- Two Chinese language courses, the equivalent of CHI 112 or higher, from the following (6-7 credits):
- CHI 101 Intensive Elementary Chinese
- CHI 112 Elementary Chinese II
- CHI 120 Elementary Chinese for Heritage Speakers
- CHI 201 Intensive Intermediate Chinese
- CHI 211 Intermediate Chinese I
- CHI 212 Intermediate Chinese II
- CHI 220 Intermediate Chinese for Heritage Speakers
- CHI 311 Advanced Chinese I
- CHI 312 Advanced Chinese II
- CHI 410 Business Chinese
- CHI 411 Readings: Journalistic Chinese
- CHI 412 Readings: Classical Chinese
- CHI 421 Chinese Poetry and Short Stories
- CHI 422 Chinese Lyric Prose and Plays
- CHI 426 Structure of Mandarin Chinese
- CHI 447 Directed Readings in Chinese
- CHI 487 Supervised Research in Chinese
*Students may fulfill the above language requirement by either taking Chinese courses offered by the Department of Asian and Asian American Studies on SBU campus or department approved study-abroad courses overseas. Students should consult with the Director of China Studies before studying abroad.
- Three elective courses from the following: (9 credits)
- AAS/RLS 240 Confucianism & Daoism
- AAS/RLS 287 Islam in China
- AAS 300 Intellectual History of East Asia
- AAS 339 Contemporary China: History, Politics, Diplomacy since 1949
- AAS 340/HIS 340 Topics in Asian History (when topic is appropriate)
- AAS 344 Acquisition of Asian Languages
- AAS 351/HIS 351 Revolutionary China: Politics, Culture, and Power
- AAS 352/HIS 352 Environmental History of China
- AAS 360 Chinese Sociolinguistics
- AAS 370/LIN 370 Intercultural Communication
- AAS 371/ANT 371 Ancient China
- AAS 372/ANT 372 Family, Marriage, and Kinship in China
- AAS 379/ANT 379 Cultural Diversity in China
- AAS 385 Translation Studies of Asian Languages
- AAS 387 Islam and Confucianism
- AAS 391 Humanities Topics in AAS (when topic is appropriate)
- AAS 392 Social Science Topics in AAS (when topic is appropriate)
- AAS 396 Topics in Sinophone Literature and Culture (when topic is appropriate)
- AAS 401 Seminar in AAS (when topic is appropriate)
- AAS 440 Inter-Asia Cultural Studies
- AAS 447 Directed Readings (when topic is appropriate)
- AAS 487 Supervised Research in AAS (when topic is appropriate)
- CHI 220 Intermediate Chinese for Heritage Speakers
- CHI 212 Intermediate Chinese II (see note 1)
- CHI 311 Advanced Chinese I (see note 1)
- CHI 312 Advanced Chinese II (see note 1)
- CHI 410 Business Chinese (see note 1)
- CHI 411 Readings in Journalistic Chinese (see note 1)
- CHI 412 Readings in Classical Chinese (see note 1)
- CHI 421 Chinese Poetry and Short Stories (see note 1)
- CHI 422 Chinese Lyric Prose and Plays (see note 1)
- CHI 426 Structure of Mandarin Chinese (see note 1)
- RLS 390, RLS 391 Special Topics (when topic is appropriate)
- Courses used to complete Requirement 2 (Chinese language courses) may not also be used to complete Requirement 3 (elective courses).
- Up to six credits taken in China Studies-related courses from other institutions may count toward the China Studies minor with approval of the Director of China Studies.
- Up to nine (9) credits earned from SBU’s study abroad/exchange programs in China count toward the minor in China Studies with approval of the Director of China Studies.