Undergraduate Bulletin
Spring 2025
BIO: Biology
BIO 103: Introduction to Biotechnology
Gene therapy, genetic modification, cloning, stem cells, and vaccines are covered in this course. Lectures and four supplemental laboratory activities use modern equipment and techniques to illustrate core concepts which class discussions relate to health, society, and public policy. Not for Biology major credit.
3 credits
BIO 113: General Ecology
A survey of the principles of ecology in the context of finding solutions to local, national, and global environmental problems. Not for Biology major credit.
3 credits
BIO 114: Dinosaur Paleontology
A study of paleontology that includes evolution of dinosaurs, their classification system, a study of the important dinosaur families, dinosaur behavior, ecology, current controversies, hot topics and the KT extinction. Dinosaur paleontology will also cover the excavation of dinosaurs and the colorful history of the 'dinosaur hunters.' This course will emphasize the science and research involved in studying dinosaurs. Using dinosaurs as a vehicle, students will be exposed to the scientific method of inquiry and will leave this course with a better understanding on how to evaluate science in the real world. Not for Biology major credit.
Advisory prerequisite: Entry level biology
3 credits
BIO 115: Evolution and Society
An introduction to the historical and theoretical aspects of evolutionary biology, and also considers the implications of evolution for current social and public issues. The course examines both the original Darwinian and Modern Synthetic arguments for evolution by natural selection, how to differentiate scientific and non-scientific theories, and how historical sciences are practiced by scientists. Evolution is the key to understanding much of biology and influences a number of issues that we as citizens will have to consider in coming years. In particular, the evolutionary perspective and its implications for the development of humans and other social systems, the advent of agriculture, and its integral role in human health are considered. Not for Biology major credit.
3 credits
BIO 201: Fundamentals of Biology: Organisms to Ecosystems
An introduction to the major concepts in evolution, ecology, and biodiversity at the genetic, organismal, community, and ecosystem levels. Topics are presented in relation to five overall themes: Nature and Process of Science, Evolution, Information Flow, Systems, and Structure-Function. This course has been designated as a High Demand/Controlled Access (HD/CA) course. Students registering for HD/CA courses for the first time will have priority to do so.
Prerequisite: Level 4 or higher on the mathematics placement examination or Corequisite MAT 123 or higher
Advisory Prerequisite: High School Biology
3 credits
BIO 202: Fundamentals of Biology: Molecular and Cellular Biology
The fundamentals of cell biology, biochemistry, and genetics. The biochemical and molecular bases of cell structure, energy metabolism, gene regulation, heredity, and development in living organisms from bacteria to man are discussed. This course has been designated as a High Demand/Controlled Access (HD/CA) course. Students registering for HD/CA courses for the first time will have priority to do so.
Prerequisite: C or higher in CHE 129 or CHE 131 or Corequisite CHE 152
3 credits
BIO 203: Fundamentals of Biology: Cellular and Organ Physiology
The fundamentals of cell and organ physiology in mammalian and non-mammalian organisms. The structure and function of cell membranes and the physiology of cell to cell signaling, cellular respiration, and homeostasis of organs and organisms are examined with an emphasis on the comparative physiology of vertebrates and invertebrates. This course has been designated as a High Demand/Controlled Access (HD/CA) course. Students registering for HD/CA courses for the first time will have priority to do so.
Prerequisite: C or higher in CHE 129 or CHE 131 or Corequisite CHE 152
Pre- or Corequisite: MAT 125 or higher or AMS 151 or higher
3 credits
BIO 204: Fundamentals of Scientific Inquiry in the Biological Sciences I
First course in the foundational laboratory sequence for all biology students, and students in related fields. Students will experience the laboratory process, research process, a wide range of laboratory tools, methods, skills, learn to read and write scientific presentations, and collaborate in formal inquiry. This course has been designated as a High Demand/Controlled Access (HD/CA) course. Students registering for HD/CA courses for the first time will have priority to do so. This course has an associated fee. Please see www.stonybrook.edu/coursefees for more information. This course includes assignments that can be used to satisfy the SBC objective SPK if co-registered for BIO 458.
Prerequisite: C or higher in CHE 129, CHE 131, or Corequisite: CHE 152
Pre- or Corequisite: BIO 201 or BIO 202 or BIO 203
2 credits
BIO 205: Fundamentals of Scientific Inquiry in the Biological Sciences IIA
Second course in the foundational laboratory sequence for all biology students, and students in related fields. Students will experience the laboratory process, research process, a wide range of laboratory tools, methods, skills, learn to read and write scientific presentations, and collaborate in formal inquiry. This course has been designated as a High Demand/Controlled Access (HD/CA) course. Students registering for HD/CA courses for the first time will have priority to do so. Not for credit in addition to BIO 207. This course has an associated fee. Please see www.stonybrook.edu/coursefees for more information.
Prerequisite: C or higher in BIO 204
Pre- or Corequisite: BIO 201 or BIO 202 or BIO 203
2 credits
BIO 207: Fundamentals of Scientific Inquiry in the Biological Sciences IIB
An alternative to BIO 205, this course focuses on a relatively narrow range of current research topics but in greater depth. BIO 207 is the second course in the foundational laboratory sequence for all biology majors and students in related fields. Students will experience the laboratory process, research process, a wide range of laboratory tools, methods, and skills, learn to read and write scientific works, and collaborate in formal inquiry. This course has been designated as a High Demand/Controlled Access (HD/CA) course. Students registering for HD/CA courses for the first time will have priority to do so. Not for credit in addition to BIO 205. This course has an associated fee. Please see www.stonybrook.edu/coursefees for more information.
Prerequisite: C or higher in BIO 204
Pre- or Corequisite: BIO 201 or BIO 202 or BIO 203
2 credits
BIO 208: Cells, Brains, Minds
An interdisciplinary exploration and critique of neuroscience. The course will present biological, anthropological and philosophical perspectives on how nervous systems work and how brains evolve, develop and give rise to human and other minds. Not for Biology major credit.
Advisory Prerequisite: High school chemistry
3 credits
BIO 211: Statistics and Data Analysis: A Conceptual Approach
A conceptually-focused introduction to probability and data analysis emphasizing statistical literacy and critical thinking. Topics will include probability, t-tests, chi-squared tests, correlation, regression, and Analysis of Variance, as well as special topics of interest to undergraduate Biology majors such as case-control studies and meta-analysis. This course includes a one-hour recitation in which students will do hands-on activities, discuss papers from the primary literature, and gain experience with data analysis. May not be taken by students with credit for AMS 110, 310, 311, 412, EBH 230, or ECO 320.
Pre- or Corequisite: MAT 123 or higher, or level 4 or higher on the mathematics placement examination
4 credits
BIO 231: Cannabis: History, Culture, Science & Medicinal Uses
Provide a sound background in all aspects of cannabis, including the history of use worldwide, cannabis plant biology, the chemistry of cannabinoids and endocannabinoids, and the relationship to political, legal, and racism issues throughout history to the present. The purpose of this broad familiarization is to prepare students to contribute knowledgeably to the discussion and debate regarding the present and future uses of cannabis.
Advisory prerequisite: BIO 202
3 credits
BIO 299: Advanced Microbiology for Nursing & Allied Health
This hybrid course will include synchronous online lectures and in-person laboratory sessions focused on fundamental clinical microbiology techniques. The lectures will cover Bacteria, Helminths, and medically important Protozoans. In the laboratory, students will learn basic and applied clinical microbiology methods, including microscopy; staining and quantitative analysis of bacteria; analysis of throat and urine cultures; and determination of bacterial sensitivity to various antimicrobial agents. This course will be limited to allied health, pre-nursing, and pre-veterinary students. This course cannot be used by biology majors for credit towards their biology major requirements. This course has an associated fee. Please see www.stonybrook.edu/coursefees for more information. Formerly offered as BIO 266; not for credit in addition to BIO 266.
Prerequisite: C or higher in BIO 202 and C or higher in BIO 204
4 credits
BIO 310: Cell Biology
The cell is studied as the unit of structure, biochemical activity, genetic control, and differentiation. The principles of biochemistry and genetics are applied to an understanding of nutrition, growth, and development.
Prerequisites: C or higher in BIO 202; and C or higher in BIO 203; and CHE 321 or CHE 331 or CHE 341
3 credits
BIO 312: Bioinformatics and Computational Biology
This course uses computational methods to analyze current problems and solutions in molecular biology research. Students are exposed to algorithms and tools available for both single gene and larger scale genome research. Emphasis is on practical application. Laboratories allow students to apply their knowledge to real life molecular biology problems. This course routinely offers an opportunity to satisfy the Stony Brook Curriculum WRTD and Upper Division Writing Requirements for the Biology and Biochemistry majors. Students who intend to use the writing assignment in this course to satisfy these requirements must register for BIO 459 when they register for BIO 312.
Prerequisites: C or higher in BIO 202; and C or higher in BIO 204; and MAT 125 or higher or AMS 151 or higher
Advisory Pre- or Corequisite: AMS 110, or BIO 211
SBC: ESI, TECH3 credits
BIO 314: Cancer Biology
An examination of the biology of cancer. Emphasis is on molecular and cellular events, such as regulation of gene expression, genome maintenance, cell growth and death, differentiation, cell-cell recognition, signaling and homeostasis that are frequently disrupted in cancer. Recent advances in diagnosis and therapy will also be discussed.
Prerequisite: C or higher in BIO 202
3 credits
BIO 315: Microbiology
The organization, structure, energetics, and reproduction of microorganisms. Interactions of bacteria and viruses are discussed. This course does not include a laboratory component. Not for credit in addition to HBM 320. This course has been designated as a High Demand/Controlled Access (HD/CA) course. Students registering for HD/CA courses for the first time will have priority to do so.
Prerequisites: C or higher in BIO 202
Advisory Pre- or Corequisite: BIO 201
3 credits
BIO 316: Molecular Immunology
Structure, function, and organization of the immune response at the molecular and cellular levels. Molecular mechanisms of immunological responses to microorganisms and various disease states are explored.
Prerequisites: C or higher in BIO 202 and C or higher in BIO 203
Pre- or corequisite: CHE 322 or CHE 326 or CHE 332
3 credits
BIO 317: Principles of Cellular Signaling
Basic principles of cellular signaling and maintenance of cellular and organismic homeostasis through intra- and intercellular signaling mechanisms. The roles of membrane and nuclear receptors, second-messenger pathways and gene regulation in controlling diverse mammalian systems such as sensory physiology, organic metabolism, growth control, and neuronal development are discussed.
Prerequisite: C or higher in BIO 202
Advisory Prerequisite: BIO 203
3 credits
BIO 319: Landscape Ecology Laboratory
A computer lab course focusing on spatial concepts, methods, and tools for addressing ecological and environmental problems. The course will be based on fundamental concepts in ecology and environmental science and extend that knowledge, as well as teaching technical skills, including the use of geographic information systems (GIS) software, image processing, spatially explicit modeling, and spatial statistics. The lab exercises will introduce a variety of spatial approaches addressing problems in environmental protection, ecotoxicology, natural resource management, conservation biology, and wildlife management.
Pre- or Corequisite: BIO 201
Advisory Prerequisites: AMS 110 or BIO 211; and BIO 351
SBC: ESI3 credits
BIO 320: General Genetics
Integrates classical and molecular approaches to the transmission and expression of biological information. Topics include: Mendelian and non-Mendelian inheritance; linkage analysis; population genetics; DNA replication, mutation and recombination; gene expression and its regulation; current genetic technology; developmental and cancer genetics, quantitative and complex traits, and relevant ethical issues. Cannot be taken for major credit with BIO 321 (applies to Biology majors Only). This course routinely offers an opportunity to satisfy the Stony Brook Curriculum WRTD and Upper Division Writing Requirements for the Biology and Biochemistry majors. Students who intend to use the writing assignment in this course to satisfy these requirements must register for BIO 459 when they register for BIO 320.
Prerequisite: C or higher in BIO 202; and C or higher in MAT 125 or AMS 151, or completion of MAT 126 or higher, or MPE score of 6+
3 credits
BIO 321: Ecological Genetics
An introduction to the concepts, research questions, and methods involved in modern ecological genetics. The goal of the course is to provide a broad conceptual framework and an introduction to basic quantitative methods for students planning to engage in empirical work in conservation, management, ecology, and evolutionary biology. The course will cover basic Mendelian genetics, meiosis, and mating systems, standard population genetics methods for describing variation within and between populations, basic quantitative genetics, methods for molecular marker genotyping, informatic and genomic concepts, and organism-specific methods and case studies. Cannot be taken for major credit with BIO 320 (applies to Biology majors only). This course routinely offers an opportunity to satisfy the Stony Brook Curriculum WRTD and Upper Division Writing Requirements for the Biology and Biochemistry majors. Students who intend to use the writing assignment in this course to satisfy these requirements must register for BIO 459 when they register for BIO 321.
Prerequisites: C or higher in BIO 201 and C or higher in BIO 202
Advisory Pre- or Corequisite: BIO 351
3 credits
BIO 325: Animal Development
An overview of animal embryonic development, emphasizing molecular mechanisms regulating embryonic growth and differentiation. General areas to be discussed include: molecular basis of human birth defects, stem cells, identification of developmental genes, establishing polarity in Drosophila and vertebrates, regulation of cell differentiation, morphogenesis and organ development, development of cancer.
Prerequisite: C or higher in BIO 202
3 credits
BIO 327: Developmental Genetics Laboratory
Exploration of the fundamental concepts in developmental biology and genetics through a combination of classical and modern molecular genetic approaches. Experiments are conducted using Drosophila and Nematostella, two important animal models for research in developmental biology and genetics. Students gain hands-on experience with the approaches used to investigate processes that control embryonic development on these two model systems, including the use of modern molecular methods for examining the regulation of gene expression during development. Exposure to the genetic approaches that are available in the Drosophila system will include participation in a genetic screen. This course includes assignments that can be used to satisfy the SBC objective SPK if co-registered for BIO 458. This course routinely offers an opportunity to satisfy the Stony Brook Curriculum WRTD and Upper Division Writing Requirements for the Biology and Biochemistry majors. Students who intend to use the writing assignment in this course to satisfy these requirements must register for BIO 459 when they register for BIO 327. This course has an associated fee. Please see www.stonybrook.edu/coursefees for more information.
Prerequisites: C or higher in BIO 325; and C or higher in BIO 205 or BIO 207
Pre- or corequisite: BIO 320 or BIO 321 or EBH 302
SBC: ESI3 credits
BIO 328: Mammalian Physiology
A continuation of the fundamental principles of cellular and organ physiology introduced in BIO 203. The subject matter includes advanced topics covering the origins of membrane potentials, describing properties of synaptic transmission, identifying the genetics and consequences of channelopathies in cellular and organ cardiac physiology, and advanced treatment of selected topics in endocrine, cardiac, respiratory, renal and nervous system physiology. The focus is on mammals in general and humans more particularly. May not be taken for credit in addition to HBY 350.
Prerequisite: C or higher in BIO 203 and C or higher in CHE 132 or CHE 152 or CHE 331
3 credits
BIO 332: Computational Modeling of Physiological Systems
Introduces students to the fundamental principles underlying computational modeling of complex physiological systems. A major focus of the course will be on the process by which a model of a biological system is developed. Students will be introduced to the mathematical methods required for the modeling of complex systems (including stochastic processes and both temporal and spatial dynamics) as well as to tools for computational simulation. Roughly one half of the class will focus on models for general cellular physiology, while the remaining half will focus on the development of higher-level models of a particular physiological system (for example, the neurobiological systems underlying learning). This course is offered as both AMS 332 and BIO 332 and is intended for STEM majors who have already completed the foundational courses in their major. Students who satisfy the pre-requisites but do not have a deeper background in some STEM field may find the class very challenging and should ask the instructor for guidance before registering.
Prerequisite: MAT 127 or MAT 132 or AMS 161 or MPE level 9 and any one of the following: BIO 202 or BIO 203 or CHE 132 or CHE 331 or PHY 127 or PHY 132
3 credits
BIO 334: Principles of Neurobiology
The ionic basis of nerve potentials, the physiology of synapses, sense organs and effectors, and the integrative action of the nervous system are discussed.
Prerequisite: C or higher in BIO 203
3 credits
BIO 335: Neurobiology Laboratory
A laboratory course in physiology with a focus on neuromuscular function. Topics include acquisition and analysis of electrophysiological data; ion channels, electrical excitability and action potentials; synaptic transmission and muscular contraction; development of physiological functions; central control of movement; sensory function and behavior; cardiac function and regulation; and ethical and political issues of physiological relevance. This course routinely offers an opportunity to satisfy the Stony Brook Curriculum WRTD and Upper Division Writing Requirements for the Biology and Biochemistry majors. Students who intend to use the writing assignment in this course to satisfy these requirements must register for BIO 459 when they register for BIO 335. This course has an associated fee. Please see www.stonybrook.edu/coursefees for more information.
Prerequisite: C or higher in BIO 203; and C or higher in BIO 205 or 207; and C or higher in
PHY 122 or PHY 127 or PHY 132
SBC: ESI3 credits
BIO 336: Conservation Biology
Society and individual lives are increasingly affected by environmental degradation at different scales. From the decline of local fisheries to global climate change, multiple crises threaten the biodiversity and ecosystems that sustain us humans. This course introduces the scientific foundations of conservation biology, along with examples from real-world conservation. The course reviews the biological concepts that underlie conservation including habitat requirements, population dynamics, biogeography, and population genetics. Analysis of case studies on the effects of human activities on biological diversity and ecosystem services will be used to explore the interdisciplinary nature of the practice of conservation. This course will prepare students for careers in environmental sciences and ecology. This course routinely offers an opportunity to satisfy the Stony Brook Curriculum WRTD and Upper Division Writing Requirements for the Biology and Biochemistry majors. Students who intend to use the writing assignment in this course to satisfy these requirements must register for BIO 459 when they register for BIO 336.
Prerequisite: C or higher in BIO 201
Advisory Pre- or Corequisite: BIO 320 or BIO 321; and BIO 351
3 credits
BIO 337: Neurotransmission and Neuromodulation: Implications for Brain Function
Exploration of fundamental concepts of neurotransmission and neuromodulation of synaptic transmission. The subject matter includes an overview of the basic principles of neurotransmission and of the neuromodulatory systems in the brain. The involvement of these systems in behavior and neurological disorders is emphasized. We will discuss how specific neurological disorders can be investigated experimentally and how experimental results can contribute to understanding and treating these disorders.
Prerequisite: C or higher in BIO 203
3 credits
BIO 338: From Synapse to Circuit: Self-organization of the Brain
Exploration of basic neural and synaptic mechanisms and the operation of representative brain circuits, using both theoretical approaches and experimental evidence. Particular attention is given to Hebb's Rule, its cellular basis, its consequences for circuit selforganization, and its limits. A solid background in a mathematical, physical, or biological science is desirable, but most relevant background material is covered in the course.
Prerequisite: Instructor permission and BIO 203 or CHE 132 or CHE 331 or PHY 122
Advisory Prerequisite: BIO 334
3 credits
BIO 339: Neurobiology of Disease
An introduction to the molecular events that underlie the normal function of the nervous system, with a focus on the origins of neuronal diseases including neurodevelopmental disorders (e.g. autism, intellectual disability), neurodegenerative diseases (e.g. Parkinson's, Alzheimer's) and neuro-immune disorders (e.g. Multiple sclerosis). Molecular and genetic approaches for the study of these disorders as well as therapeutic approaches and ethical aspects are discussed.
Prerequisite: C or higher in BIO 202 or C or higher in BIO 203
3 credits
BIO 341: Plant Diversity
An introduction to the study of plants, especially green plants, including the origin and evolution of land plants. Topics include cellular structure and function, photosynthesis and respiration, gross anatomy, taxonomy and the diversity of organisms, plant ecology, agriculture. Three hours of lecture and one three-hour laboratory per week. This course has an associated fee. Please see www.stonybrook.edu/coursefees for more information.
Prerequisites: C or higher in the following: BIO 201; and BIO 202; and BIO 204
4 credits
BIO 342: Invertebrate Zoology
Aspects of the diversity, comparative and functional morphology, natural history, evolution, and water-land transitions of invertebrate animals. Three hours of lecture per week. Must be taken concurrently with the Invertebrate Zoology Laboratory, BIO 343.
Prerequisite: C or higher in BIO 201 or MAR 104
Corequisite: BIO 343
SBC: STEM+3 credits
BIO 343: Invertebrate Zoology Laboratory
Aspects of the diversity, comparative and functional morphology, natural history, evolution, and water-land transitions of invertebrate animals. One three-and-one-half hour laboratory per week plus a recitation. Must be taken concurrently with the Invertebrate Zoology lecture, BIO 342. This course has an associated fee. Please see www.stonybrook.edu/coursefees for more information
Prerequisites: C or higher in BIO 201 or MAR 104
Corequisite: BIO 342
2 credits
BIO 344: Chordate Zoology
Introduction to the diversity, natural history, and evolution of chordates, emphasizing the living vertebrates. Three hours of lecture or discussion and one three-hour laboratory per week. This course routinely offers an opportunity to satisfy the Stony Brook Curriculum WRTD and Upper Division Writing Requirements for the Biology and Biochemistry majors. Students who intend to use the writing assignment in this course to satisfy these requirements must register for BIO 459 when they register for BIO 344. This course has an associated fee. Please see www.stonybrook.edu/coursefees for more information.
Prerequisite: C or higher in BIO 201
4 credits
BIO 347: Introduction to Neural Computation
A broad introduction to neural computation. This course will discuss what counts as 'computation' and in what sense the brain computes, how it computes, and whether those computations look anything like those performed by digital computers. These ideas and concepts will be introduced through examples of computation in the brain, including the neural bases of sensory perception, decision making, learning and memory, and motor control. Students will learn through in-class demonstrations and activities, as well as homework assignments that give students the opportunity to analyze real neural recordings relevant to each of the topic modules.
Prerequisite: MAT 126, MAT 132, AMS 161, or higher; and BIO 211, or AMS 110, or AMS 310; and any one of BIO 202, BIO 203, CHE 132, CHE 331, PHY 127 or PHY 132. It is recommended that students take MAT 127.
3 credits
BIO 348: Diversity and Evolution of Reptiles and Amphibians
The course will survey the diversity and natural history of the major groups of reptiles and amphibians, including snakes, lizards, turtles, crocodilians, frogs, and salamanders. Extinct groups (such as dinosaurs and pterosaurs) will also be covered. Furthermore, the course will showcase how studies of reptiles and amphibians have increased our general understanding of evolution and ecology, and will illustrate how diverse aspects of organismal biology (such as physiology, ecology, behavior, morphology) evolve and are interconnected.
Prerequisite: C or higher in BIO 201
3 credits
BIO 351: Ecology
An examination of the interactions of living organisms with their physical and biological environments. Attention is given to population dynamics, the interactions among organisms, the structure and function of biological communities, the evolution of organisms and their interactions, spatial relationships and scale, and patterns and explanations for biodiversity and its loss.
Prerequisite: C or higher in BIO 201
3 credits
BIO 352: Ecology Laboratory
Stresses the collection, analysis, and interpretation of ecological data, mostly in terrestrial settings. Laboratory and field exercises demonstrate the operation of general ecological principles in specific populations and communities. One lecture, one three-hour field trip or laboratory, and one hour of recitation per week. This course routinely offers an opportunity to satisfy the Stony Brook Curriculum WRTD and Upper Division Writing Requirements for the Biology major. Students who intend to use the writing assignment in this course to satisfy these requirements must register for BIO 459 when they register for BIO 352. This course has an associated fee. Please see www.stonybrook.edu/coursefees for more information.
Prerequisite: C or higher in BIO 205 or BIO 207
Pre- or corequisite: BIO 351
SBC: ESI3 credits
BIO 353: Marine Ecology
A survey of biotic responses to ecological challenges in different marine realms. Controls of diversity and trophic structure in the marine ecosystem, historical aspects of marine realms, productivity in the oceans, plankton, soft-bottom communities, intertidal habitats, coral reefs, deep-sea environments, and effects of pollution in the ocean are discussed. This course routinely offers an opportunity to satisfy the Stony Brook Curriculum WRTD and Upper Division Writing Requirements for the Biology and Biochemistry majors. Students who intend to use the writing assignment in this course to satisfy these requirements must register for BIO 459 when they register for BIO 353.
Prerequisite: C or higher in BIO 201 or MAR 104
Advisory Prerequisite: BIO 343
SBC: STEM+3 credits
BIO 354: Evolution
A detailed discussion of the mechanisms of evolution, focusing on the ways in which genetic changes in populations lead to adaptation, speciation, and historical patterns of evolutionary change. This course routinely offers an opportunity to satisfy the Stony Brook Curriculum WRTD and Upper Division Writing Requirements for the Biology and Biochemistry majors. Students who intend to use the writing assignment in this course to satisfy these requirements must register for BIO 459 when they register for BIO 354.
Prerequisites: C or higher in BIO 201 and C or higher in BIO 202
Advisory pre- or corequisite: BIO 320 or 321
3 credits
BIO 356: Population and Community Ecology Computer Laboratory
A computer laboratory course where population and community ecology concepts are applied to real-world datasets and simulated data. Laboratories are based on free interactive software. Techniques for data wrangling and computer simulation of ecological models are emphasized.
Prerequisite: C or higher in BIO 201, or C or higher in BIO 202, or C or higher in BIO 203; and C or higher in BIO 204; and MAT 126 or higher
2 credits
BIO 358: Biology and Human Social and Sexual Behavior
Major features of human social and sexual behavior are examined from a biological perspective. Insights from ethology, evolutionary biology, and neurobiology are synthesized into a picture of human nature and behavior. Implications of this picture for human sexual and social behavior are considered. This course has been designated as a High Demand/Controlled Access (HD/CA) course. Students registering for HD/CA courses for the first time will have priority to do so.
Prerequisites: U3 or U4 standing; and one of the following: ANP 101, BIO 115, BIO 201, BIO 202, or BIO 203
3 credits
BIO 361: Biochemistry I
First course of an advanced two-semester study of the major chemical constituents of the cell, including carbohydrates, lipids, and proteins. Emphasis is on enzyme structure, enzyme kinetics, reaction mechanisms, and metabolic pathways.
Prerequisite: C or higher in BIO 202 and C or higher in CHE 322 or 332 or 326
3 credits
BIO 362: Biochemistry II
Second course of an advanced two-semester study of biochemistry. BIO 362 is the Molecular Biochemistry section that treats nucleic acid structure, replication, and transcription, both in vivo and in vitro. The machinery and regulation of prokaryotic and eukaryotic protein synthesis is also covered, including amino acid activation; transfer RNA; ribosomes; the genetic code; and peptide chain initiation, elongation, and termination.
Prerequisites: C or higher in BIO 361 or CHE 346
3 credits
BIO 364: Laboratory Techniques in Cancer Biology
This course will introduce contemporary concepts of cancer initiation, progression, metastasis and therapy. The lectures and recitations will include discussions of appropriate review articles, textbook readings and research articles. In the laboratory, students will be introduced to and recapitulate key techniques used in the selected research articles. This course will require significant work on computers outside of class time (more than 3 hours per week). This course routinely offers an opportunity to satisfy the Stony Brook Curriculum WRTD and Upper Division Writing Requirements for the Biology and Biochemistry majors. Students who intend to use the writing assignment in this course to satisfy these requirements must register for BIO 459 when they register for BIO 364. This course has an associated fee. Please see www.stonybrook.edu/coursefees for more information.
Prerequisite: C or higher in BIO 205 or BIO 207
Pre- or corequisite: BIO 314 with a grade of C or higher if used as a prerequisite
3 credits
BIO 365: Biochemistry Laboratory
This course consists of lecture and laboratory components. In the lecture portion of the course, students are introduced to modern technologies used to study proteins, nucleic acids, and other macromolecules as well as the application of these methods in contemporary research. Scientists at Stony Brook University will be invited to present and discuss with students the application of these methods in their current research and in assigned primary publications. The laboratory component is divided into four modules designed to teach basic biochemistry techniques as well as develop the skills of problem solving and analytical thinking. The laboratory modules include: (1) classical biochemistry techniques to extract and quantify cellular constituents such as chlorophyll, DNA, RNA and proteins from Euglena gracilis, (2) characterize bovine catalase enzyme kinetics and design experiments to measure student's blood catalase levels, (3) purification of a His-tagged protein and the evaluation of its purity using SDS gel electrophoresis and western blot analysis, and (4) students will amplify and sequence their mitochondrial control region DNA and compare their sequence to known sequences dating back to the earliest hominids. For each set of experiments the students will need to write a lab report describing their own work and discuss their results in the light of previously published research. This course routinely offers an opportunity to satisfy the Stony Brook Curriculum WRTD and Upper Division Writing Requirements for the Biology and Biochemistry majors. Students who intend to use the writing assignment in this course to satisfy these requirements must register for BIO 459 when they register for BIO 365. This course has an associated fee. Please see www.stonybrook.edu/coursefees for more information.
Prerequisite: C or higher in BIO 205 or BIO 207
Pre- or corequisite: BIO 310 or BIO 361
SBC: ESI3 credits
BIO 366: Molecular Microbiology Laboratory
This course will include both lectures as well laboratory sessions focused on conventional and contemporary Molecular Microbiological techniques. The lectures will cover a variety of microorganisms; Bacteria, Fungi, Viruses, and Protozoans based on textbook readings and current research articles. In the laboratory, students will learn fundamental and applied microbiological methods, biochemical and DNA profiling of microorganisms, and the molecular basis of physiological processes used for the identification of unknown bacteria. This course will serve as an upper-division elective for BIO majors. This course routinely offers an opportunity to satisfy the Stony Brook Curriculum WRTD and Upper Division Writing Requirements for the Biology and Biochemistry majors. Students who intend to use the writing assignment in this course to satisfy these requirements must register for BIO 459 when they register for BIO 366. The course has an associated fee. Please see www.stonybrook.edu/coursefees for more information.
Prerequisite: BIO major; and C or higher in BIO 205 or 207; and C or higher in BIO 315
4 credits
BIO 367: Molecular Diversity Laboratory
Hands-on experience with methods to detect and analyze molecular (DNA, RNA, protein) variation to study ecology, adaptation, and evolutionary history using natural populations of Drosophila, plankton, and other locally available species. This course routinely offers an opportunity to satisfy the Stony Brook Curriculum WRTD and Upper Division Writing Requirements for the Biology and Biochemistry majors. Students who intend to use the writing assignment in this course to satisfy these requirements must register for BIO 459 when they register for BIO 367. This course has an associated fee. Please see www.stonybrook.edu/coursefees for more information.
Prerequisite: C or higher in BIO 201; and C or higher in BIO 202; and C or higher in BIO 205 or BIO 207
Advisory pre- or corequisite: One of the following: BIO 320, BIO 321, BIO 351, or BIO 354
3 credits
BIO 368: Food Microbiology
This course is designed to give students an understanding of subtle relationship between food borne microorganisms and human health. Course will cover various topics focused on microorganisms involved in food processing, preservation, spoilage, and methods to control their growth in food items. The lectures will be presented based on textbook readings and current research articles and cover in depth the role of food borne microorganisms in illness as well health promotion. This course will serve as an upper-division elective for BIO majors.
Prerequisite: C or higher in BIO 315
2 credits
BIO 369: Animal Nutrition
Nutrient classes, requirements, use, and sources will be explored. Gastrointestinal anatomy and feeding standards for small, large, and exotic animal species during reproduction, growth, maintenance, and in disease are evaluated in the context of mechanisms underlying differences in nutritional requirements. Finally, laws, labeling, and marketing of animal feed will be examined. This course satisfies the prerequisite of an upper division animal nutrition course for AVMA-accredited veterinary schools.
Prerequisite: C or better in BIO 201 and BIO 202
Pre- or corequisite: BIO 203 Advisory prerequisite: CHE 132 or CHE 152
3 credits
BIO 371: Restoration of Aquatic Ecosystems
A field and laboratory course designed to introduce students to field methods in assessing the long-term effects of pollution and restoration of aquatic and marsh systems. Students will work in teams to collaborate on measuring exchange of pollutants between a restored Superfund site and adjacent areas, the long-term effects of ecological restoration, habitat assessment, aquatic community structure in restored and adjacent systems, and long-term evolutionary effects on aquatic pollutants. Other restoration systems will be compared. This course has an associated fee. Please see www.stonybrook.edu/coursefees for more information.
Prerequisites: C or higher in BIO 201; and C or higher in BIO 202; and C or higher in BIO 204
Advisory Prerequisite: BIO 353
4 credits
BIO 383: Paleobiology
Fossils are a fundamental component of the rock record and provide the only direct evidence of past life on Earth. They provide basic information for both geologists and biologists on topics like climate change, tectonic plate motion, the evolution of biological novelty, the nature of mass extinction, and the history of biodiversity. They are also increasingly used to establish natural baselines to inform modern conservation efforts. This course represents a process and systems-based study of the marine and terrestrial fossil record. The course will focus on preservation and taphonomy, macroevolution, biomechanics, paleoecology, ecomorphology, biogeography, and the extinction of biotas in the context of the environmental history of Earth. The course format consists of a mix of lecture, discussion, and lab activities. This course will additionally take advantage of connections with the Turkana Basin Institute here at Stony Brook University, where researchers play an important role in understanding the evolution and paleoecology of East African ecosystems, including that of our own ancestors. This course has an associated fee. Please see www.stonybrook.edu/coursefees for more information.
Prerequisite: C or higher in BIO 201
3 credits
BIO 384: Intermediate Statistics
This is an intermediate-level course in biostatistics, emphasizing the use of statistics as a tool to answer scientific questions in ecology and other biological disciplines. Topics from introductory statistics courses will be explored in greater depth using the R software package. Additional advanced topics will include experimental design, meta-analysis, general linear models, complex regression, multifactor analysis of variance, and multivariate analyses. Within each topic, the assumptions of statistical tests will be examined, as well as methods to cope with violations of those assumptions. Students will develop skills in graphical display of quantitative data, exploratory data analysis, and critical evaluation of published statistical analyses. Students will use R software throughout the course to develop their coding skills.
Prerequisite: BIO 211, AMS 110, or EBH 230; and BIO 201, BIO 202, or BIO 203
3 credits
BIO 385: Plant Ecology
Basic ecological principles as applied to the biology of individual plants, plant populations, communities, and ecosystems in relation to their environments. Examples from Long Island pine barrens, tropical rain forests, beaches, deserts, and other plant communities are studied. Examination of the connections between human societies and plant communities, which are rapidly being altered or destroyed worldwide. This course routinely offers an opportunity to satisfy the Stony Brook Curriculum WRTD and Upper Division Writing Requirements for the Biology and Biochemistry majors. Students who intend to use the writing assignment in this course to satisfy these requirements must register for BIO 459 when they register for BIO 385.
Prerequisite: C or higher in BIO 201
Advisory Pre- or Corequisite: BIO 351
3 credits
BIO 386: Ecosystem Ecology and the Global Environment
Ecosystem ecology with an emphasis on biogeochemical cycling in oceans and on land, as well as on biosphere-atmosphere interactions. Topics include earth system processes such as climate and atmospheric composition, the hydrological cycle, cycling of chemicals such as nutrients and metals in the oceans, the soil cycle, and the fate and transport of materials in the atmosphere. Natural and perturbed systems are discussed. This course routinely offers an opportunity to satisfy the Stony Brook Curriculum WRTD and Upper Division Writing Requirements for the Biology and Biochemistry majors. Students who intend to use the writing assignment in this course to satisfy these requirements must register for BIO 459 when they register for BIO 386. This course is offered as both BIO 386 and ENS 311.
Prerequisites: C or higher in BIO 201; and CHE 129 or CHE 131 or CHE 141 or CHE 152
Advisory Prerequisite: MAR 104
3 credits
BIO 444: Experiential Learning
This course is designed for students who engage in a substantial, structured experiential learning activity in conjunction with another class. Experiential learning occurs when knowledge acquired through formal learning and past experience are applied to a "real-world" setting or problem to create new knowledge through a process of reflection, critical analysis, feedback and synthesis. Beyond-the-classroom experiences that support experiential learning may include: service learning, mentored research, field work, or an internship.
Prerequisite: WRT 102 or equivalent; Permission of Instructor; Approval of the EXP+ contract (http://sb.cc.stonybrook.edu/bulletin/current/policiesandregulations/degree_requirements/EXPplus.php)
0 credit, S/U grading
BIO 446: Readings in Neurobiology and Physiology
Tutorial readings in the biological sciences. These courses may be repeated, but not more than two credits may be used toward biology major requirements. Limit of one topic per semester.
Prerequisite: Undergraduate Biology program approval and permission of instructor
1-2 credits, S/U grading
BIO 447: Readings in Molecular, Cellular, and Developmental Biology
Tutorial readings in the biological sciences. These courses may be repeated, but not more than two credits may be used toward biology major requirements. Limit of one topic per semester.
Prerequisite: Undergraduate Biology program approval and permission of instructor
1-2 credits, S/U grading
BIO 449: Readings in Ecology and Evolution
Tutorial readings in the biological sciences. These courses may be repeated, but not more than two credits may be used toward biology major requirements. Limit of one topic per semester.
Prerequisite: Undergraduate Biology program approval and permission of instructor
1-2 credits, S/U grading
BIO 458: Speak Effectively Before an Audience
A zero credit course that may be taken in conjunction with any BIO course that provides an opportunity to achieve the learning outcomes of the Stony Brook Curriculum's SPK learning objective.
Corequisite: BIO 204 or BIO 486 or BIO 487 or BIO 488 or BIO 489 or departmental permission
0 credit, S/U grading
BIO 459: Write Effectively in Biology
A zero credit course that is taken in the same semester as a 300- or 400-level BIO course that provides opportunity to achieve the learning outcomes of the Stony Brook Curriculum's WRTD learning objective. For information on approved co-requisite courses and the registration form for Biology and Biochemistry majors see: https://www.stonybrook.edu/commcms/biology/advising/BIO-459.php
Corequisite: an approved upper-division course for Biochemistry, Biology BS and Biology BA majors; or departmental permission
0 credit, S/U grading
BIO 475: Undergraduate Teaching Practicum in College Biology I
Study of the literature, resources, and teaching strategies in a field of biology, coordinated with a supervised clinical experience in instruction. Not for major credit. Students may not serve as teaching assistants in the same course twice.
Prerequisite: Permission of instructor; and Undergraduate Biology Program approval
0-3 credits, S/U grading
BIO 476: Undergraduate Teaching Practicum in College Biology II
Study of the literature, resources, and teaching strategies in a field of biology, coordinated with a supervised clinical experience in instruction. The student should have different and/or greater responsibilities as a Teaching Assistant if the course is not different from a prior teaching practicum experience. Not for BIO major or minor credit.
Prerequisite: BIO 475; and permission of instructor; and Undergraduate Biology Program Approval
0-3 credits, S/U grading
BIO 477: Undergraduate Teaching Practicum in College Biology III
Study of the literature, resources, and teaching strategies in a field of biology, coordinated with a supervised practical experience in instruction. In the practical instructional experience, the Undergraduate Teaching Assistant works with guidance from a faculty sponsor to provide support to students in labs, recitations, conferences, tutorials, or demonstrations associated with a course being taught by the sponsor. The student should have different and/or greater responsibilities as a Teaching Assistant if the course is not different from a prior teaching practicum experience. Not for BIO major or minor credit. May be repeated.
Pre- or Corequisite: BIO 476; permission of instructor; Undergraduate Biology Program Approval
0-3 credits, S/U grading
BIO 484: Research in Biology and Society
Students work under the supervision of a faculty member in developing an individual project that makes use of the knowledge and techniques acquired in previous courses. The student reports on the project in a format agreed upon with their faculty sponsor that allows reflection on learning outcomes. This course may be repeated, but no more than four credits of research may be used for Biology major requirements. With prior permission from the faculty sponsor, this course could include assignments that can be used to satisfy the SBC objective SPK if co-registered for BIO 458, and/or the SBC objective WRTD if co-registered for BIO 459.
Prerequisite: Permission of instructor; and Undergraduate Biology Program approval
0-6 credits, S/U grading
BIO 486: Research in Neurobiology and Physiology
Students work under the supervision of a faculty member in developing an individual project that makes use of the knowledge and techniques acquired in previous courses. The student reports on the project in a format agreed upon with their faculty sponsor that allows reflection on learning outcomes. This course may be repeated, but no more than four credits of research may be used for Biology major requirements. With prior permission from the faculty sponsor, this course could include assignments that can be used to satisfy the SBC objective SPK if co-registered for BIO 458 and/or the SBC objective WRTD if co-registered for BIO 459.
Prerequisite: Permission of instructor; and Undergraduate Biology Program approval
0-6 credits, S/U grading
BIO 487: Research in Molecular, Cellular, and Developmental Biology
Students work under the supervision of a faculty member in developing an individual project that makes use of the knowledge and techniques acquired in previous courses. The student reports on the project in a format agreed upon with their faculty sponsor that allows reflection on learning outcomes. This course may be repeated, but no more than four credits of research may be used for Biology major requirements. With prior permission from the faculty sponsor, this course could include assignments that can be used to satisfy the SBC objective SPK if co-registered for BIO 458 and/or the SBC objective WRTD if co-registered for BIO 459.
Prerequisite: Undergraduate Biology program approval and permission of instructor
0-6 credits, S/U grading
BIO 488: Internship in Biological Sciences
Students work under the supervision of a faculty member or approved professional sponsor to obtain a career-related experience in the life sciences. The student reports on the project in a format agreed upon with their sponsor that allows reflection on learning outcomes. Students must be accepted into an internship program before registering for credit. May be repeated up to a limit of 12 credits. Not for biology major credit.
Prerequisite: Undergraduate Biology Program approval and permission of sponsor
0-6 credits, S/U grading
BIO 489: Research in Ecology and Evolution
Students work under the supervision of a faculty member in developing an individual project that makes use of the knowledge and techniques acquired in previous courses. The student reports on the project in a format agreed upon with their faculty sponsor that allows reflection on learning outcomes. This course may be repeated, but no more than four credits of research may be used for Biology major requirements. With prior permission from the faculty sponsor, this course could include assignments that can be used to satisfy the SBC objective SPK if co-registered for BIO 458 and/or the SBC objective WRTD if co-registered for BIO 459.
Prerequisite: Permission of instructor; and Undergraduate Biology Program approval
0-6 credits, S/U grading
CHE: Chemistry
CHE 115: Chemistry, Life, and Environment
This survey course introduces chemical principles by emphasizing the role chemistry plays in everyday life, the natural environment, the built environment, energy production, and in processes leading to environmental degradation. In addition, the role of chemistry in the development of alternative energy sources, remediation technologies, and eco-friendly products is discussed. This course for non-science majors introduces chemical principles using mostly qualitative approaches rather than quantitative approaches. Interactive tools and interactive visualization tools are extensively used to illustrate concepts, reactions, and processes. May not be taken by students with credit for CHE 129, CHE 131, or CHE 152. This course is offered as both CHE 115 and ENV 115.
3 credits
CHE 129: General Chemistry IA
This is the initial course of the four-semester General-Chemistry/Organic-Chemistry sequence CHE 129/132/321/322. This sequence provides the necessary foundation for students who wish to pursue further coursework in chemistry. The General Chemistry Courses provide a broad introduction to the fundamental principles of chemistry, including substantial illustrative material drawn from the chemistry of inorganic, organic, and biochemical systems. The emphasis is on basic concepts, problem-solving, and factual material. Students will be placed into CHE 129 based on their performance in the Online Chemistry Placement and Preparation (OCPP) process. Specifically, CHE 129 is for students with chemistry knowledge above the required OCPP minimum but who do not meet the math corequisite of CHE 131. The level and content of CHE 129 match that of CHE 131, but since the corequisite differs, students must also attend a CHE 130 session each week. CHE 130 builds essential skills in information processing, critical and analytical thinking, quantitative reasoning, and problem solving. The CHE 129 four-semester sequence is inappropriate for students who satisfy the corequisites of CHE 131. It is also inappropriate for students who have completed an AP course in chemistry and received a score of 4 or 5; such students must enroll in CHE 152. Three lecture hours, one 80-minute workshop, and one CHE 130 session per week. CHE 129 may not be taken for credit in addition to CHE 131 or CHE 152. This course has been designated as a High Demand/Controlled Access (HD/CA) course. Students registering for HD/CA courses for the first time will have priority to do so.
Prerequisite: Online Chemistry Placement and Preparation (OCPP) Process. For information on the OCPP, copy and paste the following link into your browser. go.stonybrook.edu/ocpp
Mandatory co requisites: MAT 123 and CHE 130
4 credits
CHE 130: Problem Solving in General Chemistry
This course provides a structured environment for completing CHE 129 homework assignments and helping students develop the quantitative reasoning and problem solving skills needed in General Chemistry. Satisfactory/Unsatifactory grading only. Grading is based on attendance and participation. Required for students taking CHE 129 along with MAT 123.
Mandatory corequisites: CHE 129 and MAT 123
1 credit, S/U grading
CHE 131: General Chemistry IB
This is the initial course in the four-semester General-Chemistry/Organic-Chemistry sequence CHE 131/132/321/322. This sequence provides the necessary foundation for students who wish to pursue further coursework in Chemistry. The General Chemistry courses provide a broad introduction to the fundamental principles of chemistry, including substantial illustrative material drawn from the chemistry of inorganic, organic, and biochemical systems. The emphasis is on basic concepts, problem-solving, and factual material. The principal topics covered are stoichiometry, the states of matter, chemical equilibrium and introductory thermodynamics, electrochemistry, chemical kinetics, electron structure and chemical bonding, and chemical periodicity. Students will be placed into CHE 131 based on their performance in an Online Chemistry Placement and Preparation (OCPP) process. The four-semester sequence is inappropriate for students who have completed an AP course in chemistry and received a score of 4 or 5; these students are placed into CHE 152. Three lecture hours and one 80-minute workshop per week. May not be taken for credit in addition to CHE 129 or CHE 152. This course has been designated as a High Demand/Controlled Access (HD/CA) course. Students registering for HD/CA courses for the first time will have priority to do so.
Prerequisite: Online Chemistry Placement and Preparation (OCPP) Process. For information on the OCPP, copy and paste the following link into your browser. go.stonybrook.edu/ocpp Corequisite: MAT 125 or higher
4 credits
CHE 132: General Chemistry II
A continuation of either CHE 129 or 131, introducing the fundamental principles of chemistry, including substantial illustrative material drawn from the chemistry of inorganic, organic, and biochemical systems. The principal topics covered are stoichiometry, the states of matter, chemical equilibrium and introductory thermodynamics, electrochemistry, chemical kinetics, electron structure and chemical bonding, and chemical periodicity. The sequence emphasizes basic concepts, problem solving, and factual material. It provides the necessary foundation for students who wish to pursue further coursework in chemistry. Three lecture hours and one 80-minute workshop per week. May not be taken for credit in addition to CHE 152. This course has been designated as a High Demand/Controlled Access (HD/CA) course. Students registering for HD/CA courses for the first time will have priority to do so.
Prerequisite: C or higher in CHE 129 or CHE 131. Pre/Corequisite: MAT 125 for those who took CHE 129 or 130 or BA BIO majors; all others MAT 126 or higher
4 credits
CHE 133: General Chemistry Laboratory I
Designed to familiarize students with (1) some chemical and physical properties of substances, (2) techniques of quantitative chemistry, and (3) scientific methodology. Three hours of laboratory or related activity per week. CHE 133 and CHE 134 may not be taken for credit in addition to CHE 154. This course has been designated as a High Demand/Controlled Access (HD/CA) course. Students registering for HD/CA courses for the first time will have priority to do so. This course has an associated fee. Please see www.stonybrook.edu/coursefees for more information.
Pre- or Corequisite: CHE 129 or 131
1 credit
CHE 134: General Chemistry Laboratory II
Designed to familiarize students with (1) some chemical and physical properties of substances, (2) techniques of quantitative chemistry, and (3) scientific methodology. Three hours of laboratory or related activity per week. CHE 133 and CHE 134 may not be taken for credit in addition to CHE 154. This course has an associated fee. Please see www.stonybrook.edu/coursefees for more information.
Prerequisites: CHE 133
Pre- or Corequisite: CHE 132
1 credit
CHE 152: Molecular Science I
This is the initial course of the three-semester Molecular Science sequence CHE 152/331/332. The topics covered in CHE 152 include atomic and molecular structure, chemical bonding, thermodynamics, equilibrium and aqueous chemistry, electrochemistry, kinetics and basics of organic chemistry. Students will be placed into CHE 152 based on their performance in the Online Chemistry Placement and Preparation (OCPP) process or upon receipt of a score of 4 or 5 in AP chemistry. (Such students cannot enroll in any of the courses CHE 129/130, 131, or 132). May not be taken for credit in addition to CHE 129, 131, or 132. Three lecture hours and one 80-minute workshop per week.
Prerequisite: AP Chem score of 4-5 & satisfactory score on the Online Chemistry Placement & Prep Process (OCPP) or satisfactory score on the OCPP (http://go.stonybrook.edu/ocpp); co-registration in MAT 131 (preferred), MAT 125, AMS 151 or higher calculus
4 credits
CHE 154: Molecular Science Laboratory I
Designed to familiarize students with chemical and physical properties of substances, techniques of quantitative chemistry, and aspects of scientific methodology. Four hours of lab per week. CHE 154 may not be taken for credit in addition to CHE 134. This course has an associated fee. Please see www.stonybrook.edu/coursefees for more information.
Corequisite: CHE 152
2 credits
CHE 301: Physical Chemistry I
This course is the first half of a two-semester overview of modern physical chemistry, introducing students to the quantitative study of chemical systems. The fundamentals of thermodynamics from both macroscopic and microscopic standpoints are covered, with applications to chemical problems. May not be taken for credit by students who have completed CHE 312.
Prerequisite: CHE 132 or 152; MAT 132 or 142 or 127 or 171 or AMS 161
Pre/Co Requisite: MAT 203 or MAT 211 or AMS 210 or AMS 261; PHY 125, 131/133, or 141
SBC: STEM+4 credits
CHE 302: Physical Chemistry II
Introduction to quantum theory and its application to the study of chemical bonding, molecular spectroscopy, statistical thermodynamics, chemical kinetics and molecular reaction dynamics.
Prerequisites: CHE 301; MAT 203 or MAT 211 or AMS 210 or AMS 261
Pre- or Corequisite: PHY 132/134 or 142 or PHY 126/127
4 credits
CHE 303: Solution Chemistry Laboratory
Quantitative techniques of solution chemistry. Measurement: accuracy and precision, analysis, computation, and reporting. Spectrophotometry. Solution equilibria and kinetics. Use of computers is introduced. Six hours of laboratory and discussion. This course has an associated fee. Please see www.stonybrook.edu/coursefees for more information.
Prerequisite: CHE 134 or CHE 154
Corequisite: CHE 301
SBC: ESI, WRTD2 credits
CHE 304: Chemical Instrumentation Laboratory
Electrochemical and thermochemical measurements. Electronics in chemical instrumentation. Vacuum techniques. Electrical and magnetic properties of materials. Data-handling methods. Six hours of laboratory and discussion. This course has an associated fee. Please see www.stonybrook.edu/coursefees for more information.
Prerequisite: CHE 303
Corequisite: CHE 302 Advisory Prereq: Knowledge of computer programming
SBC: TECH, WRTD2 credits
CHE 310: Chemistry in Technology and the Environment
Use of chemical principles in understanding processes that occur in the modern technological world and in the natural environment. Certain ecological problems of a chemical nature are analyzed. Methods of controlling these problems are discussed. Not for credit in addition to ENV 320.
Prerequisite: CHE 132 or CHE 152
3 credits
CHE 312: Physical Chemistry for the Life Sciences
A one-semester treatment of fundamental concepts of physical chemistry, intended primarily for students of the biological sciences desiring an introduction to physical chemistry. Topics include equations of state; classical thermodynamics and its application to chemical equilibrium in reaction systems, multiphase systems, and electrochemical cells; kinetic theory of gases; transport properties; chemical kinetics. May not be taken for credit by students who have completed CHE 301. Not for credit toward the chemistry major.
Prerequisite: CHE 132 or 152; MAT 132 or 142 or 127 or 171 or AMS 161
Pre- or Corequisite: PHY 121 or 125 or 131/133 or 141
SBC: STEM+3 credits
CHE 321: Organic Chemistry I
An introduction to the structure, reactivity, and properties of organic compounds is presented using modern views of chemical bonding. These fundamental ideas are applied to topics ranging from synthetic chemistry to complex functional structures such as lipid bilayers. CHE 321 may not be taken for credit in addition to CHE 331. This course has been designated as a High Demand/Controlled Access (HD/CA) course. Students registering for HD/CA courses for the first time will have priority to do so.
Prerequisite: C or higher in CHE 132
4 credits
CHE 322: Organic Chemistry IIA
Discussion of the structure, reactivity, and properties of organic compounds introduced in CHE 321 is continued. The chemistry of substances important in biology, medicine, and technology is emphasized. CHE 322 may not be taken for credit in addition to CHE 332. This course has been designated as a High Demand/Controlled Access (HD/CA) course. Students registering for HD/CA courses for the first time will have priority to do so.
Prerequisite: C or higher in CHE 321
4 credits
CHE 327: Organic Chemistry Laboratory
Techniques of isolating and handling organic substances, including biological materials. A one-semester course that provides a basic organic laboratory experience. It is recommended that students take CHE 327 at the same time as CHE 321 or 322. Four laboratory hours and one lecture hour per week. Not for credit in addition to CHE 383. This course has an associated fee. Please see www.stonybrook.edu/coursefees for more information.
Prerequisite: CHE 134
Pre- or Corequisite: CHE 321
2 credits
CHE 328: Synthetic and Spectroscopic Laboratory Techniques
Application of fundamental laboratory techniques to organic and inorganic problems including multistep syntheses and structural and mechanistic determinations. Lectures cover material pertaining to the experimental work, with an emphasis on spectroscopy. Not for credit in addition to CHE 384. This course has an associated fee. Please see www.stonybrook.edu/coursefees for more information.
Prerequisite: CHE 327
Pre- or corequisite: CHE 322
SBC: TECH3 credits
CHE 331: Molecular Science II
Topics include the structural, mechanistic and synthetic aspects of organic chemistry, transition metal chemistry, catalysis, supramolecular chemistry, and polymer chemistry. This is the second course in a three semester sequence. Students with a strong background prior to entering the University can take the 152-331-332 sequence, which covers the same material as 131-132-321-322. Three lecture hours and one 80-minute workshop per week. The laboratory component, CHE 383, must be taken the same semester as the CHE 331 lecture. May not be taken for credit in addition to CHE 321.
Prerequisite: C or higher in CHE 152
Corequisite: CHE 383
SBC: STEM+4 credits
CHE 332: Molecular Science III
Topics include advanced structural, mechanistic and synthetic aspects of organic chemistry, the organic chemistry of biological pathways and biosynthesis. This is the final course in a three semester sequence. Students with a strong background prior to entering the University can take the 152-331-332 sequence, which covers the same material as 131-132-321-322. Three lecture hours and one 80-minute workshop per week. May not be taken for credit in addition to CHE 322.
Prerequisite: C or higher in CHE 331
4 credits
CHE 345: Structure and Reactivity in Organic Chemistry
Electronic and stereochemical theories relating to organic structure and reactions. Topics such as bonding, strain, aromaticity, MO theory, molecular rearrangements, pericyclic reactions, and photochemistry are covered.
Prerequisite: CHE 322 or CHE 332
Pre- or Corequisite: CHE 301 or CHE 312
3 credits
CHE 346: Biomolecular Structure and Reactivity
The reactivity and physiological function of biological macromolecules and their monomeric constituents are described at the chemical level. The course reflects the most recent advances at the interface of organic chemistry and biochemistry. Specific topics include catalysis, biomimicry, protein and DNA modification, binding and target recognition, and correlation between three-dimensional structure and reactivity.
Pre- or Corequisites: CHE 322 or CHE 332; CHE 301 or CHE 312
3 credits
CHE 348: Reaction Mechanisms in Organic Chemistry
Important classes of mechanisms of reactions useful in synthesis are explored. The kinetics and thermodynamics of these reactions are analyzed using modern structural theories. Examples of reaction types are substitutions, rearrangements, additions, eliminations, and selected organometallic reactions.
Prerequisite: CHE 322 or CHE 332
3 credits
CHE 351: Quantum Chemistry
Concepts of quantum theory, Schrodinger wave mechanics, and related mathematical techniques illustrated by application to systems of chemical bonding, spectroscopy, molecular structure, and molecular collision phenomena.
Prerequisites: CHE 302; MAT 203 or 205
3 credits
CHE 353: Chemical Thermodynamics
A rigorous development of thermodynamics and its application to systems of interest to chemists, including electrochemical cells, gases, polymers, and homogeneous and heterogeneous equilibrium. An introduction to statistical mechanics is included.
Prerequisites: CHE 302; CHE 321
3 credits
CHE 357: Molecular Structure and Spectroscopy Laboratory
Optical and magnetic resonance spectroscopy are used to investigate the structural, dynamic, and quantum mechanical properties of some basic chemical systems. Emphasis is on the quantitative measurement of molecular parameters and transformations. This course has an associated fee. Please see www.stonybrook.edu/coursefees for more information.
Prerequisites: CHE 304; CHE 327 or CHE 383
2 credits
CHE 358: Computing in Chemistry
The basic elements of scripting, design of computer programs, and numerical analysis are discussed within the framework of solving a variety of exciting problems chosen from all areas of chemistry. Topics include automation of repetitive tasks, fitting of data, numerical integration of rate equations, signal and image analysis, and quantum chemistry. No previous knowledge of computer programming is assumed.
Prerequisite: CHE 302 and CHE 304
3 credits
CHE 361: Nuclear Chemistry
Properties of radioactive substances and their use in the study of chemical problems, nuclear stability and structure, nuclear reactions, radioactive decay, interactions of radiation with matter, nuclear medicine, isotope applications, and environmental control. Offered in summer only.
Prerequisites: Four semesters of chemistry; PHY 126 and 127, or 132/134 or 142 or 171; AMS 161 or MAT 127 or 132 or 142; permission of department through application by January 30; permission of instructor
Corequisite: CHE 362
3 credits
CHE 362: Nuclear Chemistry Laboratory
Detection and measurement of radiation, electronic instrumentation, radiation safety, and application of radioactivity to chemical problems. Offered in summer only.
Corequisite: CHE 361
3 credits
CHE 375: Inorganic Chemistry I
A survey of inorganic chemistry covering various classes of inorganic compounds and reactions with emphasis on the structural aspects. Wherever possible, the subject is treated on the basis of modern concepts of chemical bonding. Thermodynamic and kinetic aspects of inorganic reactions are included.
Prerequisite: CHE 322 or CHE 332
3 credits
CHE 376: Inorganic Chemistry II
The chemistry of the elements with an emphasis on the transition metals. Reaction mechanisms, synthesis, and structure are covered. Specific areas of concern include coordination chemistry, organometallic chemistry, bioinorganic chemistry, and selected topics from solid-state and non-transition metal chemistry.
Prerequisite: CHE 375
3 credits
CHE 377: Inorganic Chemistry Laboratory
The synthesis of inorganic materials and their characterization using a variety of physical techniques. This laboratory course will emphasize both the synthesis of inorganic compounds and the study of their physical properties. Laboratory exercises will introduce synthetic techniques. Molecular and solid-state compounds will be characterized by UV-visible absorption, infrared, and multinuclear NMR spectroscopies, and x-ray diffraction. Measurements of electrochemical behavior, magnetic susceptibility, and chemical reactivity will be performed. This course has an associated fee. Please see www.stonybrook.edu/coursefees for more information.
Prerequisite: CHE 303 and 328 or 384
Pre- or Corequisite: CHE 375
3 credits
CHE 378: Materials Chemistry
Our high-technology world is driven forward by advances in materials chemistry. This class will discuss some of the materials that underpin these technologies, as well as some of the novel classes of materials that are being developed for future applications. The course will cover the synthesis, structures, and properties of advanced materials, focusing on a range of topics with current societal importance (e.g. energy, computers, nanoscience, etc.). Specific topics may include batteries, fuel cells, catalysts, metals, semiconductors, superconductors, magnetism, and polymers.
Prerequisite: CHE 375 or ESG 332
3 credits
CHE 379: Electrochemistry and Electrochemical Materials Science
This course will survey electrochemistry and electrochemical materials science. Topics will include fundamental measurements in electrochemistry, galvanostatic and potentiostatic methods, the electrochemical double layer, corrosion and passivation. Relevant applications such as fuel cells, batteries, and supercapacitors will be discussed.
Prerequisite: CHE 132 or CHE 152
3 credits
CHE 383: Introductory Synthetic and Spectroscopic Laboratory Techniques
Fundamental laboratory techniques including methods of separation, purification, synthesis, and analysis. Emphasis is on organic with an introduction to inorganic problems. For students in the Molecular Sciences sequence. Not for credit in addition to CHE 327. Three lecture hours and one 80-minute workshop per week. The lecture component, CHE 331, must be taken the same semester as the CHE 383 laboratory. This course has an associated fee. Please see www.stonybrook.edu/coursefees for more information.
Prerequisite: CHE 154
Corequisite: CHE 331
SBC: ESI2 credits
CHE 384: Intermediate Synthetic and Spectroscopic Laboratory Techniques
Application of fundamental laboratory techniques to organic and inorganic problems including multistep syntheses and structural and mechanistic determinations. Lectures cover material pertaining to the experimental work, with an emphasis on spectroscopy. Not for credit in addition to CHE 328. This course has an associated fee. Please see www.stonybrook.edu/coursefees for more information.
Prerequisite: CHE 383
Corequisite: CHE 332
SBC: TECH, WRTD3 credits
CHE 385: Tools of Chemistry
A seminar course covering topics common to all areas of chemistry: scientific ethics; diversity, equity, and inclusion in the chemical sciences; chemical literature and information retrieval; scientific writing; and oral presentation.
Pre- or corequisite: CHE 327 or CHE 383
1 credit, ABC/U grading
CHE 444: Experiential Learning
This course is designed for students who engage in a substantial, structured experiential learning activity in conjunction with another class. Experiential learning occurs when knowledge acquired through formal learning and past experience are applied to a "real-world" setting or problem to create new knowledge through a process of reflection, critical analysis, feedback and synthesis. Beyond-the-classroom experiences that support experiential learning may include: service learning, mentored research, field work, or an internship.
Prerequisite: WRT 102 or equivalent; permission of the instructor and approval of the EXP+ contract (http://sb.cc.stonybrook.edu/bulletin/current/policiesandregulations/degree_requirements/EXPplus.php)
0 credit, S/U grading
CHE 459: Write Effectively in Chemistry
A zero credit course that may be taken in conjunction with any 300- or 400-level CHE course, with permission of the instructor. The course provides opportunity to practice the skills and techniques of effective academic writing and satisfies the learning outcomes of the Stony Brook Curriculum's WRTD learning objective.
Prerequisite: WRT 102; permission of the instructor
0 credit, S/U grading
CHE 461: Selected Topics in Chemistry
Semester supplements to this Bulletin contain specific description when course is offered. May be repeated as the topic changes.
Prerequisite: Varying with topic
1-3 credits
CHE 475: Undergraduate Teaching Practicum I
Work with a faculty member as an assistant in one of the faculty member's regularly scheduled classes. The student is required to attend all the classes, do all the regularly assigned work, and meet with the faculty member at regularly scheduled times to discuss the intellectual and pedagogical matters relating to the course. Students may participate only in courses in which they have excelled.
Prerequisite: Permission of department
3 credits, S/U grading
CHE 476: Undergraduate Teaching Practicum II
Work with a faculty member as an assistant in one of the faculty member's regularly scheduled classes. Students assume greater responsibility in such areas as leading discussions and analyzing results of tests that have already been graded. Students may participate only in courses in which they have excelled. The course in which the student is permitted to work as a teaching assistant must be different from the course in which he or she previously served.
Prerequisite: Permission of department
3 credits, S/U grading
CHE 477: Undergraduate Teaching Practicum III
Work with a faculty member as an assistant in one of the faculty member's regularly scheduled classes. Students may participate only in courses in which they have excelled. May be repeated.
Prerequisites: CHE 476; permission of instructor and department
0 credit, S/U grading
CHE 487: Research in Chemistry
Students pursue research or tutorial study in specialized areas of chemistry. May be repeated.
Prerequisites: Permission of instructor and department
0-6 credits
CHE 488: Internship
Research participation in off-campus laboratories. Students are required to submit to the department a proposal at the time of registration and a research report at the end of the semester. May be repeated up to a limit of 12 credits.
Prerequisites: CHE 328 or 384; permission of instructor and department
0-6 credits, S/U grading
CHE 495: Senior Research
First course of a two-semester research program to be carried out under the supervision of a staff member. The results of this work are to be submitted to the department in the form of a senior research report. The student is given an oral examination in May by a faculty committee consisting of the student's supervisor and three other faculty members. Students receive only one grade upon completion of the sequence CHE 495-496.
Prerequisite: U4 standing; permission of instructor and department
3 credits
CHE 496: Senior Research
Second course of a two-semester research program to be carried out under the supervision of a staff member. The results of this work are to be submitted to the department in the form of a senior research report. The student is given an oral examination in May by a faculty committee consisting of the student's supervisor and three other faculty members. Students receive only one grade upon completion of the sequence CHE 495-496.
Prerequisite: U4 standing; permission of instructor and department
3 credits
BCP: Pharmacology
BCP 111: American Drug Use and Abuse: Biomedical, Socio-economic and Political Factors
This course, to be offered primarily online, introduces beginning students to the current pharmacology landscape, both in the United States and abroad. New drug discovery and the US drug approval process, for both over-the-counter and prescription pharmaceuticals, will be considered in detail and will be compared with comparable processes in other parts of the world. The ethics of American direct-to-consumer marketing of prescription pharmaceuticals will be presented and discussed.
3 credits
BCP 201: Introduction to Pharmacology: Drug Use & Its Molecular Basis
This course, to be offered primarily face-to-face, introduces scientifically sophisticated students to all aspects of modern pharmacology including pharmacodynamics (how drugs elicit biological responses) and pharmacokinetics (drug absorption, distribution, metabolism, and excretion). We will discuss major classes of drugs commonly used to treat illness in modern medical and veterinary practice. Agents considered will include those acting on the nervous system, the immune system, the cardiovascular, respiratory and gastrointestinal systems, and those used in treating cancer and infectious diseases. We will also consider vaccination to prevent illness.
Prerequisite: BIO 202 and CHE 132
Advisory Prerequisite: BCP 111
3 credits
BCP 400: Writing in Pharmacology
See requirements for the major in pharmacology, upper-division writing requirement.
Prerequisites: Pharmacology major; U3 or U4 standing; permission of instructor
0 credit, S/U grading
BCP 401: Principles of Pharmacology
Basic principles and mechanisms of drug distribution, absorption, metabolism, and elimination. Principles of chemical carcinogenesis and tumor promotion. Autonomic, smooth-muscle, and CNS pharmacology. Pharmacology of specific drugs of historical interest including alcohol, antibiotics, aspirin, nicotine, and morphine. Review of anticoagulants and thrombolytic agents, antiparasitics, and drugs for the treatment of allergic conditions and gout.
Prerequisites: BIO 362; CHE 322 and 327; a g.p.a. of 3.00 or higher in these courses and their prerequisites.
Corequisite for pharmacology majors: BCP 403
4 credits
BCP 402: Advanced Pharmacology
Advanced concepts of drug metabolism, pharmacokinetics, biochemical, and molecular mechanisms of drug action, and drug resistance in human disease states. Toxicological agents and environmental pollutants. The pharmacology of autocoids, anti-inflammatories, immunosuppressants, and antiasthmatics. Rational drug design and drug receptor interactions using computer molecular modeling techniques.
Prerequisites: BCP 401 and 403; minimum of B- in BCP 401
Corequisite: BCP 404
4 credits
BCP 403: Principles of Pharmacology Laboratory
The use of molecular modeling software for the understanding of structure activity relationships. In vivo studies to demonstrate the pharmacological mechanism of action of drugs acting on the autonomic, cardiovascular, and renal systems. Pharmacokinetic studies, using HPLC, to determine the rate of absorption, distribution, and excretion of therapeutic agents. Radio- and enzyme-immunoassays for the detection of circulating hormones. Cell culture techniques for drug determination and evaluation.
Prerequisite: Permission of instructor
Corequisite: BCP 401
SBC: ESI2 credits
BCP 404: Advanced Pharmacology Laboratory
The use of molecular modeling software for the understanding of structure activity relationships. In vivo studies to demonstrate the pharmacological mechanism of action of drugs acting on the autonomic, cardiovascular, and renal systems. Pharmacokinetic studies, using HPLC, to determine the rate of absorption, distribution, and excretion of therapeutic agents. Radio- and enzyme-immunoassays for the detection of circulating hormones. Cell culture techniques for drug determination and evaluation. This course has an associated fee. Please see www.stonybrook.edu/coursefees for more information.
Prerequisites: BCP 401 and 403; permission of instructor
Corequisite: BCP 402
SBC: ESI2 credits
BCP 405: Pharmacology to Pharmacy: Practical Clinical Aspects for Non-Clinicians (Didactic)
This course, to be offered exclusively online, is designed for undergraduates interested in health care (either basic medical science-oriented or clinical). The class introduces many aspects of clinical pharmacology, but is geared toward non-clinicians. Clinical vignettes and case discussions will be presented. Several medical procedures will be first described and then demonstrated. Understanding these procedures will be integral to appreciating the vignettes and clinical case discussions. The multidisciplinary course faculty will include physicians, scientists, educators, nurses and pharmacists. Enrolled students will have the opportunity to ask questions directly through online chats.
Prerequisite: U3 or U4 status or permission of the instructor
3 credits
BCP 406: Pharmacology Colloquium
Seminars on research in pharmacology and toxicology presented by faculty and distinguished scientists from academic and industrial institutions. Students are expected to develop an understanding of the scientific principles presented in the colloquium. Speakers meet with the students after the seminar to discuss research concepts and to answer questions. One hour Journal Club/Discussion followed by one hour seminar. May be repeated.
Prerequisites: BIO 202 and 203; CHE 322; a g.p.a. of 3.00 in these courses and their prerequisites
2 credits
BCP 444: Experiential Learning
This course is designed for students who engage in a substantial, structured experiential learning activity in conjunction with another class. Experiential learning occurs when knowledge acquired through formal learning and past experience are applied to a "real-world" setting or problem to create new knowledge through a process of reflection, critical analysis, feedback and synthesis. Beyond-the-classroom experiences that support experiential learning may include: service learning, mentored research, field work, or an internship.
Prerequisite: WRT 102 or equivalent; permission of the instructor and approval of the EXP+ contract (http://sb.cc.stonybrook.edu/bulletin/current/policiesandregulations/degree_requirements/EXPplus.php)
0 credit, S/U grading
BCP 475: Undergraduate Teaching Practicum in Pharmacology
Prerequisites: Pharmacology major; U4 standing; permission of department
3 credits, S/U grading
BCP 480: Introduction to Research Topics in Pharmacology
Introduces undergraduate students to the research that is occurring in the laboratories of Pharmacology faculty. We will discuss experimental techniques and how they are utilized to investigate scientific questions within the various fields under the umbrella of Pharmacological Sciences. Areas covered will include immunology, neuroscience, cancer, development, structural biology, cell signaling, and stem cells. Students will be required to prepare a presentation on research actively occurring within the Pharmacology department.
Prerequisite: BCP 201 or BCP 401 or BIO 310 or BIO 361
1 credit
BCP 487: Research in Pharmacology
Completion of an individual student research project under the supervision of a faculty member. Previously acquired laboratory course techniques and new procedures are utilized. Experimental results must be submitted to the department for grade evaluation in the format of a research report. Not for credit in addition to HBH 396, 398, and 399. May be repeated.
Prerequisites: BIO 202 and 203; CHE 322 and 327; a g.p.a. of 3.00 in these courses and their prerequisites; permission of instructor and department
0-6 credits
BCP 488: Internship
Research participation in off-campus laboratories, the pharmaceutical industry, and other academic and public agencies. Repeatable up to 12 credits.
Prerequisites: BIO 361; CHE 322; g.p.a. of 3.00 or higher in these courses and their prerequisites; permission of department
0-6 credits, S/U grading
HBH: Pharmacology
HBH 398: Research Project in Pharmacology
An independent research project under faculty supervision, with emphasis on the principles of experimental design, data collection, evaluation of findings, and reporting of results. The student is expected to prepare a report on the project. May be repeated. May not be taken for credit in addition to BCP 487.
Prerequisite: Junior or Senior Standing
1-6 credits