Undergraduate Bulletin

Spring 2025

Civil Engineering (CIV)

Requirements for Acceptance to the Major in Civil Engineering

Qualified freshman and transfer students who have indicated their interest in the major on their applications may be admitted directly as a degree major or as a pre-major. Pre-majors are placed into the Area of Interest (AOI) program and to be eligible for the degree, they must be admitted to and declare the major. The requirements and application process for matriculation are detailed below. Students admitted to other programs within the College of Engineering and Applied Science (CEAS) follow the same admissions process as students in the AOI program. Students in programs outside of CEAS (non-CEAS students) and double major applicants may apply for admission to the degree program following a separate process, outlined below.

Intellectual honesty and academic integrity are cornerstones of academic and scholarly work. The department may table any applications for major/minor admission until academic judiciary matters are resolved. An academic judiciary matter will be identified by a grade of “Q” in the instance of a first offense.

Area of Interest and Other CEAS Students (excluding double major applicants)
Applications for major admission from AOI and other CEAS students are reviewed twice per year and must be received by January 5 for Spring admission and June 5 for Fall admission. Students who submit their application on time will be admitted if they meet the following requirements:

    • Completion of at least 10 credits of mathematics, physics, chemistry, and engineering courses (excluding EST 392, ESE 301 and CME 233) required for the major,
    • Earned a G.P.A. of 3.2 in all mathematics, physics, chemistry, and engineering courses (excluding EST 392, ESE 301 and CME 233) applicable to major requirements with no more than one grade less than B-,
    • No courses required for the major have been repeated, and
    • Completion of course evaluations for all transferred courses that are to be used to meet requirements of the major.

Students must complete these requirements no later than one year after they enroll in the first course that applies towards major entry. Students must apply for admission by the application deadline immediately following completion of the above requirements, but no later than the one year limit. Admission of AOI students and other CEAS students who apply late will follow the process of Non-CEAS Students and Double Major Applicants below.

Non-CEAS Students and Double Major Applicants
Applications for major admission from non-CEAS students and double major applicants are reviewed twice per year and must be received by January 5 for Spring admission and June 5 for Fall admission. Students who do not meet the requirements for AOI admission above will not be considered. Fulfilling the requirements does not guarantee acceptance. Admission is competitive and contingent upon program capacity.

Requirements for the major in Civil Engineering (CIV)

The major in Civil Engineering leads to the Bachelor of Engineering degree.

Completion of the major requires approximately 112 credits.

1. Mathematics

a. AMS 151, AMS 161 Applied Calculus I, II
b. AMS 261 Applied Calculus III or MAT 203 Calculus III with Applications or MAT 307 Multivariable Calculus with Linear Algebra
c. AMS 361 Applied Calculus IV: Differential Equations or MAT 303 Calculus IV with Applications
Note: The following alternate calculus course sequences may be substituted for AMS 151, AMS 161 in major requirements or prerequisites: MAT 125, MAT 126, MAT 127 or MAT 131, MAT 132.
d. AMS 310 Survey of Probability and Statistics

2. Natural Sciences

a. PHY 131/PHY 133, PHY 132/PHY 134 Classical Physics I, II and Laboratories
Note: The following alternate physics course sequences may be substituted for PHY 131/PHY 133, PHY 132/PHY 134: PHY 125, PHY 126, PHY 127, PHY 133, PHY 134 Classical Physics A, B, C and Laboratories or PHY 141, PHY 142, PHY 133, PHY 134 Classical Physics I, II: Honors
b. CHE 131/CHE 133, CHE 132/CHE 134 General Chemistry I, II and Laboratories or CHE 152/154
c. A basic science elective to be selected from the following list of courses: GEO 102, The Earth; MAR 104, Oceanography; BIO 201, Fundamentals of Biology: From Organisms to Ecosystems; ATM 201, Introduction to Climate and Climate Change

3. Laboratories

  • CIV 340 Civil Engineering Materials Laboratory
  • CIV 341 Geotechnical Engineering Laboratory
  • CIV 342 Civil Engineering Hydraulics Laboratory

4. Civil Engineering

  • CIV 101 Introduction to Civil Engineering
  • CIV 203 Autocad Basics
  • CIV 210 Land Surveying
  • CIV 305 Transportation Systems Analysis I
  • CIV 310 Structural Engineering
  • CIV 320 Water Supply and Wastewater Treatment Design
  • CIV 330 Introduction to Geotechnical Engineering
  • CIV 350 Numerical Analysis for Civil Engineers
  • CIV 364 Fluid Mechanics for Civil Engineers
  • CIV 393 Construction Engineering, Management, and Technology
  • CIV 420 Hydraulics

5. Mechanical Engineering

6. Engineering Design

7. Writing and Oral Communication Requirement 

8. Engineering Economics

9. Engineering Ethics

  • ESE 301 Engineering Ethics and Societal Impact or CME 233 Ethics and Business Practices for Engineers 

10. Technical Electives

Complete 12 credits of electives from the approved list below. At least 9 credits must be CIV courses with no more than 3 credits total from CIV 476 Instructional Laboratory Curriculum Practicum, CIV 488 Civil Engineering Internship, or CIV 499 Undergraduate Research.  A maximum of 6 credits of CIV 491 Topics in Civil Engineering may count towards the technical electives requirement.     

  • CIV 306 Transportation Systems Analysis II
  • CIV 355 Data Analytics for Civil Engineering Systems
  • CIV 394 Sustainability of Building and Infrastructure Systems
  • CIV 402 Introduction to Transportation Planning
  • CIV 407 Transportation Economics
  • CIV 410 Principles of Foundation Engineering
  • CIV 411 Matrix Structural Analysis 
  • CIV 412 Steel and Concrete Design II
  • CIV 414 Advanced Construction Materials
  • CIV 418 Subsurface Infrastructure
  • CIV 423 Coastal Engineering Planning and Design
  • CIV 424 Stormwater Management & Design
  • CIV 426 Introduction to Environmental Biotechnology
  • CIV 432 Vibration Mechanics
  • CIV 436 Prestressed Concrete Design 
  • CIV 476 Instructional Laboratory Development Practicum
  • CIV 488 Civil Engineering Internship
  • CIV 491 Topics in Civil Engineering
  • CIV 499 Independent Research 
  • AMS 315 Data Analysis
  • ESG 332 Materials Science I: Structure and Properties of Materials
  • GEO 315 Groundwater Hydrology
  • GEO 347 Remote Sensing
  • MEC 393 Engineering Fluid Mechanics
  • MEC 455 Applied Stress Analysis



All courses taken to satisfy requirements 1 through 10 above must be taken for a letter grade. The grade point average for the courses MEC 260, 262, CIV 101, 210, 305, 310, 312, 320, 330, 350, 364, 393, 420, 440, 441, and all technical electives must be at least 2.00. A minimum grade of “C” in PHY 131 or PHY 125AMS 151 or MAT 131 or MAT 125 or MAT 141, MEC 260MEC 262, MEC 363 and CIV 440 is required for the BE degree. When a course is repeated, the higher grade will be used in calculating this average.