Health Sciences Bulletin

School of Medicine

  • Doctor of Medicine

    Doctor of Medicine


    The goal of the Renaissance School of Medicine is to prepare students to meet a major need of society: the improvement of health care and its delivery. The Committee on Admissions seeks to select not only the most competent among the applicant pool, but those who will devote themselves to a life of scholarship and service, those who will make a difference in the lives of their patients and in the way medicine is delivered, and those who will continue the commitment to excellence that will be apparent in their applications.

    Consideration of a student's intellectual and academic qualifications as well as qualities such as motivation, integrity, social consciousness, maturity, interpersonal skills and other evidence of promise for the field of medicine will be among those qualities we seek to evaluate. The diversity of the student body is an important objective, and we will strive to accept a class which is representative of a wide variety of backgrounds, experiences and academic interests. A major effort will be made in the selection process to include candidates from under-represented ethnic and economic groups.

    The Committee on Admissions will do a holistic review of your candidacy for medical school. Your ability, to some measure, will be evident in your academic record, your scores on competitive examinations, your faculty's statements and your extracurricular and work experiences. Candidates should be aware that the majority of those who apply to Stony Brook University present exceptional credentials and the entering class reflects this fact. Motivational and personal characteristics as indicated in your application, letters of evaluation, and personal interviews are also a major part of our admissions assessment.* The contribution you might make to our student body and the medical profession will, we hope, become apparent in reading your own statements and the comments of others. We cannot now, of course, make any estimate of the probability of favorable action on any one application. Stony Brook University, in making a considerable effort to individualize its application process, hopes to attract applicants who are informed about the school and are particularly interested in Stony Brook University.

    There is no discrimination in the admissions review and selection process on the basis of race, color, sex, age, ethnicity, religion, national origin, sexual orientation, disability, marital status or veterans’ status. Although residents of New York State constitute the majority of the entrants, the School of Medicine encourages applications from out of state residents.

    Please visit our website for more detailed information about current coursework requirements and the MCAT policy:

    All questions concerning admission should be addressed to: 

    Office of Admissions, School of Medicine

    Health Sciences Tower, Room 147A, Level 4

    Stony Brook University

    Stony Brook, New York 11794-8434

    Phone: (631) 444-2113


    Applications are available through the American Medical College Application Services (AMCAS) at:

    *The submission of false or misleading information in the application materials or in connection with the application process shall be the grounds for rejection. If such submission is discovered after the rendering of an offer of admission, matriculation in the school, or award of the degree, it shall be grounds for withdrawal of the acceptance offer, for dismissal, or for revocation of degree.


    The MD degree is, and must remain, a broad undifferentiated degree attesting to the mastery of general knowledge in all fields requisite for entry into graduate medical education programs (residencies) of diverse types. It follows that medical school graduates must possess the essential knowledge and skills to function in a broad variety of clinical situations and to render a wide spectrum of patient care in a safe and effective manner.

    The School of Medicine faculty has, therefore, specified certain criteria (Technical Standards) which all medical students are expected to meet in order to participate in the entire medical education program and the practice of medicine. These Technical Standards are not intended to deter any candidate or enrolled student for whom reasonable accommodation will allow the fulfillment of the complete curriculum. Candidates for admission, academic promotion, and graduation must meet these Technical Standards, with or without reasonable accommodation. These criteria include the following five categories: 1) observation and participation; 2) communication; 3) motor; 4) intellectual, conceptual, integrative and quantitative abilities; and 5) behavioral and social attributes. A copy of the Technical Standards may be obtained from the Admissions Office.

    MD CURRICULUM - 4 Year MD Program

    The Stony Brook School of Medicine LEARN (Learning-focused, Experiential, Adaptive, Rigorous, Novel) curriculum provides the opportunity for extensive and integrated training in the basic medical sciences and clinical disciplines of medicine. There are three distinct phases in LEARN: Phase I – the Foundational Phase – of 18 months; Phase II – the Primary Clinical Phase – of 12 months; and Phase III – the Advanced Clinical Phase – of 16 months. “Transition” courses occur at key transitional times in students’ medical training. Five themes of care are woven across the entire curriculum: Patient-Centered Care, Evidence-Based Care, Patient Safety and Quality Care, Ethical and Professional Care, and Health Promotion and Preventive Care. 

    Phase I

    Phase I begins with Transition to Medical and Dental School (TMDS), a one-week course that is designed to foster new medical students’ transition from a lay person to a medical professional in training. TMDS is followed by a 24-week course organized into four distinct components – The Body (anatomy); Molecular Foundations of Medicine (biochemistry; cellular biology and physiology; and pharmacologic principles); Pathogens and Host Defense (integrating immunology, inflammation, microbiology and immunologic diseases); and Basic Mechanisms of Disease (integrating histology, general pathology, hematologic and neoplastic diseases, and dermatologic diseases). Phase I concludes with a 36-week sequence of five systems-based Integrated Pathophysiology courses: Cardiovascular-Pulmonary-Renal, Gastrointestinal, Endocrine-Reproductive, and Mind-Brain-Behavior (which integrates fundamental neuroanatomy and neuroscience with neuropathology and psychiatric disorders). Integrated across the systems blocks are physiology, histology, pathology, histopathology, pharmacology and therapeutics.

    Three longitudinal courses span the entire Phase I: Introduction to Clinical Medicine (ICM), Themes in Medical Education (TIME), and Medicine in Contemporary Society (MCS). ICM introduces students to the clinical skills required to examine and integrate clinical information from patient history and physical exam. MCS introduces students to ethical and social issues in current health care. TIME are week-long units that bridge key content across the curriculum. TiME weeks have a patient focus within an active learning environment.

    Phase I provides time during the first summer for research, clinical shadowing, global health studies, and/or a vacation. 

    Phase II

    Phase II, the Primary Clinical Phase, begins with a 1-2 week Transition to Clinical Care course (TCC) followed by four 12-week blocks of core clerkships: internal medicine (8wks) and primary care medicine (4wks); pediatrics (6wks) and obstetrics and gynecology (6wks); surgery (8wks), emergency medicine (2wks) and anesthesiology (2wks); psychiatry (6wks), neurology (4wks) and radiology (2wks). Some 12-week clerkship blocks will be capped by a one-week Translational Pillar, which integrates cutting edge basic science and translational medicine in the context of clinical care.

    Primary clinical clerkships are completed at Stony Brook University Hospital, as well as other major teaching affiliates.

    Phase III

    Phase III, the Advanced Clinical Phase, spans 18 months and offers students maximum flexibility. Students complete a 4-week Selective, a 4-week sub-internship (in anesthesiology, family medicine, medicine, pediatrics, psychiatry, surgery, emergency medicine, ob/gyn, orthopaedics, or urology), an individualized 2-week Advanced Clinical Experience, and a 4-week Transition to Residency course. Students also complete a minimum of 26 weeks of electives.

    School of Medicine Academic Policy and Procedures: 

    MD CURRICULUM - 3 Year MD Program

    The Stony Brook School of Medicine's 3-Year MD program (3YMD) is a program that offers a limited number of students who have already been accepted into Stony Brook School of Medicine's 4-year MD program the opportunity to complete their MD in three years.  Students who are accepted into the 3YMD track are also offered conditional acceptance into a Stony Brook School of Medicine residency program of their choice.  3YMD students are required to complete academic courses before Phase I of the LEARN curriculum begins in August.  3YMD students are also required to complete ten weeks of academic credits within the graduate medical education (GME/residency) program of their choice during the summer between their first and second years.  The completion of summer academic credits allows 3YMD students to fulfill the requirements for an MD degree, as designated by the LCME, in three years.  3YMD students will complete Phase I and Phase II of the LEARN curriculum in its entirety, and Phase III will be modified. 

    The academic requirements for the 4-year and 3-year MD programs are similar; however, students in the 3YMD track are expected to achieve additional explicit academic and progressional standards.  Students in the 3YMD track who encounter academic difficulties will not be able to complete all of the requirements for the MD degree in three years.  Such students will exit the 3YMD track and enter the 4-year MD program.  Upon exiting the 3YMD track, these students will lose the GME spot they held and must enter the main Match for securing a residency.

    Students accepted to the 3YMD track are not permitted to take a year off for research, and they will not be able to participate in joint degree programs (MD/MPH, MD/MBA, MD/MA).  Students in the 3YMD track have the option to switch to the 4-year MD program.

    School of Medicine Academic Policy and Procedures:


    Stony Brook University Hospital (SBUH) is Long Island’s premier academic medical center serving the healthcare needs of Long Island residents. With 603 beds, SBUH serves as the region’s only tertiary care center and Level 1 Trauma Center, and is home to the Stony Brook Heart Institute, Stony Brook Cancer Center, Stony Brook Children’s Hospital, Stony Brook Neurosciences Institute, and Stony Brook Digestive Disorders Institute. At any given time ~150 Stony Brook School of Medicine students and ~350 residents of all specialties are receiving experiential training at SBUH. 

    Stony Brook Medicine is partnering with hospitals from Manhattan to Montauk to create a clinically integrated network to serve the residents of Long Island.
    In August 2016, Stony Brook Medicine and the Mount Sinai Health System entered into an affiliation agreement that includes collaboration on research, academic programs and clinical care initiatives. The two institutions launched the partnership to heighten academic and research synergies and to promote discovery, provide expanded clinical trials for both institutions and achieve breakthroughs in understanding and treating disease.
    In separate agreements, Southampton Hospital and Eastern Long Island Hospital (ELIH) have joined the Stony Brook Medicine healthcare system to transform healthcare on the East End of Long Island.

    The Mount Sinai affiliation will revolutionize medical research by combining expertise from two premier medical schools. Mount Sinai and Stony Brook will collaborate to develop a wide range of research programs in fields including biomedical engineering and computer science; drug discovery and medicinal chemistry sciences; neuroscience, neurology and psychiatry; basic biology and novel therapeutics; and, public health and health systems.

    The affiliation will capitalize on Stony Brook’s expertise in mathematics, high-performance computing, imaging, and the physical and chemical sciences, as well as Mount Sinai’s strengths in biomedical and clinical research, and health policy and outcomes.

    Through the relationship, the schools will develop joint graduate and medical educational programs in all areas, leveraging the strength of existing master’s and doctoral programs at each institution. Students will have the opportunity to take classes on both campuses, allowing them to learn new techniques and expand their learning capacity. Mount Sinai and Stony Brook will also build summer programs for undergraduate, graduate and postgraduate students.

    Mount Sinai and Stony Brook will invest a combined $500,000 to launch competitive and unique pilot programs, with the intent to receive collaborative external funding. Projects will be determined and overseen by a committee composed of three representatives from each institution.

    In January 2015, the State University of New York (SUNY) Board of Trustees approved Southampton Hospital to join the Stony Brook Medicine healthcare system. Now called Stony Brook Southampton Hospital, the 125-bed facility joined Stony Brook Medicine on Aug. 1, 2017.The two institutions will work closely together to improve healthcare quality and access, coordination of care and efficiency for patients across the East End of Long Island.

    And in May 2016, the SUNY Board of Trustees approved Eastern Long Island Hospital (ELIH), a 90-bed hospital on the North Fork of Long Island, to join the Stony Brook Medicine healthcare system as well.
    Stony Brook has enjoyed longstanding relationships with both hospitals in providing healthcare services for the East End of Long Island for many years. Now we are building on our collaboration to provide care in ways that are even more complementary, efficient and effective.

    Patients will benefit from these partnerships because they help the hospitals match the level of care provided to the level of care needed. They also help address the challenges of healthcare reform by cultivating a broader, stronger network of hospitals and healthcare providers to improve efficiency, control costs and better coordinate care across Suffolk County.

    Pending approval by regulatory and various New York State agencies, our planned collaborations will bring together the intimacy and accessibility of high-quality community hospitals with the specialized clinical resources and educational programs of an academic medical center, in a complementary fashion.

    Our vision is to create the pre-eminent healthcare delivery system for Long Island, working together with Mount Sinai, Southampton Hospital, Eastern Long Island Hospital and other regional hospitals, post-acute care providers, care management organizations, community-based organizations, behavioral health providers and community physician practices.


    Grading Policy:

    An important goal of the LEARN curriculum is to provide students with interdisciplinary courses that are integrated to the greatest possible extent. Students will be evaluated on both acquisition of knowledge and skills and professional development and values. Advancement throughout medical school will depend on acquiring a good medical knowledge base, achieving basic bedside skills, communicating competently, and demonstrating professional values. Students must successfully complete the entire LEARN curriculum to graduate.

    The School of Medicine uses a 3-tier system of grading for Phase I courses: Honors, Pass, Fail. Core clinical clerkships, sub-internships and elective rotations in Phases II and III are graded on a 5-tier system: Honors, High Pass, Pass, Low Pass, Fail. Core clinical clerkships require passage of an NBME subject exam at the 5th percentile level, at minimum, as determined by the latest academic year norms from the NBME for examinee performance. A ‘Z’ may be given in a clinical course to a student who has passed other elements of a course, but failed the initial attempt of the NBME subject exam for that course. A second failure converts the Z to a Z/F. If the student passes the make-up subject exam, the Z is converted to a P.  Transition courses, short-course electives and longitudinal courses are graded on a Pass/Fail basis.

    Other recorded grades include I (Incomplete), W (Withdrawal), and PO (Placed-Out). An Incomplete signifies that extenuating circumstances, usually out of the student's control, have prevented the student from completing the course requirements. A grade of Incomplete will be replaced by the final grade when the student completes the requirement. Withdrawal signifies that the student withdrew before completing course objectives. Placed-Out signifies that the student was given credit for a course by (a) having previously taken the same or a similar course and/or (b) by passing an exam deemed appropriate and sufficient by the course director.

    Academic Standing:  

    A student in good standing:

    1. Has passing grades in all courses, clerkships, electives, standardized patient exams and other mandatory exercises; and
    2. Has passed appropriate USMLE exams in the recommended time period during medical school; and
    3. Is not on academic probation; and
    4. Behaves in accordance with high standards of professional and academic ethics.

    The Committee on Academic and Professional Progress (CAPP) may review the record of any student who loses good standing. Absent an exception granted by CAPP, only students in good standing will be permitted to begin a new Phase. Loss of good standing ends a student's eligibility for some special programs or activities, e.g. the Scholarly Concentrations Program, approval for conference travel, and permission to take clinical electives at other institutions. Loss of good standing results in loss of eligibility for educational loans. For purposes of international electives, due to travel arrangements involved, academic good standing will be assessed based on the student's record one semester before travel. However, students with concerns of chronic marginality may not be eligible for international electives or research scholarships. In such situations, the Vice Dean for UGME will make the final decision regarding such eligibility.

    Students are placed on academic probation by CAPP as a warning that they are in danger of suspension or dismissal. CAPP may put a student on academic probation if the student:

    1. Fails any course, clerkship, elective, or mandatory exercise;
    2. Has been cited for lack of acceptable academic ethics or professional behavior;
    3. Does not pass USMLE Step I in a timely manner;
    4. Has two or more Incompletes and /or "Z" 's;
    5. Has a pattern of marginal academic performance.

    The CAPP may remove a student from academic probation after the student has, to the satisfaction of the committee, remedied the problem giving rise to probation. All assignments to probationary status will appear in the student's MSPE letter. The student will return to good standing upon completion of the required remediation and the required probation period.

  • Combined Degree Programs

    Combined Degree Programs

    Medical Scientist (MD/PhD) Training Program

    Stony Brook University, in conjunction with Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory and Brookhaven National Laboratory, sponsors a medical scientist training program (MSTP) leading to both the MD and PhD degrees. The purpose of the MSTP, partially funded by a competitive grant from the National Institutes of Health, is to train academic medical scientists for both research and teaching in medical schools and research institutions. Graduates of this program are equipped to study major medical problems at the basic level, and at the same time, to recognize the clinical significance of their discoveries.

    Students enrolled in the MSTP attend medical school for two years and then pursue graduate study for three to four years. Upon completion of their graduate studies, students re-enter medical school and complete their clinical training. However, variations in this program of study can also be undertaken. 

    Students matriculated into the MSTP are considered to have been accepted into both the Medical School and the Graduate School (with an undeclared major for the latter; specific programs of study, e.g. Genetics, Pharmacology, or Neuroscience, are chosen at a later time). 

    MD/MPH Program

    The Program in Public Health at Stony Brook offers a Master of Public Health (MPH) degree, which can be obtained with the MD degree. The combined program requires the completion of all School of Medicine requirements for a Medical Doctorate (MD) and all 54 credits of the MPH program. However, the School of Medicine will accept the following MPH courses which will be applied towards 8-10 weeks of electives: HPH 506, HPH 507, HPH 514, and HPH 508. In addition, the Program in Public Health will accept 6-9 credits from the School of Medicine for their Introduction to Clinical Medicine, Medicine in Contemporary Society, and Themes in Medical Education modules that will substitute for a 3-credit course within the core MPH curriculum and 3-6 credits within the respective concentration. Students are able to select one of the three MPH concentrations – Health Analytics, Community Health, and Health Policy & Management - when matriculating into the combined program

    MD/MBA Program

    The School of Medicine and the College of Business have created a combined MD/MBA program. The purpose of the combined degree program is to prepare students for a management career in the health care field. The MD/MBA program combines a 4 year MD degree and a 48 credit (16 courses) MBA degree. Students in the combined MD/MBA degree complete MBA courses including finance, financial accounting, marketing, leadership, technological innovation, operations management, ethics and law, and business planning. Students are expected to either complete the majority of their MBA degree prior to starting their medical degree or after they have completed the medical degree. Due to the rigorous structure of the medical program students should not be taking classes from both programs during a given semester. There are two courses that overlap between both programs to integrate the two degrees. These courses are MBA 507 - Ethics and Law and MBA 522 - Industry Project which will be taken as electives in the medical program and will also count towards the MBA degree. Students receive both degrees upon completion of the entire program. If a student decides to leave before completing both degrees, he or she would receive the MD or MBA if he or she completed the course requirements for one of the degrees.

    MD/MA Program

    The joint MD/MA Program is offered on a selective basis for up to 2 medical students each year. In addition to their coursework, these students enroll in the MD with Scholarly Concentration Program and take an additional 18 credits from the MA Program in Medical Humanities, Compassionate Care and Bioethics. Students in the MD/MA Program receive a joint MD/MA upon graduation.

    Scholars for Medicine Program (Bachelors/MD)

    Stony Brook University offers an integrated eight-year program for students interested in attending medical school following their undergraduate degree. The Scholars for Medicine (SFM) track offers selected students in the Honors College and WISE an opportunity to complete a combined Bachelor’s/MD course of study while participating in pre-medical classes and activities. The Engineering Scholars for Medicine (ESFM) track offers selected students in the College of Engineering and Applied Sciences an opportunity to complete the rigorous training required of all engineers in ABET accredited programs while participating in pre-medical classes and activities. Students accepted into either of these tracks are reserved a seat in Stony Brook University’s School of Medicine upon graduation provided they complete all applicable program requirements.


  • Dietetic Internship Program


    The Stony Brook University Dietetic Internship Program offers two tracks, On-site and Distance. This program has a clinical nutrition therapy emphasis. 

    The on-site track begins each September and includes 68 hours of orientation and seminars, 38 weeks of rotations/required program days, and RD exam review sessions. The distance track includes 37.5 hours of orientation, 1040.5 block rotations (nutrition therapy, food service, community nutrition, elective, renal), 28 hours of a longitudinal research module and 24 hours of Evaluation & Review sessions. Orientation begins in July for the Distance track and early September for the On-site track. On-site interns attend seminars on Mondays and rotations are Tuesday through Friday every week. Distance intern progress is tracked with bi-weekly videocalls with a Stony Brook faculty member. The internship year concludes in early May for the Distance track and early June for the On-site track. Upon successful completion of the Dietetic Internship Program, and attainment of a graduate degree, interns are eligible to sit for the registration examination. Upon passing the CDR exam and receiving RD designation through the CDR, students can then apply for state licensure.

    Admission Requirements

    Applicants are required to have a baccalaureate degree from an accredited college or university, a preferred minimum grade point average of 3.0, and an Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics verification statement of completion for a didactic program and a master's Degree (any field)* - applicants without a master's degree who match to Stony Brook University DI will be required to apply to the MS in Nutrition at Stony Brook University.

    Refer to the program website for information on the application screening and interview process and additional admission requirements. 


    The Dietetic Internship Program at Stony Brook Medicine, at State University of New York, is accredited by the Accreditation Council for Education in Nutrition and Dietetics (ACEND) of the Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics, 120 South Riverside Plaza, Suite 2190, Chicago, IL 60606-6995,(800) 877-160 ext. 5400 (phone), (email), (website).

  • MS in Professional Nutrition Practice


    The Nutrition Division within the Department of Family, Population and Preventive Medicine at Stony Brook Medicine offers a Master of Science in Professional Nutrition Practice (50 credits. This program was designed to prepare students to become professional dietitians/nutritionists. The program is a 16-month 50-credit program, with 33 credits of didactic coursework integrated with 17 credits of supervised experiential learning. It is a competency-based program designed to meet the accreditation standards and required competencies of Accreditation Council for Education in Nutrition and Dietetics (ACEND). There are two concentrations, Advanced Nutrition Therapy & Critical Care and Integrative Nutrition Therapy, as well as a generalist track. The curriculum is organized into 4 content units: Nutrition Therapy, Food Service Systems & Management, Community Nutrition & Public Health and Research & Quality Improvement, and within each of these units the appropriate didactic coursework is completed prior to, or concurrent with, the relevant supervised experiential learning courses. All didactic coursework will be delivered via distance education. Graduates of the program will be eligible to sit for the national registration examination administered by the Commission on Dietetic Registration required to become a Registered Dietitian (RD).

    This graduate nutrition program provides a comprehensive course of study in advanced nutrition topics to prevent and manage disease, as well as optimize health through food and nutrition strategies. Expert faculty members, currently working in the field, will provide instruction on evidence-based, timely nutrition therapies and facility the development of strong knowledge base and counseling skill set. Concentrations offer students the option of selecting a program emphasis, allowing for a more individualized curriculum to match with a student’s interests and career development goals.


    Applicants must possess a baccalaureate degree from an accredited college or university and have satisfied certain prerequisite requirements, including a preferred GPA of a 3.0 or higher.  For more detailed information, please refer to our website.


    To satisfy degree requirements, each student must complete 50 credits. Students have up to five years to complete the coursework and all didactic coursework can be completed online. Students must earn a minimum of a C+ in all didactic coursework and a minimum of a B+ in all supervised experiential learning coursework. Their overall GPA must remain at 3.0 or higher to remain in good academic standing. If a student earns less than a C+ in a course, that course must be retaken. 

    Applications and complete program information can be accessed online on the program's website

  • MS in Nutrition


    The Nutrition Division within the Department of Family, Population and Preventive Medicine at Stony Brook Medicine offers a fully online Master of Science in Nutrition degree program. The graduate nutrition program provides a comprehensive course of study in advanced nutrition topics to prevent and manage disease, as well as optimize health through food and nutrition strategies. Expert faculty members, currently working in the field, will provide instruction on evidence-based, timely nutrition therapies and facility the development of strong knowledge base and counseling skill set. Program concentrations offer students the option of selecting a program emphasis, allowing for a more individualized curriculum to match with a student’s interests and career development goals. In addition to the general course sequence option, concentrations are available in:

    • Advanced Nutrition Therapy & Critical Care 
    • Integrative Nutrition Therapy

    Admission into these concentrations requires submission of a DPD verification statement. For students without this, a generalist option is available.

    Core courses include Macronutrients and Metabolic Regulation, Advanced Nutrition in Clinical Practice I, Advanced Communication and Counseling, Research Methods in Nutrition, Statistics, and Applications of Nutrition Research Literature. 

    The Program is designed to meet the needs of students with varying backgrounds, including practicing physicians, dietitians/nutritionists and other health care practitioners with strong practical skills, as well as post-baccalaureate students training to be health care providers with more recent basic science training. It is not for those seeking a program to meet requirements for the registration examination. *

    *This program does not prepare graduates for admission into an accredited dietetic internship, which is necessary to sit for the national registration examination for dietitians/nutritionists. Therefore, this program is most appropriate for those who have already completed an ACEND accredited undergraduate nutrition program, or passed their registration exam, as well as professionals who desire a graduate degree in nutrition for career advancement.


    Applicants must possess a baccalaureate degree from an accredited college or university and have satisfied certain prerequisite requirements, including a preferred GPA of a 3.0 or higher.  For more detailed information, please refer to our website.


    To satisfy degree requirements, each student must complete 36 credits. Students have up to five years to complete the coursework and all coursework can be completed online. Students must earn a minimum of a C+ in any one course, and their overall GPA must remain at 3.0 or higher to remain in good academic standing. If a student earns less than a C+ in a course, that course must be retaken.

    Applications and complete program information can be accessed online on the program's website