Undergraduate Bulletin
Spring 2025
Departments of Biochemistry and Cell Biology
The Biochemistry Program
The Biochemistry Undergraduate Major Program provides a challenging and exciting introduction to the chemical basis of biological phenomena.
The major is designed to prepare students who intend to pursue graduate study, attend health-related professional schools, pursue secondary school teaching careers, and fill entry-level positions in private, state, and federal laboratories or in pharmaceutical and biotechnical industries.
The undergraduate curriculum provides a fundamental background in biology, chemistry, genetics, cell biology, and biochemistry, with courses in mathematics and physics necessary for advanced understanding of this broad field. Students may not declare a double major among biochemistry, biology, and pharmacology majors. To double major in Biochemistry and either Chemistry or
Bioengineering, Biochemistry majors should consult with the Biochemistry Major Undergraduate Program Director and the respective second major Undergraduate Program Director for acceptable course combinations.