Undergraduate Bulletin
Spring 2025
CIV: Civil Engineering
CIV 101: Introduction to Civil Engineering
This course explores the science and engineering of the built environment and the important role of infrastructure in daily life. Students will learn about major infrastructure systems including transportation, water resources, environmental, energy, and structural infrastructure. Not for credit in addition to CIV 100.
Pre- or co-requisites: AMS 151 or MAT 125 or MAT 131 or MPE level 6 or greater and PHY 125 or PHY 131 or PHY 141
3 credits
CIV 203: Autocad Basics
An introduction to Autocad with applications in Civil Engineering and related fields.
Prerequisite: CIV major
1 credit
CIV 210: Land Surveying
Introduces the general mathematical and physical concepts related to engineering surveying. Covers plane surveying, geodesy, geodetics, measurement techniques and instruments, leveling, error theory, survey adjustments, coordinate systems and datums. Practical measurement techniques and instruments, and survey staking. Introduces photogrammetry and remote sensing, geographic information systems (GIS).
Prerequisites: PHY 127 or 132; MAT 127 or 132 or AMS 161; CIV major
1 credit
CIV 300: Technical Communication
Aims to ensure proficiency in the types of communication necessary for success in the engineering professions. Provides students with the ability to apply their knowledge of correct written and spoken English to the diverse modes of communication encountered and used by engineers in the professional workplace. Combined with laboratory courses to create practical application of writing skills to civil engineering laboratory reports.
Prerequisites: WRT 102 and CIV major
1 credit
CIV 305: Transportation Systems Analysis I
Focused on highway transportation planning and traffic analysis. Topics include transportation planning, performance analysis of highway and road design, highway segments, highway and airport pavement design, geometric design, sight elevations and alignment, highway traffic operations, queuing theory and modeling, traffic analysis and control, travel demand models, ethics, sustainability, and environmental considerations during transportation planning.
Prerequisites: AMS 361 or MAT 303; CIV major; U3 or U4 standing
Corequisite: CIV 101
3 credits
CIV 306: Transportation Systems Analysis II
This course covers the fundamental principles of transportation systems planning, analysis,and operations. Topics include: Metropolitan Planning Organization (MPO) transportation planning and operations processes, planning for operations and integrating operations into the transportation planning process, demand management, mobility/accessibility, traveler/urban/freight transportation, transportation policy, modeling and benefit/cost analysis tools in planning for operations, and the role of advanced technology (Intelligent Transportation Systems) in transportation planning for operations.
Prerequisite: CIV 305
3 credits
CIV 310: Structural Engineering
The role and ethical responsibilities of a structural engineer. Structures and their structural systems. Loads and load paths through structures. Analysis, behavior, and design of determinate and indeterminate beams, trusses and framed structures under static loads using various methods. Shear, moment, and deflection diagrams. Influence lines. Computer aided structural analysis.
Prerequisites: C or better in MEC 363; CIV or MEC or ESG major.
Corequisite: CIV 101
SBC: TECH3 credits
CIV 312: Steel and Reinforced Concrete Design I
Strength limit states, behavior, and proportioning of steel and reinforced concrete members. Design principles also address serviceability and constructability limit states. Steel tension member and connection design including gross and net yielding and block shear. Steel and reinforced concrete flexural members and columns. Shear capacity design for reinforced concrete beams. Reinforced concrete T-beams, doubly reinforced beams, and one-way slabs. Introduction to combined loading for both steel and concrete members.
Prerequisite: CIV 310 and CIV 340
3 credits
CIV 320: Water Supply and Wastewater Treatment Design
This course will cover the planning, design, and operation of water and wastewater infrastructure. Specific topics include: water and wastewater planning; environmental laws and regulations; water quality; physical water and wastewater treatment processes; chemical water and wastewater treatment processes; biological wastewater treatment processes; mass, material and energy balances; economics and financial calculations; resiliency and sustainability.
Prerequisites: CIV 364; CIV major
3 credits
CIV 330: Introduction to Geotechnical Engineering
This course will introduce students to the origin of soils and weight-volume relationships; Soil classification for engineering applications; soil compaction; flow of water through soils; stresses in soil masses: total, pore pressure, and effective stresses; stresses in soil masses due to external loads: foundations and excavations; consolidation of saturated clay deposits; time rate of consolidation; stresses in solids: Mohr's circle; shear strength of soils and Mohr-Coulomb failure criteria; lateral earth pressure: at-rest conditions; in-situ tests: ground exploration for civil engineering applications.
Prerequisite: MEC 363; CIV major
Corequisite: CIV 341
3 credits
CIV 340: Civil Engineering Materials Laboratory
Laboratory experiments that illustrate the basic analysis and behavior of civil engineering materials and structures. Mechanical loading and analysis of steel, wood, and concrete; quality control tests and field testing; testing of concrete structures. Lab report writing, measurement analysis, and error propagation theory. This course has an associated fee. Please see www.stonybrook.edu/coursefees for more information.
Prerequisite: MEC 363
Corequisite: CIV 310
2 credits
CIV 341: Geotechnical Engineering Laboratory
Laboratory experiments that illustrate the basic analysis and behavior of soils, including liquid and plastic limits, grain size, compaction, permeability, consolidation, compression and shear strength. Lab report writing, measurement and error analysis. This course has an associated fee. Please see www.stonybrook.edu/coursefees for more information.
Prerequisite: MEC 363
Corequisite: CIV 330
2 credits
CIV 342: Civil Engineering Hydraulics Laboratory
Laboratory experiments are conducted that illustrate the fundamentals of hydraulics including pipes under pressure (water mains and networks), and open channel flow (sewers, drains, and channel sections). The fundamental concepts of energy, momentum and continuity will be discussed. Topics covered include but are not limited to fluid statics, orifice and free jet flow, hydrostatic pressure, flow over weirs, energy loss in pipes and bends, and critical, subcritical and supercritical flow. Lab report writing, measurement and error analysis. This course has an associated fee. Please see www.stonybrook.edu/coursefees for more information.
Prerequisite: CIV 364
Pre- or Corequisite: CIV 320 Corequisite: CIV 420
1 credit
CIV 350: Numerical Analysis for Civil Engineers
Introduction to the formulation and techniques for numerically solving a wide range of engineering problems. Basic principles of digital computing for engineering applications and coding of numerical algorithms to solve civil engineering problems. May not be taken by students with credit for AMS 326 or MEC 320.
Prerequisite: MEC 102; MEC 260
Corequisite: AMS 361 or MAT 303 or MAT 305
3 credits
CIV 355: Data Analytics for Civil Engineering Systems
An introduction to the fundamentals of descriptive and predictive analytics. Basic methods, models, and tools of data analytics for analyzing, understanding, and managing civil engineering systems in a data-driven approach.
Prerequisite: CIV 305
3 credits
CIV 364: Fluid Mechanics for Civil Engineers
Fluid statics and dynamics, including pressurized flow in pipe systems and open channel flows. Partial differential equation formulations of the conservation laws are solved to obtain solutions to special cases such as boundary layers and pipe flow. Empirical equations and statistical analysis are introduced for turbulent flows, drag, lift, and open channels. May not be taken for credit in addition to MEC 364.
Prerequisites: MEC 262; CIV major
Corequisite: CIV 101
3 credits
CIV 393: Construction Engineering, Management, and Technology
Introductory course in construction engineering and management with an emphasis on construction methods, equipment, estimating, scheduling, project delivery, and emerging construction technologies such as automation, robotics, and building information modeling (BIM).
Prerequisites: EST 392; AMS 361 or MAT 303 or MAT 308
3 credits
CIV 394: Sustainability of Building and Infrastructure Systems
The course introduces the different challenges associated with making building and infrastructure systems sustainable. Students will learn tools to evaluate economic, environmental, and social aspects of building sustainability.
Prerequisites: AMS 361, MAT 303 or MAT 308; PHY 132; PHY 134; CIV major or permission of department
3 credits
CIV 402: Introduction to Transportation Planning
Focused on transportation planning as an aspect of civil engineering. Covered topics include fundamentals of transportation planning, geography of transportation, impact of land use on travel behavior and mode choice, accessibility and equity in transportation, freight transportation, four-step transportation demand modeling, energy and environmental impacts of transportation activities. The course also includes individual reading and presentation assignments and class projects on contemporary issues in transportation planning.
Prerequisite: CIV 305
3 credits
CIV 407: Transportation Economics
Microeconomics principles applied in the transportation field. Transportation demand and supply. Transportation costs (fixed costs, variable costs) and externalities. Economic and social benefits of transportation. Economic principles for transport pricing , e.g. toll pricing. Cost benefit analysis of a transportation project. History of government regulation of transportation.
Prerequisites: CIV 305 and EST 392 or ECO 108
3 credits
CIV 410: Principles of Foundation Engineering
Strength, deformation and stress distributions in soils. Drained and undrained soil strength, soil exploration and sampling, in-situ subsurface characterization, in-situ testing and field instrumentation. Soil-structure interactions. Bearing capacity, footings and mats. Settlement and consolidation. Single piles and pile groups, load transfer to soils, pile driving, and pile load tests. Lateral loading of piles. Auger cast piles. Drilled shafts. Modeling and computer applications.
Prerequisites: CIV 312 and CIV 330
3 credits
CIV 411: Matrix Structural Analysis
Development of matrix methods of structural analysis from first principles. Application of the direct stiffness method to calculate deflections and forces in beams, and two-and three-dimensional trusses and frames.
Prerequisite: CIV 310
3 credits
CIV 412: Steel and Reinforced Concrete Design II
Behavior and design of steel and reinforced concrete elements addressing safety and serviceability limit states. Steel analysis and design of beam-columns, bolted and welded connections, and composite elements. Reinforced concrete analysis and design of continuous beams, footings, slender columns and two-way slabs. Introduction to steel plate girders and prestressed concrete design.
Prerequisite: CIV 312
3 credits
CIV 414: Advanced Construction Materials
This course is targeted at senior undergraduate or graduate students in civil engineering specializing in structural materials. Students from material science engineering or mechanical engineering may also take this course. This course introduces emerging structural materials in construction which includes high performance concrete, fiber-reinforced polymers, calcium sulfoaluminate cement, and high performance steel.
Prerequisite: CIV 340 or MEC 317 or ESM 335
3 credits
CIV 418: Subsurface Infrastructure
This course explores the fundamental principles of subsurface space utilization, aiming to equip students with the knowledge and skills to conduct the analysis and design of tunnels, shafts and other subsurface infrastructure. The course has three major components: subsurface geology and geomaterial characterization, subsurface structure analysis and design and construction methods. The course will also cover safety measures and monitoring for the operation of tunnels, as well as an introduction to new types of subsurface infrastructure, such as gas storage and geothermal.
Prerequisite: CIV 330
3 credits
CIV 420: Hydraulics
Fundamentals of hydraulics. Open channel hydraulics, sediment transportation in open channels. Coastal engineering hydraulics. Simulation in hydraulics. Water resources planning and management, storm sewers and flood detention. River flood waves. Storm analysis, intensity, and frequency. Stochastic hydraulics and risk assessments. Eco-hydraulics. Modeling and computer applications.
Prerequisites: CIV 364; CIV major
3 credits
CIV 422: Introduction to Coastal Engineering
Basic hydrodynamics of water waves. Topics include linear wave theory, energy, power and energy propagation, wave refraction, shoaling and breaking in the nearshore, diffraction by breakwaters and gaps, reflection and basin oscillations, wave statistics and spectra, wind-wave hindcast/forecast, wave forces on piles and pipes. Some coastal processes due to nonlinearity, including wave set-up/set-down, nearshore circulations and storm surges. Physical interpretations of mathematical formulas are particularly emphasized.
Prerequisite: MEC 364
3 credits
CIV 423: Coastal Engineering Planning and Design
Planning and design of various types and function of coastal structures and shore protective measures. Considerations of site conditions; Design processes; Design of sloping - and vertical- front coastal structure; Scour and scour protection; coastal sediment transport; shore protection measures such as coastal armoring, beach restoration, and beach stabilization; and introduction to harbor and marina.
Prerequisite: CIV 364 or permission of instructor.
Advisory Prerequisite: CIV 422
3 credits
CIV 424: Stormwater Management & Design
The main focus of this course is on the design of stormwater management practices to reduce runoff pollutants from impacting local waterways. Topics to be discussed will include an overview on regulations governing stormwater activities, stormwater impacts, basic hydrology, urban hydrology (rational method and TR55), stormwater runoff calculations, design and criteria for various standard practices, erosion and sediment control practices, with emphasis on the New York State stormwater management design requirements for meeting water quality and flood control. Policy discussion will include site redevelopment, flooding and drainage issues.
Pre- or Corequisite: CIV 420
3 credits
CIV 426: Introduction to Environmental Biotechnology
This undergraduate course covers the fundamental concepts of biological processes that are important in natural and engineered environmental systems. The course will incorporate basic fundamental microbiology into a quantifiable engineering context in order to describe, predict and control behavior of environmental biological system.
Prerequisite: CIV 320 or permission of the instructor
3 credits
CIV 432: Vibration Mechanics
Free and forced dynamic response of structures and structural components; single-degree-of-freedom and multi-degree-of-freedom systems; matrix formulation for discrete multi-degree-of-freedom systems; numerical methods for integration of the equations of motion; Lagrange's equations; analysis of continuous vibrating systems.
Prerequisites: AMS 361 or MAT 303 or MAT 305; MEC 262; CIV 310
3 credits
CIV 436: Prestressed Concrete Design
Introduction to the behavior, analysis, and design of prestressed concrete structural members and structural systems. Limit states addressed will include flexure, shear, torsion, and deflection. Design examples will include indeterminate systems such as multi-span bridges and their construction. The design of prestressed composite beams and prestressed slabs will be presented.
Prerequisite: CIV 312
3 credits
CIV 440: Senior Design I
Students will participate in structured engineering projects under supervision. They will be assigned to carry out significant professional responsibilities and whatever additional assignments are determined by their advisors. Assignments will cover in-situ data management and testing, specific limits, engineering judgments and reporting.
Prerequisites: CIV 305 and 312 and 320 and 330 and 340
3 credits
CIV 441: Senior Design II
Students will participate in structured engineering projects under supervision. They will be assigned to carry out significant professional responsibilities and whatever additional assignments are determined by their advisors. Assignments will design of civil engineering structures, design of special structures, comprehensive and realistic design project using the systems approach, design choices and their effect upon the environment, design constraints including constructability, minimization of environmental impact, and cost-effectiveness, managerial and professional aspects of design practice. This course has an associated fee. Please see www.stonybrook.edu/coursefees for more information.
Prerequisite: CIV 440
3 credits
CIV 475: Undergraduate Teaching Practicum
Students assist the faculty in teaching by conducting recitation or laboratory sections that supplement a lecture course, or other duties assigned by the instructor. The student receives regularly scheduled supervision from the faculty instructor. May be repeated once.
Prerequisites: U4 standing; a minimum g.p.a. of 3.00 in all Stony Brook courses; grade of A- or better in the course in which the student is to assist and permission of department.
0-3 credits, S/U grading
CIV 476: Instructional Laboratory Development Practicum
Students work closely with a faculty advisor and staff in developing new laboratory experiments and/or improving the existing experiments for scheduled laboratory courses in civil engineering. A comprehensive technical report and the instructional materials developed must be submitted at the end of the course. May be used as a specialization course for civil engineering majors. May be repeated once.
Prerequisites: U4 standing; a minimum g.p.a. of 3.00 in all Stony Brook courses; grade of A- or better in the course in which the student is to assist and permission of department.
0-3 credits
CIV 488: Civil Engineering Internship
Participation in off-campus engineering practice. Students are required to submit a proposal to the department at the time of registration and two term reports before the end of the semester. The proposal should identify the location, immediate supervisor, nature of the project, learning objectives, and hours per week for the project. One mid-semester report and one end of semester report are required. May be repeated up to a limit of 12 credits but only 3 credits may be used for specialization credit.
Prerequisite: Permission of undergraduate program director
0-6 credits
CIV 491: Topics in Civil Engineering
Treatment of an area of civil engineering that expands upon the undergraduate curriculum. Topics may include advanced material in any area of specialization. Topics may vary from semester to semester. May be repeated as the topic changes.
Prerequisite: U3 or U4 standing in a B.E. degree major; permission of department (course prerequisites vary with topic)
1-4 credits
CIV 499: Independent Research
This course is designed to allow undergraduates an opportunity to do independent research with a faculty member in Civil Engineering. Permission to register requires the agreement of the faculty member to supervise the research. May be repeated but only three credits may be counted as technical elective.
Prerequisite: Permission of department
0-3 credits